The Qilu Provincial School Entrance Competition has come to an end, and Liu Chuhe has finally fulfilled a dream he has always had, becoming one of the hot searches in Qilu Province, and there are many hot searches.

"Champion of the Qilu Province School Entrance Competition—the righteous teacher from Huangsang City!"

"Peerless counterattack, the early stage of Galaxy defeats the late stage of Galaxy!"

"A peerless stick!"

"MVP of the Qilu Provincial School Entrance Competition Finals—Liu Chuhe."

"The best team in the Qilu Province Entrance Competition is Liu Chuhe, Shen Zhaodi, Liao Changqi, Bai Yunsheng, and Yuan Kairan."

The promotion competition always selects the best team, the best student, etc., and the best team of this competition is the only one in so many competitions that does not have treatment.

The official statement is that Liu Chuhe must be in the best lineup. With Liu Chuhe, it doesn't matter whether he needs treatment or not.

Although the final MVP was Liu Chuhe, the MVP of this promotion competition was Shen Zhaodi.

The five members of the Justice Division were invited by many school teachers because of their championship.

Even the three girls Han Xinnian, Ding Zizi and Sun Shengnan are no exception.

Regardless of how they performed in the finals, they are all champions. This is a big competition. Playing all the way to the finals is such a rich experience.

Besides, if you recruit a champion student, it would be nice to tell people about it, right?

In short, don’t ask, asking is the DNA of champions.

All three girls were like this, not to mention Liu Chuhe and Shen Zhaodi.

They came down from the podium and were blocked by teachers one after another along the way. Teachers from any second-rate or third-rate martial arts universities were not qualified to step forward. At the front, teachers from the five major martial arts universities opened the way. .

"Classmates Liu and Shen, you are very outstanding. Excellent students like you should choose our Imperial Wuhan University."

"The imperial capital of Wuhan University is too dogmatic. Two classmates, welcome to the free magical capital of Wuhan University."

"Two classmates, I am a teacher at Yaodu Wuhan University. We can chat alone. I believe that we at Yaodu Wuhan University are the most sincere."

"These two classmates are most closely related to our mountain city Wuhan University."

Liu Chuhe looked at the fat man coming from Shancheng Wuhan University, and then looked at the figure following the fat man for a moment, and said in surprise: "Fu Jianwei? Are you a student from Shancheng Wuhan University?"

A look of pride appeared on Fu Jianwei's face: "That's... is it weird for a genius like me to be a student of Shancheng Wuhan University? How about it? Be my junior, and I will protect you from now on."

Liu Chuhe shook his head in surprise and confusion: "It's strange, it's really strange that a weirdo like you can enter the mountain city of Wuhan University."

"What do you mean! If it weren't for me, would you have been able to catch that strange beast? Also, shouldn't you thank me for not telling me your trump card in advance?"

Liu Chuhe and the four girls of the Master of Justice walked all the way, dealing with teachers from various martial arts universities, and finally returned to the hotel room.

"The world is finally quiet."

Liu Chuhe threw himself directly into the sofa.

After Ding Zizi closed the door, she shouted loudly again: "Champions, we are actually the champions. Even now, I have an unbelievable feeling!"

Liu Chuhe suddenly became interested and said kindly: "Do you feel like you are dreaming? Do you want me to slap you to make sure you are not dreaming?"

"Thank you!" Ding Zizi looked at Liu Chuhe with contempt, do you think I'm stupid? During the previous competition, I was shot with so many arrows and it hurt so much. Did I know it wasn't a dream?

She yelled a few more times, and then slowly returned to normal. She looked at Han Xinnian and Sun Shengnan and asked, "Have you decided which martial arts university to go to? How about the three of us continue to one martial arts university?"

She did not ask Liu Chuhe and Shen Zhaodi. Obviously, those two people would definitely enter one of the top five.

Before today, she had already determined that Shen Zhaodi could enter the top five, but she never expected that after the start of the provincial college entrance examination, Liu Chuhe, who was still at the Juyuan level, and Liu Chuhe, the last person in the team to enter the Galaxy level, would also Can enter the top five!

Who would have thought that Liu Chuhe would have such abnormal chain skills!

"Okay, let's stay in the same school and continue to be teammates." Sun Shengnan responded immediately after hearing Ding Zizi's words, and the two women looked at Han Xinnian at the same time.

Han Xinian said weakly: "I also want to join the Wuhan University with everyone, but I have to discuss it with my parents."

As she spoke, she paused slightly, looked at Liu Chuhe and Shen Zhaodi and asked, "Which Wuhan University do you want to go to?"

Ding Zizi and Sun Shengnan also turned to look, they were also curious about this question.

Liu Chuhe leaned comfortably on the backrest of the sofa and said with great enthusiasm: "Yeah, which Wuhan University should I choose? It's really a headache.

As a human being, sometimes it is not good to be too good. You say, these five elements are coming to us, what should we do? "

Ding Zizi immediately exposed it and said: "Stop it... I remember that Jiangcheng Wuhan University, one of the five major universities, didn't come to you."

"I...I won't go to Jiangcheng Wuhan University ranks last among the five universities. If I don't go, let's talk about the other four universities.

First of all, Imperial Wuhan University... forget it, I think the atmosphere there is too serious and not suitable for me. Of course, if they provide the most resources, I can still feel aggrieved. "

Sun Shengnan heard the sound and immediately answered: "That's the Martial Arts University in the Demon City. After all, the Martial Arts University in the Imperial City and the Martial Arts University in the Demon City are the two strongest martial arts universities. Teacher Xinomeng from their school is the first one among the top five to come to you. teacher."

Shen Zhaodi nodded slightly and said: "Magic City Martial Arts University is good. In addition, Mountain City Martial Arts University can also be considered. After all, the mountain city has the most overlapping space, and the overlapping space of the newly formed star pile is not far from the mountain city."

"Then it's Wudu University in Shanghai. Let's discuss the conditions first. If the conditions given are similar, we will choose Wuhan University in Wudu."

Liu Chuhe and Shen Zhaodi did not return to Huangsang City immediately. Instead, they met with teachers from Imperial Wuhan University, Shancheng Wuhan University and Magic City Wuhan University again in the hotel.

As for Jiangcheng Wuhan University, their people never showed up and naturally disappeared.

And Demon City Wuhan University...

Shen Zhaodi never mentioned this Wuhan University, so Liu Chuhe didn't go to see him.

Still in Shen Zhaodi's room, Liu Chuhe and Shen Zhaodi met Xi Nomeng again. Different from the last time, Xi Nomeng gave higher conditions this time.

The previous time, she did not promise any conditions to Liu Chuhe, and even just said that she intended to recommend Liu Chuhe to the school.

The conditions given to Shen Zhaodi were five credits, access to the school's gene chain library, allowing Shen Zhaodi to choose three gene chains, and the opportunity to go to the overlapping space of the Pearl to experience it under the guidance of a school teacher.

This time, she offered better terms to Liu Chuhe and Shen Zhaodi.

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