At the gathering place in Huangsang City, several leaders of the Education Bureau had clenched their fists unconsciously and kept exerting force again and again. They looked even more nervous than the members of the Justice Division who were competing in the ring.

"We! It seems like we can really win!"

"The opportunity has really come, the opportunity!"

"Beautiful, Shen Zhaodi is really strong, she instantly killed the opponent's assassin Huang Yaliang, and she faced off against Sun Yiyu!"

"She is so strong, Shen Zhaodi, she, why do I feel like she is stronger than before!"

In the audience, although Zhou Xiangrong and others have been eliminated, they did not leave Quancheng but stayed here to continue watching the entrance competition. There are not a few people like them who still stay in Quancheng to watch the game after being eliminated.

"This is right, this is right!"

Lian Junxi kept mumbling to himself, "Let me just say that when Shen Zhaodi was in the early stage of Galaxy, she could kill assassins in the later stage of Galaxy. Now that she is in the middle stage of Galaxy, she should be stronger.

But his performance in the provincial competition, although strong enough, was not as strong as I imagined!

She is what I think she should look like now. This is her true strength, with all her strength! "

At the very center of the viewing platform, a man with a majestic face suddenly stood up from a row of seats.

"An assassin from the middle stage of the Galaxy can completely overpower a warrior from the middle stage of the Galaxy. It turns out that this is her true strength. This student is a must at the Martial Arts University in our imperial capital!"

"You said that if you want, the students will definitely go to your Imperial Martial Arts University? What a joke." Xi Nuomeng snorted lightly. The Imperial Martial Arts University and Imperial Martial Arts University have never dealt with it.

As for Shen Zhaodi, no one can compete with her.

She was the first person to go to see Shen Zhaodi. As for the others, as far as she knew, all the people who went to see Shen Zhaodi yesterday were rejected, including Imperial Martial Arts University, Yaodu Martial Arts University, Jiangcheng Martial Arts University and Shancheng Martial Arts University.

In recruiting Shen Zhaodi, Wuhan University in Shanghai is already at the forefront.

Among the five universities, the teacher from Jiangcheng Wuhan University, who had the lowest presence and rarely spoke, did not participate in the quarrel. He just frowned slightly and looked at Liu Chuhe.

This fat man... looks familiar?

Liu Chuhe was trapped in a cage with two women and one man. After receiving a thunderous gun from Ning Keqian, he quickly reacted and rushed towards Ning Keqian.

"Get away!"

Yang Qilong saw Liu Chuhe's movements and quickly stepped forward, slamming the huge shield in his hand towards Liu Chuhe.

Liu Chuhe raised his hand and was confused.

Yang Qilong waved the shield in his hand, and suddenly he felt that the gene chain where the chain skill was being used in his body suddenly became extremely chaotic.

On the shield in front of him, the golden light suddenly bounced back as if it had hit something.

The terrifying force came back, causing Yang Qilong to fly backwards and fly out.

"Come on, come on, the famous scene is here again!"

"I shock myself?"

"Shall I play myself?"

"Sure enough, Fatty, the most disgusting player, deserves the title."

"There are always various famous scenes when fighting a fat man."

"Fuck! What is this!"

"Crazy, how can a fat man act like a gangster!"

"This is a competition, what is Fatty going to do? Is this Bidong's family?"

When Liu Chuhe saw Yang Qilong flying back and flying out, he was stunned for a moment. Was this the chance of dwindling being triggered again? You are really unlucky. You must have done a lot of bad things.

You see, Zhou Xiangrong did a lot of good things just because he gave me the hidden chain skill. After he was hit by my disorder, there was no chance of triggering the nerf.

Without anyone to cause trouble, he made a huge leap and knocked Ning Keqian to the ground.

Ning Kexi looked at the fat face in front of her and felt the weight that her body should not bear. She subconsciously contracted her hands to cover her breasts, but the fat man pressed her too tightly. I can't put my hand into it at all.

Her mind was completely blank. Wasn't she participating in the provincial competition? This was the semi-finals. What did this fat man want to do?

Liu Chuhe hugged Ning Keqian tightly. This was a mage. It would hurt him if she made her attack him crazily.

Therefore, the only way to prevent her from attacking him is to hug her. If she releases the chain skill at such a close distance, she will also explode herself.

After Yang Qilong was knocked back some distance, he saw Liu Chuhe, who was holding Ning Keqian tightly under him, and the veins on his forehead suddenly popped out.

Insulting his teammates in front of him, the fat man is looking for death!

He suddenly sprinted in front of Liu Chuhe, raised his foot and kicked Liu Chuhe hard on the back.


Ning Keqian let out a painful howl, Liu Chuhe pressed on her body, Yang Qilong kicked Liu Chuhe, Liu Chuhe's body would press harder, and she was also the injured one.

Liu Chuhe felt the burning pain in his back and shouted loudly without looking back: "I just don't want her to release the chain skill. If you attack me again, I will hug her and roll away to avoid it."

In Ning Keqian's mind, an image of Liu Chuhe's fat body rolling over her suddenly appeared. She shook her head and shouted: "No, don't attack him!"

Yang Qilong also discovered the problem, but he couldn't just ignore it, right? Release the chain skill?

He did have the chain skill to repel Liu Chuhe, but with Liu Chuhe holding Ning Keqian in his arms, he couldn't repel Liu Chuhe.

You need to separate the two people first.

Yang Qilong quickly stepped forward and squatted down, grabbing one of Liu Chuhe's arms with both hands and pulling it outward.

On the other side, Yi Wenming also reacted, quickly stepped forward to help Yang Qilong, and pulled Liu Chuhe's other arm to move outward.

The harder the two of them pulled, the tighter Liu Chuhe held Yi Wenming.

And around the four people, balls of flames, thunder, and ice were falling crazily.

Ding Zizi and Sun Shengnan were not affected by anyone, and they frantically poured out their chain skills into the cage.

After all, Liu Chuhe was only one person and had no power chain skills. Although he had the advantage of weight, and the three opponents were all mid-Galaxy level, he was quickly pulled away.

But whether it is Ning Keqian, Yi Wenming, or Yang Qilong, their condition has become extremely bad, especially Ning Keqian and Yi Wenming. They do not have the life chain skill. How can they withstand the crazy attacks with magic? Come on.

Even if Ning Keqian regained her freedom and unleashed her chain skills to attack Liu Chuhe crazily, Liu Chuhe had two chain skills that increased his vitality, as well as Han Xinian's crazy treatment. His condition is much better than the three of them.


"Sun Yiyu fell!"

Suddenly, there was an uproar.

Along with this voice, Shen Zhaodi appeared outside the cage.

The next moment, the cage dissipated.

In addition to forcibly breaking the cage, the person who releases the cage chain skill can naturally make the cage dissipate.

Now, there are only three people trapped in the cage in the Qilu Soul Team, so there is no need to keep the cage.

Next, it’s Shen Zhaodi’s harvest time!

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