Liu Chuhe came here several times before, and he could see skeletons after a short walk. But this time, he and Shen Zhaodi ran for more than four hours, and he didn't see a single skeleton. Only a skeleton.

"I asked, are you leading the right way? Why didn't you see a single skeleton?"

Shen Zhaodi suddenly turned her head and stared at Liu Chuhe: "Want to lose weight?"

"???" Liu Chuhe had a question mark on his head.

"You're too bloated, let me help you." Shen Zhaodi said coldly, stopped suddenly, and whispered as if listening, "Don't talk."

How did Liu Chu understand in seconds: "Kiss you?"

As he spoke, he walked towards Shen Zhaodi, who was greeted by a heavy fist.

The sound of the hit made Liu Chuhe take a step back slightly.

Liu Chuhe stretched out his hand and rubbed his chest. You are also a woman. Others just hit your chest with small fists, but when it comes to me, it turns into a heavy punch!

Shen Zhaodi didn't wait for Liu Chuhe to speak, raised a finger and pointed in the distance: "There is a sound over there."

After her words fell, her figure quickly blurred and disappeared.

"Is there any movement? Skeleton?"

Liu Chuhe ran in the direction pointed by Shen Zhaodi.

Not long after, he saw skeletons behind a hill.

"Is this a blue skeleton?" Liu Chuhe looked confused at the moving skeletons in front of him.

This is the third color skeleton he has seen in this world. Aren’t we here to find the green skeleton? Why did you encounter the blue skull? Wrong place?

Also, how many types of skeletons are there in this place? Various colors, rainbow?

Liu Chuhe raised his eyes and looked forward.

The configuration of this group of blue skeletons is the same as the configuration of the group of red skeletons he encountered for the first time, except that the number is much smaller, only about sixty or so, and there are no skeleton slaves here.

Skeleton soldiers (two-star alien beasts)

Chain skill:

Agility (Bronze quality): The bone structure is different from other skeletons, which increases its sensitivity (minimum +).

Rapid Slash (Bronze Quality): Within a range of ten meters, you can sprint to the ground instantly and use the power of high-speed sprint to give the opponent a powerful blow, causing minimal damage.

Skeleton Shield Soldier (Three-Star Alien Beast)

Chain skill:

Shield Defense (Silver Quality): Wield a bone shield to resist dwindling (+) damage.

Agility (Bronze quality): The bone structure is different from other skeletons, which increases its sensitivity (minimum +).

Skeleton Waiter (Four-Star Alien Beast)

Chain skill:

Asylum of the Undead (Silver quality): Insert the skeleton into the earth for continuous healing, and the healing effect is reduced (+).

Necromantic Chanting (Silver quality): Through special vocalizations, a healing sound wave is released to heal the weakened vitality.

Captain Skeleton (Five-Star Alien Beast)

Chain skill:

Rapid Slash (Silver Quality): Within a range of two meters, you can sprint to the ground instantly, and use the power of high-speed sprint to give the opponent a powerful blow, causing slight damage.

Agility (gold quality): The bone structure is different from other skeletons, which increases its sensitivity (a small amount +).

Flying Spirit: After hitting the opponent with Flying Spirit, it can cause a (weakening-) knockback effect to the place, and at the same time increase its own (weakening+) sensitivity for a short time.

Sure enough, like the red skeletons and green skeletons encountered before, the chain skills of these blue skeletons are also similar. It is obvious that the chain skills of blue skeletons are based on agility.

Liu Chuhe was observing the group of skeletons when suddenly, the figure of Shen Zhaodi appeared among the group of skeletons.

He discovered that the person who really swelled was not him, but Shen Zhaodi. Although there were fewer of them, they were still an army of skeletons anyway. This girl rushed forward. Wasn't she swollen?

"Slow down, leave some for me, leave it!"

Liu Chuhe rushed forward quickly.

The sixty or so skeletons seem to be a lot, but they can't stand the presence of a girl like Shen Zhaodi. These skeletons are all skeletons that focus on agility. No matter how fast they are, they can be faster than the girl Shen. They are just delivering food. There are more than sixty of them. The skeletons all fell down without him even hitting them.

"I said, I'm going to make a breakthrough. I need to practice now, why don't you leave some for me?"

Liu Chuhe was speechless. Is it interesting for you to abuse food here?

Shen Zhaodi ignored Liu Chuhe's contempt. She seemed to be reminiscing about the battle just now. After a while, she said: "This is a good place for training. Although these are skeletons, their IQs are only about that, but they fight They feel the same as humans, and even some of their instincts are stronger than many people.

They are weak only because they have few chain skills. They are just low-level alien beasts. However, low-level alien beasts of the same level may be able to defeat them one on one. If there are more of them, these alien beasts will definitely win. beast.

They make me feel like a soldier. "

"So. Do you think it's possible that they were once living humans? After they died, they turned into skeletons?" Liu Chuhe had this guess since he last saw these skeletons.

"I don't know, it's possible, but it's unlikely. Even if the real bones of the dead among us humans are left behind and turned into skeletons, they shouldn't appear here."

"That's right. These are not what we should care about. Now we should go find those green skeletons."

As soon as Liu Chuhe finished speaking, Shen Zhaodi pointed at the ground and said, "Isn't this it?"

Liu Chuhe looked in the direction of Shen Zhaodi's finger. There were a bunch of skeletons on the ground, but some of the skeletons still had some green on them.

He looked at the skeletons on the ground around him, and then discovered that most of these skeletons had a dim light of blue or green.

"These are not the skeletons we just killed, so..."

"So the blue skeletons and the green skeletons had a battle here before, so the road was correct. This was originally the territory of the green skeletons, and then they were killed by the blue skeletons."

Liu Chuhe felt bad after listening to Shen Zhaodi's words: "Why fight these skeletons if they have nothing to do? They are all skeletons, isn't it good to live in peaceful coexistence!

Wait, I feel a little messy, I will re-tie it.

First of all, I killed a group of red skeletons here, so the power of those red skeletons was weakened. After the green skeletons knew about it, they killed the red skeletons.

But because they left in large numbers, these blue skeletons found an opportunity to come over and take over their lair?

What next? After the green skeletons came back, they were actually damaged due to fighting with the red skeletons, so they did not fight the blue skeletons. This place was occupied by the blue skeletons. "

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