Hidden Chain Skills All Over The Body, Too Fleshy To Understand

Chapter 220 Huangsang City Is Really Weak This Year

The entrance competitions for the sixteen cities in Qilu Province all end today, but some cities have a large population and some have a small population.

Cities with a large population will have to wait until the afternoon to end the game, while cities with a smaller population will end the game earlier.

The population of Huangsang City is not large, but it is not the smallest either. When their finals are about to begin, several cities have already ended all competitions.

"The finals in Huangsang City are about to begin."

"Let's go and watch the finals in Huangsang City and see their level this year."

"The number of places in our city and Huangsang City has always been similar. This year our city is so strong, the results in the entrance competition will definitely exceed Huangsang City, and the number of places in the provincial competition next year will definitely exceed Huangsang City."

"Know your enemy and know yourself and you will win a hundred battles. What if we encounter the team from Huangsang City in the provincial competition?"

"Go and have a look."

For a time, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room of the Huangsang City Entrance Examination Competition skyrocketed.

Before the finals, there was a competition for third and fourth place. Ke Jieming's Xiaoyao team was the second favorite in this promotion competition. They were obviously much stronger than their opponent. They won the third place without much effort.

Finally, the long-anticipated finals began.

Liu Chuhe was very satisfied with the arrangement of the organizer. In all the previous games, both teams came on the stage directly to start the game. But in the final, the players from both sides came on stage one by one. Each player was introduced when they came on stage, creating a sense of ceremony. Laman is there or not.

In the live broadcast room, Fanfan has already started to introduce.

"Huangsang City School Entrance Competition, the two finalists are the Teacher of Justice from Huangsang No. 2 Middle School and the champion teacher from Yunhai Middle School. The first one to appear is the Teacher of Justice."

Suddenly, the number of comments in the live broadcast room increased a lot.

"The Master of Justice? I've heard of this team."

"Although I'm not from Huangsang City, I've heard of this team. I heard that all of them are beautiful ladies."

"My friend even recommended this team to me. I want to see how good it looks."

In the live broadcast room, many viewers from other cities stared wide-eyed.

Soon, a huge head appeared on the live broadcast screen.


"What the hell?"

"I have all the paper ready. Can you show me this?"

"Is this the so-called good-looking young lady? She's not even a crossdresser!"

Huangsang City and some of the island city audiences who had already watched the Justice Division game suddenly became happy.

Liu Chuhe was the first to step into the competition ring before everyone else. As he walked, he could even clearly hear a magnetic female voice introducing him to everyone.

"Liu Chuhe, fifth level Juyuan level, the only male classmate of the Justice Division, is also the captain of the Justice Division, an extremely capable tank."

Liu Chuhe's face was filled with a happy smile, yes, that's it, keep blowing, blow hard, give me more shots, my dream of making headlines and being on hot searches will be completed today.


Why the hell is there no sound?

Liu Chuhe raised his head blankly and looked around, looking for the location of the commentary room. This was the finals. How could you cause an accident during the broadcast? Keep talking, keep introducing me! Aren't you embarrassed if you don't speak like this and I walk on it by myself?

In the live broadcast room, Fanfan looked at Liu Chuhe in front of the camera with a speechless expression. Why are you still dawdling here? Did you think it was a red carpet? How can anyone else walk as slowly as you?

If it were Shen Zhaodi or anyone else, I could continue to make things up and brag. The problem is that you only played three games, how can I make up lines?

The director seemed to know Fanfan's embarrassment and directly moved the camera away from Liu Chuhe and landed on the next member of the Justice Force.

Fanfan spoke at the right time: "The beautiful female classmate in front of me is Sun Shengnan, the Master of Justice. She is a fifth-level mage at the Juyuan level."

Liu Chuhe gritted his teeth, before I even got to the ring, you started introducing others?

Also, when you introduce others, you just say beautiful female classmates, what about me? I'm fat now. If you don't say I'm handsome, can't you say I'm cute? Your professional skills are simply not up to par!

After hearing the introduction, Sun Shengnan reacted quickly and walked forward with two long legs. Although Liu Chuhe had not yet stepped onto the ring, she could not stand still after being introduced.

Fanfan continued to introduce: "Classmate Sun Shengnan is a mage who is good at control. The chain skills she has shown so far are all control chain skills. In the previous competition, everyone has also seen that her control chain skills are for the team. Made a very big contribution.

In addition, everyone should also notice that Sun Shengnan is holding a long sword in his hand. I think this is not a decoration. "

In each live broadcast room, the comments from the audience who had just started watching the Huangsang City School Entrance Competition started again.

"This is the correct way to open it."

"These long legs are my favorite."

"It's all legs below the neck!"

"This looks really good."

Soon, Ding Zizi and Han Xinnian also stepped onto the ring.

"This mage lady is also pretty."

"The treatment girl is still pretty, she's so cute."

"No, I want to ask a question. Is it the finals now? There are not only two mages in your Huangsang City finals team, but also three Juyuan levels? How bad is your Huangsang City's level? Already?"

"Don't talk about the finals, there is no Juyuan level among the top four teams in our city."

"Huangsang City is in decline this year."

Many people shook their heads after seeing the four Masters of Justice appearing.

Suddenly, in their ears, the female voice that had been introducing the players turned into a male voice. This voice was not even an introduction, but a direct shout.

"Shen Zhaodi, this is Shen Zhaodi, the strongest student in this competition! Shen Zhaodi, who is in the middle of the Galaxy level, is a peerless genius who single-handedly brought the Master of Justice to the finals!"

Zhang Hehe's roar echoed wildly.

In an instant, the barrage in the live broadcast room completely changed.

"My wife is here!"

"My wife!"

"Goddess, goddess..."

"Mid-Galaxy level?"


"Such a beautiful girl, is she in the mid-Galaxy level? Is it true?"

"That's not right. Even if this team has a Galaxy-level mid-term team, it won't reach the finals."

"It seems that the level of Huangsang City is really good."

"That's a good thing for us, isn't it?"

After the five members of the Justice Division appeared, the Champion Division also appeared. The first person to come up was not one person, but two people who looked exactly the same. They were holding almost the same long stick as Liu Chuhe's hand. Twin brothers with black sticks.

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