The provincial competition has entered the third day, and the number of arenas used at the same time in the competition hall has been reduced again, turning into two arenas.

The competition has reached the top sixty-four rounds, and the rest are elite students. Naturally, these students should be given a good display, and teachers from major martial arts universities can better observe the students.

Of the forty-four teams sent by Huangsang City, there are now only three left. In addition to the Justice Division, the other two are the champion team of Yunhai Middle School and Ke Jieming's Xiaoyao team. The three teams also happen to be The top three in the Huangsang City School Entrance Competition.

In the top 100 competition, the team from Huangsang City appeared in the first game. The first game was a bad start. Team Xiaoyao met the third place team from Daocheng City.

They were both in third place, but the two teams were completely at different levels. Everyone in Team Xiaoyao was weaker than the other. They were beaten by the other team throughout the whole process and were eliminated without any suspense.

Ke Mingjie returned to the contestants' table with a calm face as if everyone owed him tens of billions. The provincial competition is quite humane. The team has been eliminated, and the people at the conference will not drive you away. If you want, you can choose Stay and watch the game.

After all, the tickets have been sold, people have been driven away, and no more tickets can be purchased.

However, if you are eliminated in the morning, you will not be able to watch the game for free in the afternoon. You will have to pay for a ticket.

Suddenly, a burst of cheers came from the competition hall.

I don’t know what happened to the arrangement of today’s game. After the opening, there were consecutive games in Huangsang City. After the game of Xiaoyao Team, the one who appeared immediately was the Justice Division.

"Team Langya, the third team in the Book City Entrance Competition!"

Ke Jieming slapped the seat angrily, what kind of arrangement is this! The Justice Division and its own team encountered the third place in other cities, but can the third place in Shu City compare with the third place in Island City?

Isn't this arrangement equivalent to escorting the righteous army to the next round?

What a shit organizer!

He was a Galaxy-level being, but he was eliminated in the top 100 competition, while Liu Chuhe, the fat guy, a small Juyuan-level person, was able to advance all the way just because his teammates were strong!

Shit, it’s all shit!

Ke Jieming suddenly lost the desire to continue watching the battle, turned around and left.

The popularity of the Master of Justice was already high. Yesterday, Liu Chuhe successfully appeared on the hot searches in Qilu Province. With their appearance, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room also increased significantly.

"It's coming, it's coming, the most anticipated show is about to begin."

"Are you all here to see the young lady?"

"I'm here to see the fat man."

"Whoever looks at fat people, we are here to scold fat people."

"The Master of Justice will not lose if Fatty, a Juyuan-level opponent, is holding him back. There are five Galaxy-level opponents."

"Losed? I'm afraid you haven't watched the previous matches of the Justice Master."

"The Master of Justice has Shen Zhaodi, who is known as one of the ten legs of this competition, how could he lose!"

"So I'm here to scold that fat guy. How could he have such a big-legged teammate!"

On the stage, the five members of the Langya team all looked extremely solemn.

They studied the Master of Justice yesterday. To be honest, except for Shen Zhaodi on the opposite side, they felt that their players in every position were stronger than the other side, and their lineup was more reasonable. But it was Shen Zhaodi who gave them a huge headache.

"Remember, don't attack them secretly. When Shen Zhaodi was in the city entrance competition, she counterattacked the opponent's assassin several times. Let's treat others in their own way and counterattack Shen Zhaodi.

One more thing, don't attack the fat man. "

The captain of the Langya team once again emphasized tactics.

On the side of the Master of Justice, Liu Chuhe jumped up and down on the ring with excitement on his face. This was the first time he was so excited since he participated in the promotion competition.

In the past, he was at the Juyuan level, and others who were at the Galaxy level bullied him.

Now that he is also at the Galaxy level, it is finally his turn to bully others.


After the referee gave the order, the warriors from both sides carrying double swords rushed over immediately, and the opponent's assassin, like Shen Zhaodi, also entered the invisible state at the same time. Under the opponent's mage, a blue walrus appeared.

Want to unleash your chain skills?

Have you asked me?

Do you have a mage license?

A shadow of a camel appeared under Liu Chuhe, and at the edge of the shadow, golden light was extremely dazzling.


"This is a gold-quality chain skill!"

"This fat man has also broken through to become a galaxy-level person!"

"The Masters of Justice are not four Galaxy-level members, they are all Galaxy-level members!"

"Isn't the fat man a tank? Why does he release the chain skill from such a distance?"

"Tank? He doesn't have any chain control skills. What kind of tank is he? He's just a human shield at most!"

Amidst the barrages, Liu Chuhe raised his hand and fired a chaotic barrage towards the mage who was releasing the chain technique. This is the first time he has unleashed the Chaos Chain Technique.

A black light flew out and instantly fell on the opponent's mage who was releasing the chain skill.

He once again discovered one of the great benefits of the Chaos Chain Technique. The release speeds of mages were either fast or slow, but the release of his Chaos Chain Technique was absolutely instantaneous.

Opposite, a blue ice ball appeared in front of the Langya team mage. Suddenly, his body jerked out.

The next moment, the ice ball in front of him suddenly grew in size, as if it were a balloon inflated by a giant air gun, inflating violently, and then exploded with a bang.

In an instant, the ice splashed in all directions, and countless ice shards flew into the sky, and then flew down like a goddess scattering flowers.

The ice puck exploded among the four people!

No one in the Langya team expected that the ice ball they were about to attack would suddenly explode. The four of them were completely hit, even though they had already entered the invisible state. The assassins hiding aside were all blown up by the ice ball. When he came out, his body was covered with frost, and the biting chill kept attacking his body.

In the competition hall, there was an uproar instantly.

Many viewers looked confused.

what happens?

Is the mage of Langya team crazy? Why did he suddenly attack his own people?

Liu Chuhe was also confused. The chaotic chain skill I released directly triggered the probability of dwindling. It caused the opponent's chain skill to become chaotic and changed before it was released. The chain skill that was originally going to fly out and explode did not fly. It exploded immediately!

Is the chance of being cut so high?

Am I a good person, or are these guys just too unlucky?

Under the explosion of ice, the classic combination of Ding Zizi and Sun Shengnan, Lei Shuang Dan Tan Le, has come to an end.

The four members of the Langya team had just been attacked by their own ice balls, and their bodies were all passive and stiff. It was too late to dodge or block.

For a moment, the four people gathered around the ice ball and thundered.

After the impact of the ice ball and the flurry of thunder, Shen Zhaodi's figure suddenly appeared and stabbed directly towards the opponent's mage.

Behind them, Ding Zizi and Sun Shengnan had begun to release their second chain skill.

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