Hidden Chain Skills All Over The Body, Too Fleshy To Understand

Chapter 256 One Chain Skill Breaks Two Chain Skills

Zhou Xiangrong really wanted to stop his companions and tell them not to rush. He was beaten to the point of being invisible. He couldn't use Blind Fog now. He didn't even know what happened to his chain skill.

In short, their tactics can no longer be used, and there is no point in charging anymore.

But he knew he couldn't shout.

The tactics have been formulated, but he calls out to his teammates, interrupts them, and then changes the tactics temporarily? What tactics can they change in such a short period of time?

On the contrary, if he lets his teammates know that he cannot use the Blind Mist Chain Skill, it will be completely chaotic, and their teammates will even perform abnormally.

It is better to continue to advance according to the designated tactics.

Ordinary viewers can't see anything, but teachers from major famous schools can definitely tell that they have some kind of tactic, and they can even guess that it is a blind fog tactic.

If those teachers bring them with the blind mist chain skill to see, his teammates will have no problem performing.

You can also see the shining points of your teammates.

The worst thing is, those teachers will think there is something wrong with them.

After all, the core chain skill lies within oneself.

At that time, if you sacrifice yourself, you might be able to get some high scores from your teammates.

What's more, if you continue to charge, you will look more powerful!

Besides, maybe after a while, after I rush over, my chain skill will be restored and I can release it!

Liu Chuhe saw Zhou Xiangrong's figure from a distance, and his eyes widened with surprise. Zhou Xiangrong was invisible, but he could still hit him?

Could it be said that the Chaos Chain Technique is aimed at the opponent's genetic chain, so when it is released, it has already locked the opponent's chain technique and the opponent's genetic chain, so it is useless whether it is invisible or not?

It should be like this.

And his invisibility has been completed, so what is disrupted is not Zhou Xiangrong's invisibility chain skill, but his other chain skill.

In other words, my attack of confusion directly entered the soul, and disabled Zhou Xiangrong's two chain skills.

This old Zhou is really unlucky.

On the viewing platform, teachers one after another looked at Liu Chuhe. Everything happened very fast. Ordinary people or weak geneticists might not be able to detect it, but they could clearly see that Zhou Xiangrong was invisible and moving. He lost his position, but Liu Chuhe's chain skill still hit Zhou Xiangrong.

What kind of chain skill is that!

In the player's seat, the players who were not competing in the competition also widened their eyes and were extremely surprised.

"This chain skill...can detect it even after becoming invisible?"

"This, in this case, what will the assassin do when facing him? How can he remain invisible?"

"Zhou Xiangrong didn't explode because he didn't release his chain skill? Or is it that Liu Chuhe's chain skill didn't cause the opponent's chain skill to be released early as we thought?"

Everyone had already made a judgment about Liu Chuhe's chain skill yesterday, but today, they discovered that their judgment yesterday seemed wrong.

Although Zhou Xiangrong was one step behind Lian Junxi and the other four teammates, as an assassin, he was definitely the fastest among the four. In an instant, he surpassed the four teammates and rushed to the front.

Behind them, Lian Junxi and the other four were dumbfounded.

What is Lao Zhou doing? You're an assassin. If you're not invisible, why are you rushing over? Are you looking for excitement?

No matter how much it is, let’s rush first and talk later!

The few people continued to rush forward, and suddenly, Shen Zhaodi's figure appeared beside Gong Botao. Her teammates were already at the Galaxy level, and she no longer needed to stay with them and guard the opponent's assassins like before.

She prefers to take the initiative rather than sit back and wait.

Gong Botao looked at Shen Zhaodi who appeared in front of him, but he stretched out his hand and released a rain of fire at the position behind the righteous master.

He knew that he was a bait. He might not be successful in attacking Shen Zhaodi, and it would not have much impact if he did. Instead of doing this, it was better to cooperate with his teammates and disrupt the righteous master before Zhou Xiangrong released the blind mist chain skill. In the back, after all, there were four people gathering there.

Behind the Master of Justice, Sun Shengnan looked at the falling flames, raised her hand, and a huge stream of water shot out from her palm, shooting straight into the sky and meeting the rain of fire in the sky.

Suddenly, there was a hissing sound, the sound of the fierce water being dried and evaporated by the scorching heat, and the sound of the flame being doused by water were mixed together.

In the past, she was only at the Juyuan level and was powerless against the attacks of the Galaxy level. If she blocked the opponent's chain skill, the result would be that her chain skill would be destroyed by the opponent's chain skill.

Now, she can use her chain skills to offset the opponent's chain skills.

Sun Shengnan resisted the opponent's chain skills, while Ding Zizi placed a wall of fire in front of the others. Although she didn't know why the opponent rushed over together, she knew that the opponent must have some premeditation. In this case, then The only way to stop them is to rush through the wall of fire if you can.

They really rush!

Yuan Junyi raised the shield in front of him, and a golden light suddenly appeared all over his body. Like a holy knight in Western legends, he raised the shield forward, kicked his legs forward hard, and suddenly rushed out.

It was obviously an extremely hard arena, but when he rushed through, it felt like he was rushing through the dirt. On the surface of the arena, hard stone slabs flew into the sky, and dust rose all over the sky. Wherever he passed, there were walls of flames. It went out instantly, and the golden light on his body completely dimmed.

The remaining people quickly rushed past where the flames were extinguished.

Behind him, Gong Botao fell to the ground.

As a mage, what can he do if he meets Shen Zhaodi without anyone's help?

But what if he falls?

Their plan was half successful. Although they didn't know why Zhou Xiangrong didn't become invisible, he still rushed over.

Now all we have to do is wait for Lao Zhou to cast the blind fog.

Lao Zhou, why hasn't he used blind fog yet? Where he is, the blind fog chain skill is enough to cover everyone.

What is he doing?

If he doesn't release the blind fog, Shen Zhaodi will go back!


Lian Junxi shouted loudly, and a shadow of an eye suddenly appeared under Tian Mu's body, and then a light green light flew out of her hand and fell on Lian Junxi and Yuan Junyi respectively.

Her fog-breaking eyes can only help two people see everything around them clearly in extremely harsh environments.

Zhou Xiangrong, as the person who releases the Blind Mist Chain Skill, can see the surrounding situation clearly without her help, but she is a healer, and Liu Chu is on the other side. When she fights, she cannot release the Healing Chain Skill.

Therefore, she herself does not need the help of the Mist-Breaking Eye. She only needs to stand within the blind fog and watch.

She had released the Mist-Breaking Eye, but Zhou Xiangrong still didn't move. He just raised his dagger and struck towards the opposite side.

"Lao Zhou, release the chain skill! Hurry!" Lian Junxi was anxious, why didn't he release the chain skill even after this time!

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