Wolves, no matter which world they are from, all have the same characteristic, ferocity!

After the three fear-toothed demon wolves discovered the humans who had intruded into their territory, they immediately launched an attack. They rushed towards Liu Chuhe from three directions.

Fangs charge!

Liu Chuhe quickly raised his shield to protect himself.

The next moment, two of the Dreadtooth Demonic Wolf's two fangs, which were almost twenty centimeters long and as sharp as daggers, bit the shield. There were two clear clicking sounds, and at the same time there was a huge impact. Come.

Liu Chuhe's body was knocked backwards and flew a distance of two to three meters, and fell heavily to the ground, stirring up bursts of smoke and dust.

The Horrible Tooth Demon Wolf is not as slender and fragile as the sucking evil mosquito. It cannot even push away a small gathering layer.

In Liu Chuhe's hand, the seemingly solid shield was penetrated, revealing two thumb-sized holes, and two visible cracks spread to all sides.

Before he could stand up, the second Horrible Tooth Demonic Wolf swooped down and bit him directly on the shoulder.

The armor on his shoulders was already somewhat shattered by the bites of the sucking mosquitoes, but it was completely shattered by the bite of the Horrible Tooth Demonic Wolf. Its sharp fangs were inserted directly into his body like daggers.


A layer of dense beads of sweat instantly appeared on Liu Chuhe's forehead in pain.

He had been besieged by alien beasts before, and he was in pain, but with the armor protecting his body, he could endure the pain.

But now, the sharp teeth directly penetrated his skin and penetrated into his body!

He had never experienced such pain in his previous life.

Instantly, he cried out in pain.

"Get away!"

Liu Chuhe waved the other unbroken shield and hit it hard on the nose of the fear-toothed demon wolf.

The nose of the Horrible Tooth Demon Wolf is extremely sensitive, but this is also its weakness. Under the pain, the Horror Tooth Demon Wolf loosened its mouth.

Liu Chuhe quickly stood up and ran towards the distance.

He tried his best to avoid other strange beasts, but he didn't have any sensory chain skills. As he ran, he attracted two more Dreadtooth Demonic Wolves.

The Horrible Tooth Demonic Wolf is the largest number of alien beasts in the three-star alien beast zone.

As Liu Chuhe ran, he looked at his injured shoulder. If he had been bitten by such terrifying fangs before becoming a geneticist, his entire shoulder might have been penetrated.

But now, although he does not have a defensive chain skill, the Origin Qi in his body is constantly flowing, protecting his body all the time.

His shoulder was not penetrated, and the blood flowing out of the wound was much slower than expected. Even as time passed, the injury on his shoulder became vaguely itchy, which was a sign of healing.

His chain skill can increase his vitality, which will make his vitality stronger and his recovery naturally faster.

Now he really knows why there are so few classmates who come to the Samsung Alien Beast Zone, but he can't even bear it, and the armor on his body is bitten into holes.

In the combat command room, everyone looked at the young man who was followed by five fear-toothed demon wolves with speechless expressions.

"This guy, instead of causing trouble in the two-star alien beast area, went to the three-star alien beast area again."

"In addition to hidden chain skills, what other chain skills does this kid have?"

"Send someone over quickly to eliminate those strange beasts."

According to the regulations, the students did not send a signal for help, and they should not intervene to interfere with the students' trials. But the problem is, this guy can really handle it. They have never seen a student who has just entered the third year of high school, so capable. Carry.

In the past, there were capable students who had an excellent combination of defensive chain skills, but it was impossible for them to be able to resist five terrifying tooth demon wolves.

That is a three-star alien beast, and it is an alien beast with penetrating chain skills. Those students who have defensive chain skills, their defensive chain skills have little effect under the penetrating chain skills!

Besides, no student who is so capable would be stupid, and the teacher would also be stupid and let this top-notch tank go out on its own.

Everyone is really tired. They have gradually become senior executives and principals from teachers. Year after year, they have participated in many freshman trials, but they have never seen such a strange student.

If it were another student, facing five Dreadtooth Demonic Wolves, he would have already sent a signal for help.

This guy is good. He is obviously a tank with no offensive ability. If you have to go out and wander around by yourself, you can wander around. You are not afraid, but other students are.

They don't care about this student. After a while, this kid will attract many strange beasts. What will happen to the other students?

Liu Chuhe finally knew how much more powerful the normal three-star alien beasts were than the one-star and two-star alien beasts.

Although the sucking evil mosquito is a four-star alien beast, it happened to be restrained by him, so he did not realize the horror of the sucking evil mosquito.

Now, he truly felt the terror of the three-star alien beast.

If it weren't for the fact that his chain skill was to increase his vitality, and he had no defensive chain skill, and the Dreadtooth Demonic Wolf's penetrating chain skill was naturally useless to him, he would have really asked for help.

"No, here are two more."

When Liu Chuhe saw the Feartooth Demon Wolf reappearing in front of him, he immediately changed direction, and then a familiar figure appeared in his sight.

Gu Qian, armed with a long stick, charged into the group of strange beasts alone.

The long stick was swung, and phantoms of the long stick were transformed in the air. Sometimes they swept across, with the potential to sweep away thousands of armies, and sometimes they pointed out the stick head, like a dragon coming out of the sea.

The seven Horrible Tooth Demonic Wolves fell down one after another in less than a minute in his hands.

Dimensionality reduction attack!

After Gu Qian extracted the gene chains of the seven Dreadtooth Demonic Wolves, he glanced at Liu Chuhe and turned around to leave.

But he didn't leave completely. Instead, he followed Liu Chuhe from a distance with a piece of weed in his mouth.

In view of Liu Chuhe being too arrogant, his superiors gave him a new order to follow Liu Chuhe and eliminate as many three-star alien beasts as Liu Chuhe attracted.

The superiors also have a headache. This guy is both promiscuous and capable. If he is left alone and he doesn't know how to call for help, what will happen if he leads a group of strange beasts to run around and then gets in front of other students?

Liu Chuhe started on the road again. He didn't know whether he had a wolf-sucking physique or if there were just too many Horrible Tooth Demonic Wolves. Not long after, he was surrounded by four Horrible Tooth Demonic Wolves. Before he could run away, Gu Qian killed him immediately. Come out and kill the four Horrible Tooth Demon Wolves.

After doing this twice, Liu Chuhe also realized that he had an extra free bodyguard. What else was there to think about? Let's go wild!

Three-star alien beasts have a strong sense of territory, and four-star alien beasts are even more so. The area where the sucking mosquitoes gather is near a waterhole.

With the help of Gu Qian, Liu Chuhe finally arrived at the territory of the sucking mosquito.

There are areas where sucking mosquitoes gather, but they are not gregarious animals. It is just that this place is more suitable for them to live, so they gather here.

At the edge of the pool, he found an evil sucker mosquito. Without saying a word, he rushed forward, took the initiative to put his face in front of the evil sucker mosquito, and then grabbed the opponent's sucker with both hands.

Not long after, with a loud bang, the sucking mosquito exploded.

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