The first trial of Liu Chuhe's grade has ended, and the results were calculated immediately.

Jia Taiping, the teacher who has always been ranked last in his class, immediately became the number one teacher.

There is no way, there are only two students with over 10,000 points, they are both students in his class, and they do not need the points of other students. The points of these two students are enough to ensure that the average score of their class is the third among the five schools. one.

After taking first place, Jia Taiping showed no excitement on his face.

On the light rail back to school, he even pulled Liu Chuhe aside and whispered: "Tell me the truth, what did you do in there to get so many points?"

He is really curious. If others don't know, can he still be unclear? Liu Chuhe spent the whole summer eating and drinking without practicing at all. How could he get the points and come back first?

Liu Chuhe said with confusion: "Didn't I say it? I killed five four-star beasts."

"Touch!" Jia Taiping directly raised his hand, slapped Liu Chuhe's head hard, and educated him in a low voice, "Don't fool me with the lie that you killed five four-star beasts.

You are really that good, why can't you make money by doing whatever you want? Do you still have to go to all the trouble to eat and drink? "

Liu Chuhe looked at his teacher with contempt in his heart. You are so timid outside, why are you so tough on your own students and beat him directly?

Also, are you worthy of saying such things to me?

You are also a geneticist yourself, but you can’t make any money by doing whatever you want? Do you still have to work hard to be a master of ceremonies?

However, I am a student and the person in front of me is a teacher, so I cannot say this.

Liu Chuhe could only say honestly: "I had not yet become a geneticist at that time, so naturally I couldn't do it anymore. I later became a geneticist, so I am great."


Jia Taiping reached out and hit Liu Chuhe on the head again, shouting: "You are insulting my IQ. Do you think I look like a fool?"

Depend on!

Hit me again. Haven't you always said that safety comes first in everything, and yet you hit me casually? Do you believe that when I level up, I will learn an anti-injury chain skill to kill you?

Liu Chuhe cursed in his heart, and could only whisper in front of the powerful: "Okay, let me tell the truth, I didn't kill five four-star alien beasts...

I killed a four-star alien beast...and then another four-star alien beast, and then another four-star alien beast, and then another four-star alien beast, and finally I killed a four-star alien beast. Beast, you figure it out for yourself. "

After Liu Chuhe finished speaking, he turned around and ran back to his seat without giving Jia Taiping a chance to react.

Thanks to his cold personality, although all the students were curious about how he got such a high score, no one came to talk to him.

The first trial of the senior year of high school was relatively easy, but among the fifty-two students in the class, ten students still failed the trial. Ten of them had lost the chance to continue to the senior year of high school.

Now, what they need to do is to study cultural courses separately and wait to be admitted to an ordinary university next year.

This is somewhat like the diversion in his previous life. The difference is that the students in the diversion go to various technical schools to learn various skills, such as car repair, chef, excavator...

Well, the excavator technology in the city next to Huangsang City is quite strong.

In today's era of big genes, those who are diverted go to a school specially opened by the government to learn pure cultural knowledge.

As for their remaining classmates, they will continue to learn various knowledge related to gene chains and alien creatures, and even learn various martial arts and combat techniques.

In the future, if you are admitted to various martial arts universities, you will naturally skyrocket.

If you can't get into the martial arts university, there are various genetic universities.

Unlike universities that purely study cultural knowledge, students at the Genetic University can also learn the knowledge and application of various gene chains. However, their gene chains have nothing to do with combat, but are applied in all aspects of society.

A total of ten students in the class failed the assessment, and three of them were classmates in Liu Chuhe's dormitory.

In this genetic era, the happiest thing for high school students is that they don’t have to study in the evening.

After returning to school, Liu Chuhe went directly to his dormitory, took out his mobile phone and started contacting reporters and famous influencers.

"How about it? First-hand information, all the information about Huangsang City's number one, are you interested?"

"What? All the school trials haven't ended yet, so you're not interested?"

"Let me tell you, the first place is over 10,000 points, so what? What? There are two people over 10,000 points, so you are not interested yet?"

"Wait, how about I send you a video?"

"Isn't this news exciting enough?"

Liu Chuhe is autistic. None of the reporters, influencers, etc. are interested in the news that he thinks is very interesting.

"If you don't expose it to me, I'll hype it up myself. Anyway, more than 400,000 yuan will be paid."

In a short time, several videos flooded various short video platforms in Huangsang City.

"The brave and heroic figure who ranks first in Huangsang City's points."

"How rough can a trial be!"

"He was besieged by countless strange beasts during the trial..."

In a room with mirrors on all sides and a large mirror on the ceiling, a thin man with yellow hair looked at the video in front of him and sneered.

"First, are you worthy? It's just 10,000 points."

After saying that, he turned to look at the woman who was tied to the head of the bed, kicked her hard in the stomach, and said angrily: "Giving a baby? Are you sick? I'm just a high school student!"

In Huangsang City, in the Qishenghu Villa District where every inch of land is precious, Song Xingyou stood on the balcony of a villa, looking at the video projection in front of him bitterly.

"I said you look familiar, but it turns out you have turned into a fat man! All the plans I spent a lot of money to buy were ruined by you! Liu Chuhe, you are in trouble!"

As Song Xingyou said this, he punched the guardrail on the side hard.

The stone guardrail shook slightly under his punch.

On the guardrail, the coffee cup he had just put down was also knocked away by the shock.

The next second, a loud shout came from downstairs.

"Song Xingyou, get out of here!"

Downstairs, a man who looked very similar to him looked up at the second floor with an angry face. Using the light outside the door, you could even see the blue veins popping up on his forehead.

Beside the man, a beautiful woman who was dressed in smart professional attire even for a family dinner had coffee sprinkled on her hair and body.

Song Xingyou instantly turned pale, he was finished! Mom can't save me!


In Grandpa's words, the glory of the old Song family's reinforcement master can only be continued by my sister-in-law.

Tell my grandparents, I was beaten by a mixed double!

More importantly, my sister-in-law is rich!

Song Xingyou flipped over and rolled down from the second floor. He fell to the ground with a thud, then knelt down on the broken glass: "Sister-in-law, I was wrong!"

Liu Chuhe's videos and posts only became slightly popular, but with the release of a message the next day, he became completely famous among the student circles in Huangsang City.

"The rules of the high school trial have been added to the 41st rule - it is forbidden to cause the alien beasts to run aimlessly without being sure to kill them. One thousand points will be deducted for one warning. If you are given two warnings, you will be directly disqualified from the trial. "

At first, everyone was still a little confused as to why there were such rules, but soon, videos or posts with text cleared up their doubts.

"Why did the trial rules change, which have not been changed for twenty years? Click below to tell you..."

"I call the new rule - Liu Chuhe's rule."

"A man who changed the rules of trials."

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