Of the eight remaining teams, the Justice Division was the last to arrive. With their arrival, the other seven teams naturally looked over.

Among the crowd, a very thin man stepped forward.

Liu Chuhe blinked slightly, why did this guy look familiar?

It seems to be that Ke Shiming? It seemed that he was the person he beat up in the locked room of the Enhanced Masters Guild.

Yes, he was right. His previously yellow hair was dyed purple at some point, and I really didn't recognize it for a while.

Ke Jieming walked toward Liu Chuhe and the others in one step or another. His eyes looking at Liu Chuhe were full of hatred. It was this fat man who took action in the Strengthening Master Guild. He had never been so embarrassed in his life.

He thought about revenge afterwards, but Liu Chuhe was not from his school, so it was not easy for him to take action.

He also thought about blocking the fat man and giving him a lesson, but who would have thought that the fat man did not have a fixed time to go to school. He would skip classes all day long, and there was no way to block him.

Finally, the opportunity for revenge appeared in front of him again. His opponent in the quarterfinals turned out to be the Master of Justice.

Ke Jieming shouted as he walked away: "The last one is here, he really thinks he is some great person."

As he spoke, his eyes looked at the four girls more unscrupulously, and he said strangely: "I'm so sorry for those idiots who spend all day licking you on the Internet. They don't know what you look like under your clothes.

Forget it, who makes me a good person? Let me find some benefits for them. During the beating, I will burn all your clothes one by one, so that those fools can see how the goddess in their mind looks naked.

This is also a good thing for you. This is a live broadcast, and I don’t know how many viewers are watching it. When you appear naked, won’t you become popular immediately? "

The clothes worn by contestants are all specially treated and are extremely tough. Generally speaking, they cannot be burned easily by fire or something.

Otherwise, if the magicians in Huangsang City have all kinds of fire skills and their clothes can be easily burned, then all the live broadcast pictures will be mosaics.

Ke Jieming's voice was not quiet. Even in the noisy martial arts competition hall, everyone behind him could clearly hear his voice.

Suddenly, the other contestants and even his teammates frowned slightly.

In fact, we are all students, and there really weren't many people who talked trash before the game. It's not impossible to talk trash if you really want to. There are no rules in the conference that don't allow trash talk. The main reason is that what he said was too excessive.

Ke Jieming looked at the angry looks of the girls, but he became more and more proud: "Or, you can beg me now, and serve me well. If I am in a good mood, I will leave you a fig leaf?"

Are you angry?

It’s okay to be angry.

What else can you do besides being angry?

This is a college entrance examination, do you dare to take action?

Just take action, are you a rival?

My team is composed of five galaxy-level masters.

Weren't you crazy back then? Didn't you attack me secretly in the Strengthened Masters Guild and embarrass me?

Today, I want you to throw this face back ten times and a hundred times in front of the entire Huangsang City audience!

“A dog can’t change its habit of eating shit.”

Ke Jieming suddenly heard a cold shout, and then in his sight, a fist kept enlarging.


He felt a sharp pain coming from his nose, and his whole body fell backward uncontrollably.

It's true that he is at the Galaxy level, but he is only a mage. More importantly, he has no defense at all. This is the college entrance examination, and he is about to compete. No matter how stupid he is, he would not dare to take action at this time.

Who knew this fat man would dare to do something.

He was completely surprised.

Liu Chuhe hit Ke Jieming with a heavy punch directly on the bridge of his nose. He knocked Ke Jieming down with one punch. Then he jumped up and pressed directly on Ke Jieming's body. He clenched his hands into fists and moved towards Ke Jieming's face like crazy. Say hello.

"I'll let you be a bitch, and I'll make you bitch."

Liu Chuhe used all his strength to land one punch after another.

These were his teammates, and he actually insulted his teammates in person!

So what if this is the last day of the entrance competition?

As a man, I absolutely cannot look at such a guy and insult his teammates like this!

What's more, when I was thinking about how to get some limelight and make some big news, this guy showed up.

What you have seen are students fighting on the competition stage. Have you ever seen students fighting below the competition stage? Let me show you today.

On the day of the finals, a conflict broke out between the top eight contestants in the competition hall. This has never happened before, right? I grabbed the first place. It’s not too much to give me a hot search or something.

Everything happened too fast, and it wasn't until this moment that everyone reacted.



The four teammates behind Ke Jieming, including Tang Xinlei and Pei Qikai, quickly stepped forward. Behind him, several other participating students also stepped forward to start a fight.

Zheng Jiayu from Yunhai Middle School grabbed Tang Xinlei and shouted: "Yes, don't do it, don't do it."

On the side, the two brothers Qiao Xiaoqian and Qiao Xiaokun also grabbed several other teammates from Ke Jieming's team.

"That's right, don't do anything, don't fight."

Ke Jieming didn't offend them, but they just didn't like Ke Jieming.

Pei Qikai looked helpless, you are here to start a fight, and I am here to start a fight, but what are you trying to do with me? Shouldn't you go to the person who beats him?

The noise here quickly attracted the attention of the organizers, but within a short time, several town guards responsible for security arrived.

"Stop, everyone stop!"

"If you don't stop, we will arrest them all and take them to the town guard mansion!"

As soon as the word "Guardian Mansion" came out, everyone stopped, and Liu Chuhe stood up from Ke Jieming very wisely.

It wasn't that he wanted to get up on his own, he was really pushed away by Ke Jieming.

He caught Ke Jieming off guard at first, and then relied on his weight advantage to pin Ke Jieming under him. I guess Ke Jieming had never been locked up by a strong man before, and he was confused for a moment, letting Liu Chuhe suppress him like this.

He must have come to his senses later. Ke Jieming was a galaxy-level existence after all. Even though he was a mage, the quality of the source energy was there, and he still pushed Liu Chuhe away after repeated efforts.

"You're looking for death!"

The area around one of Ke Jieming's eyes had turned black, and he took a step forward as if he was going to rush forward and beat Liu Chuhe violently.

Opposite him, Liu Chuhe quickly hid behind a town guard, exposed his head, pointed at Ke Jieming, and shouted with a frightened look on his face: "You heard it, he is going to kill me, hurry up, hurry up He caught him."

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