In the live broadcast room and the martial arts competition hall, after seeing Liu Chuhe's actions, every audience couldn't help but cursed.

"Is this the final I saw? In the final, he ran away like crazy in a one-on-one situation!"

"The problem is that you can't win by running. It's better to go up and fight hard. At least you can lose with dignity!"

"This is the final, it's the final, don't you feel embarrassed?"

"This fat guy, he doesn't deserve to be on the final stage."

Liu Chuhe didn't care about anything else. Anyway, I had already poisoned that guy. I just ran, just to delay time. I... why did this guy run so fast? You are a warrior, you are an assassin!

Liu Chuhe ran a few steps before he was chased by Liao Changqi.

I can’t run away, so what else can I do?

He turned around suddenly and shouted loudly: "Liao Changqi, do you dare to fight me, Liu Chuhe, for three hundred rounds!"

Liao Changqi didn't reply. His response was a heavy slash.

"Damn! You don't have martial ethics!"

Liu Chuhe raised his long stick and rushed forward quickly, but Liao Changqi's long sword suddenly turned around and slashed towards Liu Chuhe's arm halfway through the cut.

Liu Chuhe quickly followed suit and changed his moves. Fortunately, his fighting skills had improved a lot after fighting the skeleton beasts over the past few years, and he could barely block the opponent's attack with his long stick.

But due to the rush of changing moves, this block did not fully exert its power. His body was hit by the tyrannical force and fell directly to the ground.

Many viewers shook their heads.

"Not even close."

"When Liao Changqi and Shen Zhaodi fought at the beginning, I even felt that Liao Changqi was a bit unworthy of his name. He felt stupid and didn't look like a late-stage Galaxy level at all. Now I know that I was wrong. Liao Changqi is really strong, but Shen Zhaodi is more terrifying. .”

"Liu Chuhe is here to help Liao Changqi clear his name."

After Liu Chuhe was knocked to the ground, he hit a stick on the spot, jumped up, got up and ran away.

Countless viewers were amused when they saw this.

"He is a human shield, why is he running?"

"Does he think he's a mage?"

"A human shield kites a warrior. This Liu Chuhe is really full of tricks."

"The problem is that he can't run for long. Why should he resist? He can just surrender."

"He is simply committing suicide slowly."

One by one, the audience couldn't help but complain.

Liu Chuhe just hit the stick twice and ran away. He was caught up again after running two steps. He hit the stick twice again and ran again. He kept repeating this on the ruined arena.

However, every time he stopped and fought in a short period of time, he would inevitably be injured. That is to say, his vitality was strong, so he did not completely collapse.

Below the ring, the four members of the Master of Justice have received short-term treatment. Based on their injuries, even if their injuries can be treated, the blood they shed cannot be directly replenished, and each of their faces still looks a little pale.

Ding Zizi looked at Liu Chuhe who kept running away, and asked in a low voice: "Didn't he always have a hidden killing move? Why didn't he use it? Didn't he have a stick?

Don't tell me, he also has a killer move, which is to keep running like this. He is going to use his poison to consume Liao Changqi to death. "

"Soon." Shen Zhaodi uttered two words softly.

Suddenly, at the next moment, Liu Chuhe, who was running, paused slightly.

A mark appeared on Liao Changqi's body.

Liu Chuhe suddenly felt that within his body, the gene chain that had been silenced by the Sky-Breaking Strike was finally surging.

Finally started to use the sky-shattering strike!

Within Liu Chuhe's body, Origin Qi surged sharply, and the gene chain of a heaven-shattering blow circulated. In his body, the surging Origin Qi and terrifying power that he had never felt before crazily poured into the gene chain, seeming to destroy his genes. Chains, his blood vessels, every blood cell in his body, his whole body felt like it was completely bursting.

This surging power was so overwhelming that he couldn't bear it, and he just wanted to find an outlet.

The next moment, he stepped on the ground with his legs, and his whole body jumped out strangely in the opposite direction, instantly appearing in front of Liao Changqi's eyes.

Liao Changqi had just swung his long sword to slash out, but his eyes suddenly widened. In front of his eyes, Liu Chuhe, who had his back turned to him, suddenly turned to face him, with the long black stick raised high.

A sky-shattering blow!

Liu Chuhe held up the long stick with both hands and slammed it down in front of him.

In an instant, the entire arena was shaking crazily, and all the light in the entire competition hall seemed to be concentrated on the long stick.

The long stick fell, and the thunder that seemed to be filled with endless power fell from nine heavens away, breaking through the sky and filled with the power to destroy the heaven and the earth!

One strike that breaks the sky, one strike can break the sky!

This is not the first time he has used a Sky-shattering Strike, but before, he only used a Silver-quality Heaven-shattering Strike. This time, he used a Gold-quality Heaven-Shattering Strike!

It has a sky-shattering blow that can only be triggered after the opponent has been damaged three hundred times!

Liao Changqi's eyes were instantly filled with fear, and the only thing left in his sight was this blow.

He even felt a deep and irresistible breath of death.

At this moment, he only had one feeling, he was going to die!

"not good!"

On the ring, the expressions of several extremely experienced referees who had participated in countless college promotion competitions and protected many students all changed drastically.


There was a shocking loud noise, the sound was so loud that many spectators in the competition hall were shocked, their ears hurt, and their eardrums seemed to be shattered.

Almost at the same time, a light shield rose from Liao Changqi's body.

This is a protective chain technique released by a referee.

But even with the protective chain skill, his chest was hit hard by a stick. The ribs on his chest were suddenly broken, and his chest sunk downwards to a degree visible to the naked eye.

The protective device on his body instantly shattered, and his whole body flew backwards at an astonishing speed as if he had been knocked out by an extremely powerful beast.

While flying, he opened his mouth and spurted out a large mouthful of blood.


There was another muffled sound, and Liao Changqi was hit by the stick and flew directly out of the ring. He fell heavily to the ground under the ring. The whole ground shook. His whole body was shaken. His internal organs seemed to have been shattered, and his consciousness was unclear whether he was bombarded or dropped, and became extremely blurry.

He just lay on his back on the ground, staring blankly at the top of his head, his mind in a state of confusion.

He was actually defeated and defeated with a stick!

What kind of chain skill was that attack?

Liao Changqi couldn't understand.

Not only him, but at this time, countless viewers and teachers in the live broadcast room and on site were stunned.

"Liao Changqi was defeated?"

"Hasn't Liu Chuhe been running? How did he suddenly become facing Liao Changqi!"

"Liu Chuhe seemed to have defeated Liao Changqi with just one stick!"

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