Liu Chuhe was just in a trance, his feet had already landed on the ground, and he returned to the lair in the overlapping space of the Zhulong River.

He has used the Space Key too many times, and has become accustomed to the discomfort caused by traveling through space. Now he returns to normal with almost no stagnation when traveling through space.

He turned around and saw a huge and terrifying snake head.

Poisonous Water Ghost Snake!

This guy followed the opened space and came through!

Liu Chuhe turned around and ran away. This was a seven-star alien beast. He was only at the Juyuan level. He fought it because he was crazy.

He ran all the way out of the Golden Duck-billed Monster's lair and soon heard bursts of roaring sounds.

The poisonous water ghost snake crawled out of the capital's lair with a roar, its eyes filled with anger, and rushed towards Liu Chuhe.

"I'm chasing your sister, just take your time and play with yourself from here."

Liu Chuhe took the key of space and swiped it again, and the space split. He stepped into the space and returned to Huangsang City from the overlapping space of the Zhulong River.

"Still want to chase me? I don't know how many times I have played the key to space. Just stay with me when I come. Anyway, you still have many fellow villagers here, so you won't be lonely. As long as you don't stir up trouble, you will be killed. Just kill him."

Liu Chuhe stood outside the overlapping space of the Zhulong River, thinking as he walked: "I will get a highly venomous water ghost snake. It can't reproduce on its own. What if it runs around again and is killed by other strange beasts?" What if I kill him?

I need to get a few more to come back...

No, I can get the poisonous water ghost snake back to the overlapping space of the Zhulong River. Why can't I get that skeleton snake back? "

Liu Chuhe shook his head vigorously: "I must be crazy, the Nine-Star Alien Beast, no matter how fleshy I am, can kill me instantly. What did I think? My head must have been contaminated by that girl Shen Zhaodi!

If you can't waste it, you should just go get the poisonous water ghost snake. "

He quickly found the only place where he could enter the overlapping space of Olia Gubert, took out the space key to open the space, and entered the overlapping space of Bert.

Burt in overlapping space.

All the Olia geneticists who have been training here have gone crazy.

"Shit, why is there another alien riot?"

"What bastard went to provoke the strange beast in the lake again!"

"damn it!"

"Since those students have been practicing here, the frequency of the fluctuations of the alien beasts in Burt's space has become higher and higher. Those students should not be allowed to practice here!"

"Run, run! Bert can't stay in the overlapping space anymore."

"Don't come here again."

As soon as Liu Chuhe entered Burt's overlapping space and his feet touched the ground, he felt the vibration of the earth.

In the distance, smoke and dust billowed, and the roars of beasts could still be heard faintly.

"Sure enough, these guys rioted again."

He suddenly thought of a question: "These strange beasts have gone crazy and are running around. Is the lake empty? Go over and take a look. Anyway, I have the key to space. I just run away when I encounter danger."

That skeleton snake is guarding there so tightly, there must be something good in it. If there is a treasure, wouldn't I be rich? "

Liu Chuhe avoided the area where the alien beasts were violent and quickly ran towards the lake.

Although many of the strange beasts in Potter's overlapping space were already rioting and were about to cause a beast tide, the closer they got to the direction of Potter's overlapping space, the calmer they became.

You can see from a distance that there is an extremely huge skeleton snake floating on the lake. Its head is almost as big as an ordinary tiger, and its whole body is more than thirty meters long in total, with two sides on both sides of its body. There's even a pair of skull wings.

Three-tailed snake!

Its entire body was exposed on the lake!


Without any hesitation, Liu Chuhe took out the key to space and drew it suddenly in front of him.

In the distance, the three-tailed snake's empty eyes once again revealed a strange red light, as if it was waking up from a deep sleep. Its huge skeleton wings suddenly flapped, and its huge body suddenly flew out.

In an instant, it flew in front of Liu Chuhe.

Liu Chuhe suddenly felt an extremely gloomy, dark, and frightening aura of terror coming towards his face. At this moment, he even had the illusion that he was already dead!

At this moment, he realized how insignificant he was in front of the nine-star beast.

Almost subconsciously, he rushed into the space door that had been opened.

Behind Liu Chuhe, the extremely huge three-tailed bone snake had opened its huge mouth, revealing its blade-like bone teeth and biting it down in one bite.

Liu Chuhe could even clearly hear the sound of bones colliding behind his butt.

The next moment, there was a loud crash. The sound was as loud as a mountain breaking. It made his ears hurt. Then he felt an extremely heavy object hit him.

He couldn't even remember how many times he had passed through the space gate. In the past, he always landed on both feet when he passed through the space gate, but this time he was hit and fell directly to the ground.

On the side is an extremely huge skull and snake head!

Three-tailed snake!

The moment Liu Chuhe saw the bone snake, he was so frightened that he put his hands and feet on the ground, jumped up, and ran quickly towards the outside of the nest.


His messy footsteps resounded from the lair, and behind him, there were sounds like something falling.

He didn't care, and continued to run forward until he ran out of the hole of the nest, and then looked back.

In the lair, the huge skeleton snake head has disappeared, and there are a bunch of white skeletons on the ground.

Liu Chuhe's body suddenly paused while he was charging forward.

"What happened? The skeleton? Is it dead? It followed me through a space and then died?

I don’t know how many strange beasts I brought from Bert’s overlapping space to the Zhulong River overlapping space. This is the first time I have encountered this situation. "

Liu Chuhe turned his head and walked towards the nest again. He looked at the white skeletons on the ground and slowly discovered the problem.

"It is obviously more than thirty meters long, but the current length is only a dozen meters, not even twenty meters.

So, because the body of this thing is too long, only half of the body entered the space door, and then the space door closed, and the rest of the body did not have time to enter, and then was cut in half? "

Liu Chuhe suddenly became happy: "Why do you have such a long body? Are you trying to ride on someone's face like a flying dragon? Are you a snake, not a dragon?"

It's a pity that it was cut off at the waist, and this gene chain cannot be extracted. Otherwise, wouldn't I be rich? "

He looked down at the pile of white bones in front of him and quickly put the teeth of the three-tailed snake into the space ring.

It's just a skeleton and there doesn't seem to be anything valuable. The only thing special is the teeth. I'll collect all the teeth first and then ask if I can sell them for money.

"This thing is chasing me, and other strange beasts are still running around. In other words, there are no strange beasts over there in the lake! Here's my chance!"

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