Hidden Chain Skills All Over The Body, Too Fleshy To Understand

Chapter 229 Arriving At The Provincial Capital

It's not easy for everyone to say anything directly in front of others. Instead, they either pick up their mobile phones and browse the news, or start chatting.

"Did you all see the video of the star pile appearing in space and coinciding with our space? It's so shocking!"

"I saw it, how could I not see it! We in China have never appeared in an overlapping space with such a long overlapping time and such a loud noise when overlapping. It feels like the whole world seems to be cracked!"

"Generally speaking, the longer the space overlap lasts, the larger the overlapping space will be. Therefore, even if the time is short, we have not yet explored how large the overlapping space of the star pile is, but almost everyone has determined that the overlapping space of the star pile is the largest in the history of China. The largest overlap since.”

"Judging from some exposed news, there are many strange beasts that have never appeared in the overlapping space of the stars. I don't know what chain skills those strange beasts have."

"The overlapping space of the stars is near Chengdu. Have you ever considered enrolling in the Martial Arts University in Chengdu?"

"Rongcheng Martial Arts University, I don't have much chance, but Tianfu Martial Arts University, I can give it a try."

The content of almost everyone's chats was related to the Xingdui space.

Han Xinnian was playing with her phone and listening to everyone's chat. She also wanted to chat, but both of her teammates were sleeping.

Suddenly, Liu Chuhe, who was lying not far from her, turned over slightly and opened his eyes.

"Damn! Why does the phone keep ringing? What kind of bastard is that?"

Liu Chuhe was awakened by the vibrating of his cell phone. He opened it and looked at it with an unhappy expression.

"The little blacksmith in Milan transferred 13.3 billion, please pay attention to check it."

"13.3 billion has been received."

Liu Chuhe was stunned for a moment, what happened? Why is the little blacksmith in Milan transferring money to me again?

Too much money to spend?

Blacksmith from Milan: "The company has just tested 668 orchids. They are indeed 2,000 years old, but they are not in the early 2,000 years, but more than 2,900 years old. Some of them are even 3,000 years old.

According to the market price, the value of these orchids is about 50 million per plant. The money given last time was not enough, so I will make up for it now. "

Liu Chuhe looked at the message sent by the little blacksmith in Milan, and the unhappiness on his face disappeared instantly. The little blacksmith is a good comrade, and he is simply moved by the conscientious buyers of China.

Others were eager to pay less when buying things, but it was good for him to make up for it.

Good comrade, really good comrade.

Don't worry, when you have any questions again, I will answer you well.

As for the money.

Liu Chuhe looked back at Shen Zhaodi.

Yo, I slept so soundly. It's too bad to disturb you. In order not to affect your sleep, I won't disturb you.

Anyway, I gave you such a large amount of money before, and you are not short of money now, but it is different for me. Now that I can't go home, I need to save more money, and I will keep the money for you.

Liu Chuhe closed his eyes happily and continued to sleep.

It wasn't until he reached the place that he was gently shaken awake by Han Xinian.

Liu Chuhe opened his sleepy eyes and looked around at the classmates who stood up from their seats one by one and began to walk out. He immediately reacted.

"Arrived at the station? Going to the hotel? We don't need to spend money on the hotel."

Jia Taiping happened to walk to the aisle, and when he heard Liu Chuhe's words, he slapped Liu Chuhe on the back of the head.

"Which hotel are you going to? Besides eating and sleeping, what else do you think about? Are you the one who wants to compete? Don't you even look at the schedule?"

Jia Peacock!

To others you are obedient, but to me you are punching hard!

You wait... wait for me Xinghe, no, wait for me Xinghai level, you see if I can give you a five-wind whip to make you spread your peacock tail.

On the side, Han Xinian explained in a low voice: "In order to save time in the provincial competition, we started the competition directly after arriving at nine o'clock.

After the first round, everyone can go to the hotel and wait until the afternoon to start the second round. "

"Save time? How long did it take to go to the hotel? I seriously suspect that they are trying to save money, so after the round of competition is over, half of the people are eliminated before letting us go to the hotel."

Liu Chuhe saw through the essence instantly. He followed the others out of the carriage while complaining.

Their bus was specially prepared for students participating in the provincial competition, and the bus also drove directly outside the competition hall in the provincial capital.

Liu Chuhe followed the crowd into the martial arts competition hall.

Compared with the competition hall in Huangsang City, the competition hall in the provincial capital is undoubtedly much larger.

There are eight arenas in the center of the competition hall. Obviously, the first provincial competition will also have eight competitions held at the same time.

After Liu Chuhe sat down on his seat, he saw a little old man talking a lot on a stage and announcing the start of the provincial competition.

Liu Chuhe originally wanted to sleep for a while, but the surroundings were so noisy that it was difficult for him to fall asleep, so he could only look around boredly.

Girl Shen was sleeping, and he even wondered if she had the kind of hearing-blocking chain skills that allowed her to fall asleep in such a noisy martial arts competition hall.

On the other side, Han Xinnian was looking at her cell phone with a serious look on her face, as if she was looking for something. As she scrolled, her cute face bulged again.

Liu Chuhe asked curiously: "What are you looking at from here? Are you angry with your mobile phone?"

Han Xinnian raised his head and whispered: "I'm looking at the combat strength list."

"Combat strength list?" Liu Chuhe asked with a strange look, "What is that?"

Han Xinnian explained: "It is the ranking of the teams in the provincial competition. It is a list selected by a media that cooperates with the organizer. Every time they compete in the provincial competition, they will make selections based on the performance of each team in the city competition. Ranked in combat strength."

"So, we, the Master of Justice, are not favored? Are we ranked very low?" Liu Chuhe pointed at Han Xinnian's cell phone and asked, "How high are we ranked?"

"The combat power list generally does not give specific rankings, but only gives a rough ranking. Our righteous division is ranked among the top 100. If we are lucky, we can enter the top 64."

"You're only sixty-four, are you lucky?" Liu Chuhe complained, "You look down on people!"

"Yes, they just look down on people." Han Xinnian shouted with an unhappy look, "The champion team of Yunhai Middle School obviously lost to us, but they are still ahead of us on the strength list.

They felt that we were very lucky to win. If Zhao Xuanyi and Shen Zhaodi hadn't been defeated too quickly in a one-on-one duel, if you hadn't blocked Zheng Jiayu's attack, if not for their two warriors rushing forward...

In short, people on this strength list believe that if we play against the champions again, we will be the losers. "

"Nonsense! They are..." An idea to make money suddenly popped into Liu Chuhe's mind. He leaned next to Han Xinnian and asked in a low voice with a mean smile, "In the provincial competition, does anyone have any offers? "

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