What Qiao Xiaokun used was the stick technique passed down from his family.

He and his brother had been carefully taught since they were young. They had defeated all the warriors in Huangsang City, and they had never met anyone who could compete with them in stick skills. Now, suddenly, a fat man appeared with a stick. The law is so powerful!

He quickly gathered his mind and concentrated on the battle with Liu Chuhe in front of him. He no longer considered anything else. His brother would handle the others.

On the viewing platform, the eyes of many teachers from the martial arts university fell on Liu Chuhe.

"This stick technique is so exquisite."

"Actually, it can be seen that Liu Chuhe is actually weaker than his opponent when it comes to the basics of stick skills and fighting consciousness. However, his stick skills are so exquisite that they make up for the gap."

"Not only the stick skills, but also the momentum. Does Liu Chuhe have someone in his family who is a soldier? I even feel as if he has been on the battlefield. His battles are full of murderous spirit."

"This classmate named Liu Chuhe is interesting."

"Although he is at the fifth level of Juyuan, his chain skill combination is also good. His chain skills seem to be chain skills that increase vitality. Although they are monotonous, it is always wrong for a tank to have chain skills that increase vitality. "

"That's right. If he absorbs another chain skill that increases defense power and two more control chain skills in the future, he will be a good tank."

"Don't forget, he also has a chain skill that can devour and heal people. If you use that chain skill, it can be very effective."

"If anyone has his information, this student can pay attention to it."

Several teachers were discussing, and in their sight, Liu Chuhe raised his hand and painted Qiao Xiaokun's body with a layer of green.


"This is a poisonous chain skill. He is a tank, so what kind of poisonous chain skill is he using?"

"I must have absorbed it wrong. It's a pity. This chain skill doesn't match him at all."

Each teacher covered his head, forget it, let's observe the other students first.



During the fight between Liu Chuhe and Qiao Xiaokun, two soft sounds suddenly came, and the protective devices of Sun Shengnan and Ding Zizi exploded one after another.

They were just two mages, and they were only at the Juyuan level. They couldn't resist Qiao Xiaoqian at the Galaxy level.

Qiao Xiaoqian defeated the two of them and looked forward, his face solemn. In the distance, Zhao Xuanyi, Zheng Jiayu and Xu Yuanlong had been eliminated, and Shen Zhaodi was rushing towards them at an alarming speed.

Did they all lose?

Could it be that the previous exclamations were the exclamations made by the audience when they saw Zhao Xuanyi being defeated so quickly?

Even now, the game has just started, so Zhao Xuanyi must be defeated earlier? How did Shen Zhaodi do it?

The original plan was to quickly defeat the opponent's two mages, so that they would be five against three, but in the end, the opponent did have three people left, and they only had two left.

Shen Zhaodi's speed was so fast that in the blink of an eye, she had already rushed forward.

She ignored Liu Chuhe and Liu Chuhe who were fighting together, but held the dagger and rushed towards Qiao Xiaoqian.

"too fast!"

"It stands to reason that assassins absorb explosive chain skills, and their mission is to kill the opponent's high-explosion team members as quickly as possible.

But warriors are different. Their explosive power is not as good as that of assassins, and their carrying power is not as good as that of tanks. However, they have the strongest overall combat ability. They can carry more power than assassins and have higher power density than tanks. It can be said that warriors are the strongest in one-on-one combat.

Now it's an assassin fighting a soldier. "

"There is no fight, the champion team is going to lose."

The battle is not over yet, but everyone knows that the champion has been born, and that is the Master of Justice.

The battle continued, and most people's eyes fell on Shen Zhaodi, admiring Shen Zhaodi's artistic fighting.

In Huang Sang's No. 2 Middle School, every teacher couldn't help but smile.

"The division of champions? What a pity, the champions this time are no longer them!"

"We really want to win and break Yunhai Middle School's long-term monopoly on Huangsang City's championship!"

"we are the champion!"

"They are making history!"

Many teachers have already shouted regardless of their status.

Jia Taiping didn't speak. Under his shiny black hair, his eyes were always staring at Liu Chuhe, looking at the familiar stick skills, his eyes were full of nothing like his past.

The main reason is that this guy is too fat. He used to be handsome.

The more Qiao Xiaokun fought, the more anxious he became. Liu Chuhe's stick skills were indeed very exquisite, but he was a Galaxy-level being after all. He still had the advantage. He could steadily suppress Liu Chuhe. The problem was, the fat man's tactics So shameless.

The fat man hardly bothered to defend, he just attacked like crazy, determined to exchange injuries for injuries.

If it were normal, he wouldn't be afraid. The problem is, now that the fat man has a healing teammate behind him, it will be his loss no matter what if he exchanges injuries for injuries!


A soft sound reached his ears, and then, in his sight, a slender figure rushed towards him.

Shen Zhaodi!

My brother also lost.

Qiao Xiaokun raised his hand very simply: "I admit defeat."

That's right, in the college entrance examination, everyone will not give up easily, and they all want to show more of themselves.

The problem is, he has already defeated the finals, and has shown enough. Now it is three against one with others, and there is also Shen Zhaodi in the mid-term of Galaxy, who is known as the strongest in this year. What will he show if he continues to play? Show how to be abused?

As Qiao Xiaokun surrendered, in the live broadcast room, Zhang Hehe instantly burst out with amazing lung capacity and shouted loudly: "The winner - the master of justice! Shen Zhaodi is invincible! I said no one can stop her, no one! She is the most powerful Strong man!

Shen Zhaodi almost single-handedly brought this unpopular team into the finals. In the finals, she even defeated four opponents by herself. If the opponent's fifth person hadn't given up, she would have finished. Pentakill!

This is Shen Zhaodi, one person forms a team! Looking at all the competitions in Huangsang City, there has never been such a strong student. She is the number one high school student in Huangsang City, not in this class, but the strongest high school student in the history of Huangsang City, the most talented. The genius..."

Fanfan waited until Zhang Hehe finished roaring, then said: "Congratulations to the Master of Justice, they are well-deserved champions.

At the same time, they also set two records. They are the team with the most Juyuan-level players among the previous champions of the Huangsang City School Entrance Competition, with three Juyuan-level players. It is also the team with the most female classmates, with four female classmates. "

In the VIP private room, the parents of all the students, whether it was Ding Zhengcheng or Wu Xiaoxiao, were shouting crazily.

"Champion, am I right? Our daughter can win the championship!"

"They really won!"

"Champions, they are champions, they can all go to martial arts university!"

"The champion team members of the college entrance examination have never been unable to enter the Wuhan University!"

"Finally, we are no longer the middle child in our family!"

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