Liu Chuhe waited outside the 4S store for a long time before he saw Shen Zhaodi.

Before he could speak, Shen Zhaodi dragged him towards the 4S shop.

"Wait a minute...why are you dragging me here?"

Although Shen Zhaodi's little hand is quite comfortable to hold, I just told you that I made a big discovery. Shouldn't you listen to me and let me go back to sleep? Why are you dragging me shopping?

"I came to you, of course, to buy gene chains." Shen Zhaodi said, looking down at Liu Chuhe's little hand that was holding her and squeezing her fat hand, and squeezed it with the other hand, and finally Didn't take any pictures.

Forget it, I have something to ask of you today, let me spare you for once.

"Why do you want to buy a gene chain?" Liu Chuhe's chubby hands kneaded for a while and he looked at Shen Zhaodi stupidly, "You can't do it, right? Have you made a breakthrough?"

Shen Zhaodi smiled and pretended to be calm: "It's just a breakthrough, it's not a big deal."

"You really made a breakthrough! You're just pretending." Liu Chuhe lowered his head slightly and carefully observed this beautiful face, "You must have broken through a little fast."

"Fortunately, when you were on the fourth level of Juyuan, when I was in the early stage of Galaxy, you broke through one level and reached the fifth level of Juyuan. I also broke through one level and reached the middle stage of Galaxy. It's normal."

Shen Zhaodi even shook her hair while speaking. In fact, since she met Liu Chuhe, her cultivation speed has indeed been much faster than before.

In the past, she joined a team to practice outside, and with Liu Chuhe, they were just the two of them, and she mainly relied on her to fight alone. Especially after having the key to space, they lost a lot of time to search for strange beasts. There are more strange beasts in this place, more battles, and the breakthrough speed is naturally faster than before.

What's more important is that she was too short of money before, otherwise she wouldn't be collecting protection money in school.

After joining Liu Chuhe, the number of points for killing alien beasts has changed from five to two, and the value of the alien beasts killed is also high.

Except for a short period of time when all her chain skills needed to be strengthened after she broke through from the Juyuan level to the Galaxy level, she had never been short of money.

With money, she can also directly purchase auxiliary medicines.

She used to buy auxiliary medicines intermittently, and she was reluctant to buy even B-level auxiliary medicines, let alone A-level ones.

There is no shortage of auxiliary potions, and with more experience, she will naturally practice faster.

In other words, this is the breakthrough speed she should have.

Liu Chuhe was so angry. Can Juyuan-level breakthroughs be the same as Galaxy-level breakthroughs? I, Liu Chuhe, would also be killed in Versailles one day.

Shen Zhaodi looked at Liu Chuhe, who was still in a daze, and tugged hard, dragging Liu Chuhe directly into the 4S shop, urging: "Don't forget what you said before, help me choose a gene chain. Look, there are There is no gene chain that I think is particularly suitable for me.”

"Okay, let me help you take a look." Liu Chuhe turned to look at the gene chains around him. He had been busy practicing for a while, and he really hadn't done much searching for gene chains with hidden chain skills in major 4S stores. .

As soon as he finished speaking, a fair-skinned saleswoman immediately came up to him and said with a smile on her face: "Classmate Shen, do you want to buy a gene chain? Is there anything I can help you with?"

Liu Chuhe looked back at Shen Zhaodi in surprise, and said jokingly: "I can't tell, you are quite famous, everyone knows you."

The saleswoman suppressed the excitement in her heart and maintained her professionalism: "Of course we know about Mr. Shen.

Now Classmate Shen is the number one celebrity in our Huangsang City. Especially after this morning's competition, classmate Shen has become an idol in Huangsang City! "

"Her? Idol?" Liu Chuhe suddenly felt as if he had missed hundreds of millions again. He turned to look at Shen Zhaodi and asked, "What did you do today?"

Shen Zhaodi lightly shrugged and said, "Nothing? I just played a few games."

Liu Chuhe didn't believe it at all: "After playing a few games, how can people say that you have become a national idol?"

The female salesperson interjected after hearing this: "In the last game of Classmate Shen, one person defeated the opponent's four galaxy-level masters. It was so cool. I don't know where else, but all the employees in our 4S store were fans." "

The saleswoman said and glanced at Liu Chuhe with a strange expression. She knew this fat man.

There are no old employees at 4S stores in Huangsang City who don't know this fat man.

During the summer vacation last year, this fat man was the number one public enemy of the 4S stores in Huangsang City. He came here every day to have a meal, and the manager wanted to blacklist him.

At that time, everyone also analyzed why this fat man wanted to take advantage of others.

Everyone felt that this little fat man should be an orphan without a father and mother. In their hearts, they still felt some sympathy for this little fat man.

Unexpectedly, after a while, I heard people from other 4S stores say that this little fat man seemed to be well-off and often went out to buy gene chains.

Later, the promotion competition was held.

Everyone talks about the Advancement Competition on weekdays, even those who come to buy gene chains also discuss the Advancement Competition. They don’t understand the Advancement Competition, so they haven’t been able to talk to others for a while. She also read a lot of news about the Advancement Competition.

With the popularity of the Justice Division, she discovered that the little fat man had become a geneticist, and he was very powerful, and he was still in a famous team like the Justice Division.

It's just that she couldn't understand. The four girls of the Justice Master were all so beautiful, so why did the little fat man get in?

She had seen a lot of analyzed videos and posts saying that there was a Galaxy-class tank in Huang Sang No. 2 Middle School where the Justice Division was located. If the Justice Division was short of tanks, why not get that Galaxy-class tank instead of this little fat guy? .

Now, looking at the two people holding hands, she finally solved the case!

This little fat guy went through the back door!

Shen Zhaodi came to buy the gene chain. Instead of looking for the three teammates who were fighting alongside her, she asked this little fat guy to come. See how close these two people are. Is there any need to think about this relationship?

These two are lovers!

She looked at Shen Zhaodi, who had a slender figure, especially the astonishing waist-to-hip ratio, which made her want to touch her as a woman. She was also incredibly beautiful.

He turned to look at Liu Chuhe again, and couldn't figure out why Shen Zhaodi, a girl with such outstanding appearance and even more amazing strength, known as the number one high school student in Huangsang City, could fall in love with Liu Chuhe, a fat man.

"So you are popular again!" Liu Chuhe listened to the saleswoman's words and put his hand on his heart, feeling a heartache.

I tried every possible means to get on the hot search list. It’s so difficult to get on the headlines, but your simplicity makes it popular.

The key is, I haven't participated in the competition today. Even if I went up and acted like a fool, I could still get a wave of popularity while standing aside. But I didn't go and I didn't even get a chance!

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