For a moment, walls of fire, ice balls, and thunder and lightning fell into the cage, bombarding the four people in the cage indiscriminately.

At the same time, Han Xinnian was also frantically releasing her healing skills. As teammates with Liu Chuhe, she didn't have to worry about being inaccurate when releasing healing skills. Liu Chuhe would absorb it himself anyway.

"Fuck! Cruel, too cruel!"

"I sympathize with Liu Chuhe, his teammates don't regard him as a teammate at all."

"You don't treat him as a teammate, you don't treat him as a human being!"

"I don't think there's anything wrong with it. There's only one person on the side of the Master of Justice, but there are three people on the opposite side. They're all going to get hurt anyway. One for three, no matter how you look at it, it's a profit."

"Two mages, this damage will explode!"

In the martial arts competition hall, where several people gathered in Dongyue City, a leader of the Education Bureau frowned, trouble!

This is the biggest problem of the top team, there is no treatment! Other people's mages are attacking them crazily. The other party has treatment to recover their injuries, but they don't!

Liu Chuhe felt that his body was getting weaker and weaker. The three people on the opposite side attacked him frantically, and he had to face the crazy output of his teammates. Moreover, he also found that being attacked by the green cage would also deplete his vitality.

When those two girls use their chain skills, there is a 100% chance that they will pass through the cage, and he will be attacked first.

Even if he is beaten like this, no matter how tough he is, he won't be able to withstand it!

Han Xinnian had tried her best, but she could no longer release another healing chain skill.

Slowly, Liu Chuhe suffered more and more injuries, the recovery speed of the wounds became slower and slower, and his consciousness became more and more blurred.


A muffled sound was heard, the protective device on Liu Chuhe's body shattered, and he himself fell down helplessly.

In the blur, he just heard a loud shout: "Stop."

A ray of blue light shot down, protecting Liu Chuhe like a mask, and a referee's voice came: "He has been defeated. It is forbidden to attack him again."

As soon as the words fell, the referee grabbed Liu Chuhe, jumped up and jumped off the ring.

As Liu Chuhe fell, the prison of life was shattered.

Where these people were, the arena was riddled with holes, and the ground was full of traces of flames, thunder bombardments, and frost cracks.

Liu Chuhe's body was already stained red with blood, and he looked like a bloody man.

He had just been caught off the ring by the referee, and several healers nearby who had been responsible for protecting the safety of the participating team members immediately released their treatments.

All the rays of light fell towards Liu Chuhe.

This is a platinum quality healing chain skill!

Under treatment, Liu Chuhe's injuries recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The injury recovered, but he still felt extremely tired.

He has two hidden chain skills that increase his vitality, and there is also a healer who is constantly treating him from behind. He can't even handle this, which shows how ruthless those two girls are!

He was injured like this, and the three people trapped in the cage with him just now were not much better.

When Liu Chuhe and the three of them were fighting, Shen Zhaodi had already eliminated the opponent's mage and tank.

The moment the cage was shattered, she was already among the three of them.

Ding Zizi and Sun Shengnan were so happy to release their chain skills just now, but now, they are unable to release their chain skills to support Shen Zhaodi.

Shen Zhaodi is now fighting one against three, but the three opponents are in such a state that it is impossible to stop her.

In the live broadcast room in Huangsang City, Zhang Hehe once again reached a climax: "What am I saying, Shen Zhaodi is killing randomly, no one can stop her!

So what about the mid-Galaxy stage? What about the two mid-Galaxy stages? Shen Zhaodi told everyone that there is a difference between mid-Galaxy and mid-Galaxy!

This is Shen Zhaodi! "

Under Shen Zhaodi's crazy attack, the three of them fell one after another.

"The Master of Justice has won!"

"They made it to the semi-finals!"

On the Huangsang City side, several leaders of the Education Bureau celebrated crazily.

"Our best result in the provincial competition in Huangsang City was third place. That was many, many years ago. Now the Justice Division has reached the semi-finals, and they are going to catch up with their predecessors!"

"Reward, after returning, the Master of Justice must be heavily rewarded!"

In the center of the viewing platform, a teacher spoke in less fluent Mandarin: "The reason why the Justice Division won this game was that their tactics completely suppressed the opponent.

The double cage is down, a tactic that even the top teams cannot use. The core of the tactic of the Master of Justice is Liu Chuhe. Without someone as capable as him, this tactic would not be possible. "

In the evening, a piece of white paper was pasted on the door of the hotel room where the Master of Justice lived, with several large characters written on it.

"No interruption."

Not to mention that the words are written crookedly, they are not very pretty anyway. You can tell at a glance that they were written by Liu Chuhe.

In the room, Han Xinian pointed to the outside of the room and said with worry: "Wouldn't it be good to reject those teachers from the Military University like this..."

"What are you afraid of? Now they are begging me and Zhaodi to enter their school. We are the uncles."

Liu Chuhe leaned comfortably on the pillows of the sofa, looked at the girls and said very shyly: "Hey, it's not good to be too pushy. These people came over to ask us to join their school as if they had made an appointment. .

You don't mind it, but if you let them come in and out like this, the threshold will be broken by them. "

He has been very restrained. At the beginning, the note on the door said - no interruption. If you want to disturb, please scan the QR code to transfer money.

At the strong request of several women, he changed it to the current words.

Sun Shengnan interrupted ruthlessly: "Just to correct me, others are more here to invite Zhaodi, you are just here by the way.

Also, some people came to invite me, Zizi and Xin Nian, but you rejected them all! Now, I have my heart after eating you! "

"Okay, I'll go wash up first, I don't mind."

After Liu Chuhe finished speaking, seeing the unkind expressions on the women's faces, he quickly explained: "I am doing this for your own good. You wait until tomorrow, when we win the championship, before choosing a school. Can it be the same as now?"

"Champion?" Ding Zizi interjected, "Although I also want to win the championship, can we win it? Our trump cards have been exposed, and the remaining opponents are actually stronger than us in terms of hard power."

"Who said the trump card has been exposed?" Liu Chuhe chuckled, raised his hand and pointed at himself and Shen Zhaodi, "We both still have chain skills that we haven't used yet. Tomorrow's game..."

Shen Zhaodi said: "For tomorrow's game, if you can, try to save your chain skills and save them for the last game."

Ding Zizi and Sun Shengnan looked over in surprise. What did they hear? Shen Zhaodi, who has always given them a sense of invincibility and is known as one of the ten best players in this competition, actually asked Liu Chuhe to save the chain skill for last.

In other words, Shen Zhaodi thinks Liu Chuhe's chain skills are more terrifying?

Fatty Liu, what kind of chain skill does he have?

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