Amidst the cheerful barrage, all five members of the Justice Division finally appeared.

"Beautiful, really beautiful!"

"I hate it, I hate that I only have two eyes and can't see at all."

"I'm jealous of that fat guy."

"What's wrong with Fatty? Did Fatty eat your food? Fatty fans are here to report!"

"Pangpang fans report!"

"The fat guy also has fans, which is awesome."

"You have missed the point of your observation. Didn't you notice that the young ladies all look haggard?"

"I also noticed that the bags under the eyes of the ladies are so heavy, and they seem to have dark circles."

"Have they been up all night?"

"Pangpang also has dark circles."

"I heard that all the teams are in the same room. Could it be that..."

"I'm jealous of that fat guy again!"

The barrage was cheerful, but the hearts of the five victorious team members were cold.

This time there were five people on the opposite side, and the game was in trouble.

As the referee announced the start of the game, they soon discovered that the game was more than just trouble.

In the commentary room No. 3, the male commentator began to explain the game at a very fast speed. People who can't speak fast enough really can't do this job.

"The game has begun, and we see that the two mages of the Master of Justice took the lead in launching the attack. They released silver-quality chain skills. Both of them released silver-quality chain skills.

No, although this is a silver-quality chain skill, the power of this chain skill is much stronger than ordinary silver-quality chain skills.

They... they are not Juyuan level, they are both Galaxy level, but I don't know why, the quality of their chain skills has not improved. Is it because they don't have the money, or is it too late?

However, I prefer the latter. The information in my hand shows that Ding Zizi and Sun Shengnan were only at the Juyuan level during the city entrance competition. Obviously, they just broke through yesterday or today. "

In the live broadcast room, the audience suddenly realized.

"So, they didn't come to the competition yesterday because they had a breakthrough."

"What's the disrespect for the game? I didn't participate in the game just to break through and improve the team's strength."

"Director Wang came out and apologized!"

"The hell you don't have the money to strengthen? Ding Zizi's father is the top rich man in our Huangsang City. How can he not have the money to strengthen?"

"Brother, let me take a step to speak."

"When I saw my brother, I suddenly felt that Ding Zizi was the most beautiful among the four girls."

Although Ding Zizi and Sun Shengnan did not strengthen their chain skills, after they broke through to the Galaxy level, the power of their chain skills released was much stronger than before.

Opposite them, the strength of the Victory Team was not even as good as that of Ke Mingjie's Xiaoyao Team. There was also Liu Chuhe as the Master of Justice, and they did not dare to release healing.

The five Masters of Justice defeated each other without any effort at all.

Liu Chuhe had little experience in the whole process. In this match, the five opponents were running away from him. Before he could exert any force, all the opponents fell down.

"This game is not interesting at all. Let's go back to sleep."

Liu Chuhe waved his hand and took the four women back.

Ding Zizi shook her head slightly and said: "No, the two of us are going to the Strengthening Masters Guild to strengthen the chain skills."

Strengthen chain skills...

Liu Chuhe looked at the two women with envy. If both of them were perfectly enhanced, how much enhancement fee would they have to charge.

It's a pity, I have to practice hard, I don't know which bastard made this money at the expense of it.

He looked at the two women's leaving figures with envy, and suddenly thought of a question and asked: "By the way, I remember that Sun Shengnan seemed to be from an ordinary family. She suddenly broke through to the Galaxy level and needed to strengthen so many chain skills. Her family You can’t afford that much money, right? Ding Zizi, that little rich woman, lent her money?”

"It doesn't seem like it was borrowed, it was given directly." Han Xinian explained in a low voice, "I heard Zizi say before that after Shengnan breaks through to the Galaxy level, she can help Shengnan.

But after Katsunan graduates from Martial Arts University, he will need to help take care of Zizi's business. "

"So that's it." Liu Chuhe understood that this was equivalent to the reason why in ancient times, those big families liked to invite worshipers and retainers. They were investing in advance.

Many people doing business would do this. Of course, it didn't mean that Sun Shengnan would be tied to Ding Zizi's family from now on. To be honest, she was just supporting the show, and Ding Zizi's family had invested in advance.

Since there was a game in the afternoon, when he returned to the hotel, he did not go to the overlapping space. Instead, he took S-level auxiliary potions and started practicing.

Time passed unconsciously.

In the afternoon, the top 100 competition begins.

Before Ding Zizi and Sun Shengnan broke through, the Justice Division was considered to be able to enter the top 100 competition when they were on the strength list. If they were lucky, they could enter the top 64. Now after the two women broke through, all members will go out to compete in the top 100. Sai did not encounter much resistance.

In the afternoon competition, after the two women strengthened their chain skills, their desire to perform became even more intense. As soon as the game started, they began to unleash their chain skills crazily.

Although the Master of Justice had two mages in the past, both of them were at the Juyuan level. By the late stage of the city competition, their mages were all at the Galaxy level, and the two of them could not suppress others.

Now, they finally showed how powerful the two mages were.

"too strong!"

"This Master of Justice is so strong, yet its ranking is so low on the combat power list. How is it ranked on the combat power list!"

"It has changed. The ranking of the Justice Master on the combat power list has risen. The current positioning of the Combat Power List is that the Justice Master can enter the top 32, or even the top 16!"

"This team is really strong. There are two mages, one responsible for violence output and one responsible for control. There is also a low-key nanny, mainly the extremely terrifying Shen Zhaodi."

"So, the fat guy feels redundant."

"This fat guy is holding back."

"The four young ladies are all beauties, all of them are at the Galaxy level. I would have tolerated it if they were taking a handsome guy, but they are taking a fat guy."

"I would like to call this fat man the number one soft-boiled man!"

"What kind of background does this fat guy have to join such a strong team?"

As the provincial competition ended on the second day, Liu Chuhe became popular, at least in Qilu Province.

"The number one soft-boiled man." ranked sixth among the hottest searches in the province, and it continues to rise.

The four girls on the same team were all beauties, and they were all better than him. If he had been a handsome guy, they might not have reacted much, but he was a fat guy, and people's curiosity suddenly aroused.

Liu Chuhe finally made it to the long-awaited hot search, but he didn’t know it.

He finally broke through and entered the Galaxy level!

His chain skills can finally be strengthened again!

After the breakthrough, he immediately contacted President Fang. When he first came to the provincial capital, President Fang said that he could come to him if he had any questions.

Now, he wants to strengthen his chain skills. He can't run back to Huangsang City to strengthen them, and then run back to Quan City. What's more, there are so many materials that cannot be collected in Huangsang City, but Quancheng has abstained from the materials. Now, he needs an intensive room, so naturally he has to find President Fang.

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