While Shen Zhaodi was fighting with the opponent, she kept paying attention to her surroundings. When she saw the ice ball impacting, she quickly dodged to the side, so fast that she left an afterimage in the air.

The ice ball hit, and the afterimage did not even disappear. The ice ball broke through the afterimage and hit the opponent's warrior heavily.

Although there were many battles going on at the scene, most people were paying attention to the battle in the No. 1 arena. The moment Shen Zhaodi dodged the ice ball, a gasp suddenly sounded in the huge competition hall.

In the live broadcast room, countless viewers immediately exclaimed.


"How could you escape!"

"How could she avoid the attack of the frost ice ball at such a close distance!"

Ding Liyue looked down blankly, unable to say a word. She was an assassin herself, and a powerful late-Galaxy-level assassin!

But she was not sure that she could avoid the attack of the frost ice ball at such a close distance, but Shen Zhaodi dodged it, and she did it while fighting someone.

How could a high school student in the early days of Galaxy do this?


While she was in shock, a chain of lightning flew past and shot directly at Shen Zhaodi.

After Sun Shengnan, Ding Zizi also released her chain skills.

Shen Zhaodi dodged again. The moment she dodged the lightning, the frost ice ball hit again.

"She dodged, and Shen Zhaodi dodged again. She was like an elf, dancing between lightning and frost, while her opponent looked so bulky in comparison with her.

She was too fast, far faster than she had shown before, she didn't look like the early stage of the galaxy at all.

Watching her fight is like appreciating art! "

In the live broadcast room, Zhang Hehei had already stood up and was praising Shen Zhaodi crazily.

Not only him, but also the well-informed teachers of the Wuhan University also stood up and looked at the slender figure.

Shen Zhaodi was not affected by the frost ice ball and lightning dance, but Wen Le'an and the others were unable to dodge the attack at all.

But Shen Zhaodi did not fight head-on with Wen Le'an and the others, but rushed towards the rear of the opposite side.

Behind him, the mage on the opposite side was still using his chain skills to attack Ding Zizi and Sun Shengnan. Suddenly, a figure flashed in front of his eyes.

not good!

He was instantly startled and backed away.

But the figure did not rush in front of him, but went to one side to kill the only healer on their team.

The origin energy of Shen Zhaodi's body was circulating to the extreme, and a scorpion tail shadow appeared under her feet.

The golden chain technique is broken!

With this attack, she had no reservations, showing off her full strength in the mid-Galaxy stage.

After one blow, the dagger in her other hand stabbed out again.

She was really too fast. In just a short moment, she stabbed out four times in succession, hitting the opponent's vitals directly with her swords.

The only healer of the All-Conquering Team didn't even have the chance to react and use the healing chain skill on himself. The protective device on his body had exploded, and at the same time, it had set up a shield visible to the naked eye, covering Shen Zhaodi. block the attack.

Because of the protective device, he did not die, but he was defeated.

He can no longer use chain skills or interfere with the game in any way, otherwise their team will be directly sentenced to lose.

It is a normal thing for an assassin to defeat a healer. But at this time, the expressions of the teachers from major martial arts universities and the principals of various schools who were watching the battle changed drastically.

"Mid Galaxy!"

"She is in the middle of the galaxy!"

"With this speed, this kind of attack power, and the power unleashed by the chain technique, she must be in the middle stage of the Galaxy without a doubt!"

"It's just high school, it's already the middle of the galaxy!"

After Shen Zhaodi defeated the opponent's healer, she quickly turned around and attacked the opponent's mage.

A mage with no one to protect him faces an assassin who is much stronger than himself. The outcome is already doomed.

It wasn't until the opponent's mage fell that Wen Lean chased after him.

In the live broadcast room, Zhang Hehe was so excited that he was almost incoherent.

"Mid-term! I dare to use my reputation to guarantee that Shen Zhaodi is definitely an existence in the mid-term of Galaxy!

Do you know what this means?

It has been a hundred years, it has been a full hundred years, and there has never been a mid-Galaxy existence in the Huangsang City Entrance Examination!

Today, we once again saw the middle stage of Galaxy in the promotion competition, she is Shen Zhaodi!

However, she is the number one high school student in our Huangsang City within a hundred years!

What did I say? Shen Zhaodi killed indiscriminately! No one can stop her!

Invincible! "

He really didn't expect that Shen Zhaodi could be so powerful. He had already established the character of Shen Chui, and he couldn't do it without blowing. Who knew that even if he blew hard, he would get it right.

What else is there to say? Keep blowing hard!

In the live broadcast room, countless viewers listened to Zhang Hehe's words and were full of doubts.

"Is high school already in the middle of the galaxy? My education is low, don't lie to me."

"Why is it impossible? I heard that Dao City and Quan City also have geniuses from the middle stage of the Galaxy. Why can't we in Huangsang City?"

"Shen Zhaodi is really amazing. She is so powerful that she might actually be in the middle stage of the Galaxy."

"It's the middle stage of Galaxy. Look at the official introduction. Shen Zhaodi's introduction has been changed from the early stage of Galaxy to the middle stage of Galaxy!"

There was a lot of discussion on the Internet.

In the martial arts competition hall, the teachers from the major martial arts universities all stared at Shen Zhaodi closely, like wolves that had seen meat after being hungry for several days.

The outcome of this battle has been determined.

What they have to do now is to find ways to trick this talented girl into entering their school.

That's right, it's a lie.

Such a genius would normally enter a first-class martial arts university.

But there are exceptions to everything. In past years' promotion competitions, there have always been some geniuses who were tricked and missed by other martial arts universities. Everything depends on what they say.

Many teachers quickly contacted their schools.

"Principal, I discovered a genius!

What? Have you heard the word genius too many times? Tired of hearing this?

She is different, she is a real genius! Principal, take a look!

She is in the middle stage of the Galaxy level, and her combat skills and combat intuition are terrifying. The combat power she has shown is no worse than that of the late Galaxy level! "

"Principal, I sent you a video, please watch it!

What? Are you busy? No, you have to watch the video quickly!

No, principal, I am not teaching you how to do things. You will know after watching the video. Now, there are countless people waiting to recruit her into the school. We must hurry up, otherwise it will be too late! "

"Principal, have you seen the video? Yes, she is a child from an ordinary family.

I need more permissions! The highest authority, can you add conditions? Okay, okay, I understand, I will keep in touch with you at any time! "

"Principal, isn't this enough? What? The dean of the Assassin Academy is already on the way? Okay, I understand, I will definitely stabilize her!"

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