Xie Xiangxing was completely confused. Where did this treatment come from?

Fatty's healing teammate hadn't taken action yet, not to mention that the light clearly came from behind him.

Is this my teammate? Are they curing this fat man? What are they doing?

After Liu Yingqi and Zhuang Zhiyan released the treatment, they were all stunned. We were obviously healing our teammates, how could we fly to that fat man?

At the moment, they couldn't allow them to think too much. Shen Zhaodi was attacking their captain Guo Xufeng. The two of them quickly released the healing chain skill again.

This time, it was two identical golden healing chain skills, and these two healing chain skills once again flew in the direction of Liu Chuhe.

Xie Xiangxing watched as the first two healing rays of light had not completely dissipated, and two more healing rays of light fell on the fat man in front of him. He watched as the wounds on the other person's body that he had worked so hard to cut healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. Going crazy.

What on earth are you doing? Are you crazy? This fat man is about to lose, so you suddenly take action to treat him?

In the live broadcast room No. 8, groups of viewers from Huangsang City suddenly laughed like crazy.

"What did I say?"

"Double treatment, right? Are you happy with double treatment?"

"Friends from Feizheng City, are you filled with questions?"

"I have to say that this Galaxy level has enough milk. You can see that all the injuries on Liu Chuhe's body have been repaired."

"Welcome the healing combo sent by Lao Tie!"

The two healers released a total of four healing chain skills, all of which failed. Ye Yuhang, the tank next to Guo Xufeng, wanted to help, but he was a source-gathering level and faced Shen Zhaodi in the mid-Galaxy, who had the hidden chain skill Cai Feng Sui Ya to increase agility. , it’s just that they are powerless, and they can’t touch each other at all.

The protective device on Guo Xufeng's body was directly shattered.

As always, Shen Zhaodi did not disappoint. She showed up and knocked down one of the opponents. But at this time, whether in the martial arts competition hall or the live broadcast room, the eyes of all the viewers fell on the fat man.

"This fat guy is interesting."

"When his opponent released the chain healing skill just now, the shadow of the chain skill appeared on his body. He also released the chain skill at the same time. It should be that the chain skill swallowed up the opponent's chain healing skill."

"The chain skill of Devouring Healing, no wonder the Master of Justice dared to send three people to appear. It turned out to be a hidden trump card."

After Shen Zhaodi defeated Guo Xufeng, she went straight towards Xie Xiangxing without even looking at the opponent's two healers.

Anyway, with Fatty Liu here, these two treatments are no different from our own.

In the player's seat, Zhou Xiangrong looked in the direction of Arena No. 8 and said with a mean look on his face: "These guys in the Master of Justice are really bad. Shen Zhaodi came in so late because he deliberately waited for Fatty Liu's injuries to become serious. Come to ensure that the other party's healing will be absorbed by Fatty Liu."

On the side, Gong Botao nodded in agreement and said: "Xie Xiangxing also attacked Fatty Liu crazily. He had no idea that the harder he hit, the more he would help Fatty Liu.

This group of fools must have only watched the finals of the Justice Division. If they watch more than one match of the Justice Division, they will know that Fatty Liu has the chain skill of devouring healing. "

"These unfortunate kids."

This morning, when the Justice Division was competing, because of Shen Zhaodi's amazing one-on-five move, the Justice Division successfully attracted all the audience's attention to them.

In the afternoon, Liu Chuhe's move successfully attracted almost everyone's attention to their arena.

"What's going on with this fat man!"

"The Master of Justice is still missing one person, but why do I feel like they have one more person?"

"Because the two healers on the opposite side didn't dare to take action at all."

"The double-healing team ran into him and was defeated."

The game is still going on, but more people are discussing Liu Chuhe crazily and his unique chain skill that can swallow up healing!

"Is this devouring and healing chain skill from the Bangzi Kingdom? I found a way to get one and absorb it. I feel that this chain skill can really have miraculous effects!"

"This Justice Division team... we may still encounter them. What should we do if we encounter them?"

"Yes, there are only three people in their team today. I don't believe they will still be three people tomorrow. If they all go out to fight, we will meet them again..."

"We need to find a way..."

"Our team has nothing to worry about. We don't have a single healer in our team. We, Tian Ke, are a team of justice. We don't need to pay attention to them. We just pay attention to other teams."

On the ring, Shen Zhaodi quickly defeated the opponent's tank Ye Yuhang. The two teamed up to beat each other even though Xie Xiangdong didn't waste any effort. Xie Xiangdong soon fell down.

Liu Yingqi and Zhuang Zhiyan looked at me and I looked at you. They raised their hands very wisely and said, "We admit defeat."

Usually no one admits defeat in the promotion competition. The question is, they are two healers. If they don't admit defeat, will they get beaten from here?

During the explanation, the beautiful host shouted: "The winner is the righteous master from Huangsang City. The three of them went to battle and defeated their opponents once again. Director Wang, what do you think?"

"It's just luck. Their opponents obviously didn't study them deeply. Moreover, they happened to encounter a team with two healers. If they were replaced by a normal team, they would not win so easily. It could even be said that they would fail. ."

In the live broadcast room, countless curse words began to flood the screen.

"A dead duck has a tough mouth."

"After being slapped in the face continuously, you still keep talking so hard!"

"I just wonder how such a person can come to commentate on the provincial competition."

"I strongly request that Zhang Hehe be replaced. I just like to hear Zhang Hehe blow Shen Zhaodi hard."

"I seriously suspect someone is driving upstairs, but I have no evidence."

"What are you talking about Shen Zhaodi? I declare that I will become that fat man's fan!"

"That's right, who said fat guys are useless? Look at this fat guy. Apparently we fat guys can also decide the game."

"I have saved the video and will show it to my mother later. I want to tell her that fat people can also become powerful geneticists."

At the gathering place of teachers and education bureau leaders in Huangsang City, smiles finally appeared on everyone’s faces.

"The teacher of justice is still strong."

"Fortunately, there is one more team that has advanced."

"But Principal Ding, you have to contact the students in your school as soon as possible. In tomorrow's game, the opponents will be stronger. If there are three more people playing, it will be really high."

"Okay, we have been in contact." Principal Ding nodded solemnly. He really couldn't let the Master of Justice act like this again tomorrow.

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