Liu Chuhe was dumbfounded when he saw the reply from the little blacksmith in Milan. What did this guy say?

S-level auxiliary medicine? Produced?


Probably not!

Otherwise, this newcomer would not specifically ask the Milanese blacksmith for S-level auxiliary potions.

So this guy has very, very close people who are senior executives in the three major auxiliary pharmaceutical companies?

Or is he actually not a blacksmith, but a senior executive of an auxiliary pharmaceutical company?

Auxiliary medicine?

Now that the college entrance examination has begun, I haven't made a breakthrough yet. The competition in Huangsang City is okay, but what will happen when the provincial competition is held? Do you expect Shen Zhaodi to be alone?

If the little blacksmith can get himself an auxiliary potion, will he have a chance to break through?

Liu Chuhe clicked on the profile picture of the little blacksmith in Milan. Just when he was about to chat privately, his hand stopped for a moment.

I have always been the image of a great god in the little blacksmith's mind. If I asked him this, wouldn't I be destroying my image in his mind?

Someone just invited someone into the group, so why can't I get a vest and invite myself into the group myself?

Liu Chuhe quickly registered a small account and then pulled himself into the group.

Half of the country is a group of mountains and rivers.

Hexagon Warrior joins group chat.

In the group, a group of old people were instantly blown out.

Demon City Sea King: "What's going on? I haven't seen any new people come for a year. Today, two new people came in."

Hot beauty: "New here, who brought you in?"

Liu Chu wouldn't pay any attention to this guy, so what kind of beauty is he?

This person, the more he lacks something, the more he brags about himself and says he is a beauty, he must be a dinosaur.

Besides, the great mage didn't say who brought him in, so I won't say.

Just as he was thinking about it, an ID that rarely bubbled up appeared in the group.

Wild area breeder: "Who invited the two new people to come in? Let's talk about it, not to mention kicking them. We are half of the country, and we can't get in just because we want to."

Half of the group leaders of the Jiangshan Group have gone somewhere long ago, or are dead, but there are still managers, and the wild area breeder is one of the three managers.

There is also a manager who is a young blacksmith from Milan. As for the other manager, I have not seen him speak once in this year.

The words of the wild breeder appeared, I am the archmage, and the men's football coach Aite went crazy in the group.

Half a minute later, the men's football coach appeared.

"I'm inspecting the team members. What should I do, Aite? Oh? Who brought them in? I brought them in."

Inspection team?

Liu Chuhe was a little surprised. This guy couldn't really be a football coach, right? It was the time of the national college entrance competition. Is this men's football coach from a certain martial arts university? Go to various places to inspect students?

The number one genius in the universe: "So, this great mage is one of your team members to inspect? Does your foot smell?"

Men's football coach: "Whether your feet smell bad or not, you can smell it yourself. Also, he has something to do with a player I'm inspecting."

Pulling him in, apart from the fact that he wanted auxiliary medicine, there was another point: he was studying a very interesting topic. I won’t say anything anymore. I will continue to inspect the team members. You can let him speak for himself. "

I am the Archmage: "What I am studying is how to ensure that the gene chain of alien beasts can be extracted.

When we fight against alien beasts, after killing the alien beasts, the gene chains of the alien beasts are damaged. So is it possible to repair their damaged genes? "

"Very thoughtful."

"I have also considered this issue and have studied it. What is the direction of your research?"

"It's a very interesting topic, we can focus on it."

Liu Chuhe looked at the people in the group who suddenly became excited with a speechless expression. Sure enough, these were all a group of lunatics.

Still want to study how to repair the genes of alien animals?

How is it possible that people from various countries have not studied this problem, but so far there has been no success, and you crazy people just want to study it? You are thinking shit.

During the heated discussion, a strange avatar and name appeared.

Jungle Breeder: "Hexagon Warrior, who invited you?"

Hexagon Warrior: "I'm not the Archmage."

I am the Archmage: "I didn't invite you, I just joined the group."

Jungle breeder: "I'm not talking about you@I'm not a great mage."

Liu Chuhe was convinced. Is there any need to be so serious? I have to use another account to say it. Don't you know that switching accounts is troublesome?

He quickly switched accounts and typed in the group.

I am not a great mage: "I invited you, this is my disciple."

The number one genius in the universe: "Apprentice? Aren't you a student? Do you have an apprentice? You got a kid from kindergarten? The kid calls him uncle, and he takes you to see goldfish."

Liu Chu had already discovered that the first genius in the universe was always seeking death in various ways, and he liked to tease and provoke everyone he saw.

You also took me to see goldfish. Believe it or not, I will take you to Olia to see big snakes!

Group notification: The number one genius in the universe was banned for 999 minutes by the administrator Milan Little Blacksmith.

Well, not bad, Comrade Blacksmith is still ideologically aware.

Liu Chuhe quickly typed: "Too busy. Most of the accounts are used by apprentices."

Little Blacksmith from Milan: “Welcome newcomers!”

A distant demon city.

On the outskirts of the city, in an extremely vast factory, in the tallest building, in a luxurious office, an old man stared at his mobile phone and muttered to himself: "Apprentice?

I understood. I asked why I was not a great god like the Archmage. Why did I always give people the feeling of a child before? It turned out that I was his apprentice. "

Liu Chuhe quickly switched to his own trumpet, and then the little blacksmith Atmilan asked: "Is there any S-level auxiliary medicine suitable for the Juyuan level?"

"Yes!" The little blacksmith in Milan didn't think about it at all. He didn't care whether it was there or not. He said it first and then said it later. The master's apprentice asked him for help, which is equivalent to the master asking him for help. How could he not do it?

I am the Archmage:...

He really wanted to type the word "gan"!

Obviously I was the first to join the group, and I was the first to ask, but it turned out that there were no Galaxy-level ones, but there were Juyuan-level ones, right?

Liu Chuhe stared at his mobile phone with wide eyes. This little blacksmith from Milan had something up his sleeve. A limited number of S-level auxiliary potions. Did he agree to it so easily? What's this guy's background?

I can’t find the price of the S-level auxiliary medicine online. I don’t know how much this guy wants to ask me.

Just as he was thinking about it, his phone rang again.

It's his trumpet.

Milan Little Blacksmith adds you as a friend through group chat.

Liu Chuhe nodded in agreement.

The little blacksmith in Milan: "Disciple of the Great God, tell me your location and where I should send the things."

"Huangsang City." Liu Chuhe replied quickly. The little blacksmith in Milan had sent him armor several times before, so there was no need to hide anything.

"Okay, it will arrive before tomorrow night."

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