Director Lin listened to Han Xinian's words and broke through the power in a second. He saw Jing and Wei standing clearly on both sides. The two sides facing each other were a little surprised and said: " fought them?"

Ding Zizi and Sun Shengnan nodded repeatedly.

Director Lin was instantly furious. He suddenly turned his head, looked at the three people on the other side and said angrily: "Okay, in our Huangsang City Competition Hall, attack the participating team members and capture all three of them. Good trial!"

"Wait a minute..." Li Jiangge quickly explained, "Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings. The three of us are all students of Yuzhou Wuhan University."

"Students? You are students of Wuhan University. Then you have participated in the competition for higher education. Don't you know the rules of the competition? Arrest them all!" Director Lin's face was still extremely cold.

"Catch us?" Ding Liyue was immediately furious. He raised his finger and pointed at Shen Zhaodi and others and shouted, "What about them? Is this how you deal with it? Instead of arresting the one who strikes first, arrest us instead!"

Director Lin suddenly turned his head, his eyes as sharp as a sharp dagger piercing Ding Zizi's heart, and said coldly: "This is the martial arts competition hall for the college entrance examination. You are here to fight with the participating students, no matter who you are or what your reasons are. Everyone should follow us and accept our investigation!"

Li Jiangge looked at the guards coming one by one, with a look of panic on his face. How could things develop to this point?

Not only did he have a conflict with Shen Zhaodi, but he even attracted people from the governor's office and the government. Once he was taken away, what would the teacher think of him when he came?

It must not be taken away!

He continued to explain: "This adult is really a misunderstanding. We all know her. She is the sister of classmate Ding Zizi, and we are her teammates. How could we harm her relatives?

We are really students from Yuzhou Wuhan University. This time, we are the teacher responsible for the recruitment of Qilu Province. Now the teacher is rushing to Huangsang City. Our teacher wants to meet with classmate Shen. There may be some communication problems, which is why the conflict arises. Really. It's a misunderstanding. "

Ding Zhengcheng looked at both sides, sighed helplessly, and said: "We do know each other, and this..."

He was helpless. After all, these were his brother's daughter and her teammates. This was the room he had booked. He couldn't let them be taken away under his eyes.

"You don't need to explain. There is surveillance here. I will investigate and figure it out when I get back. Take them away!" Director Lin said with a big wave of his hand, indicating not to listen to these people anymore and take them away directly.

He definitely didn't mean to favor the people in Huangsang City. He did act according to the rules. When fighting against participating students in a martial arts competition hall, you must investigate clearly if the opponent is a member of a cult!

Several guards from the garrison quickly stepped forward and restrained the three Li Jiangge, especially the four guards who were holding Li Jiangge and Hu Chengxiao, and they were particularly hard on them.

We in Huangsang City have finally produced a genius. We still hope that she can be admitted to the Imperial Martial Arts University and the Magic City Martial Arts University. You guys come here to cause trouble. You really don’t want us in Huangsang City to get better, right?

Li Jiangge's face turned pale. How did things develop to this point?

It's over, everything is over. Don't ask for credit for yourself, teacher. If you go to the town guard house, it will be fine if the teacher doesn't deduct your credits after you return.


In the dark and dark world, Liu Chuhe stepped on the ground covered with countless bones, making crunching sounds one after another.

For more than a day, he kept killing, killing, killing, until he became numb.

There are too many skeletons here. After killing one batch, you will encounter the next batch of skeletons within a short time.

Moreover, these skeletons have very obvious territories. Unless the captain of the skeleton dies, those skeletons will not run around.

Unlike killing alien beasts in the overlapping space, which is more about the gene chain of the alien beasts, and to make money, when killing alien beasts here, he feels that what he gains more is not the gene chain, but his stick skills, but his combat experience.

Especially when fighting against Skeleton Captains, the wait is even greater. Not only do they have different weapons, but each Skeleton Captain has a different fighting style.

Even the skeleton captain who also uses a knife has different sword skills. It feels like he is really not fighting skeleton beasts, but fighting people.

"Click, click..."

Another burst of clicking sound came, the sound was dense and getting louder and louder.

Liu Chuhe suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound.

Soon, figures of skeletons appeared in his sight.

Different from the skeleton army he encountered before, the skeleton army in front of him did not have skeleton slaves. The number of skeleton soldiers, skeleton shield soldiers, and skeleton waiters doubled. In addition, there were two more skeleton slaves than before. No skeleton ever seen.

There were two hunched-backed skeletons with obviously longer arms than the other skeletons. They were holding a long bow in both hands and carrying a bundle of sharp bone arrows on their backs.

Skeleton Archer (five-star alien beast)

Chain skill:

Piercing (gold quality): The special understanding of bones allows each strike to avoid hard bones, and each strike has a shaving and penetration effect.

Penetration (gold quality): A full blow has a small (-) penetration effect, and at the same time causes reduced (-) damage.

Three-Star Chain of Arrows (Silver Quality): Shoots three arrows instantly, each arrow can cause reduced (-) damage.

This is really an army, with archers appearing! Still a five-star alien beast.

These two skeleton archers are five-star alien beasts. What about the leading alien beast in the middle?

Liu Chuhe looked between the two skeleton archers. The one was obviously much taller than the other skeletons, and there were two skeletons on the shoulders that protruded like shoulder pads.

Skeleton Guard (Six-Star Alien Beast)

Chain skill:

Piercing (gold quality): The special understanding of bones allows each strike to avoid hard bones, and each strike has a shaving and penetration effect.

Penetration (gold quality): A full blow has a small (-) penetration effect, and at the same time causes reduced (-) damage.

Skeleton Power (gold quality): The skeleton guard's bones are unusually thick, adding a small amount of (+) strength.

Liu Chuhe was confused, how come these skeletons almost all have two chain skills: piercing and penetrating? Is it ancestral?

As for chain skills that increase strength, the greater the strength, the greater the strength. This has a lot of benefits. If the power gap is too large, it can completely knock the opponent away. It can also have a knock-up effect.

And since he is strong, he will naturally hit people hard.

The six-star alien beast leads the team, and there are two five-star alien beasts. This team is obviously different from the team encountered before. Moreover, the skeleton team encountered before were all guarding the same place. Instead, this team seemed to be searching for something. thing.

"You're not here to find me, are you?"

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