Song Manxin is an intensifier herself, and she also knows that when intensifiers are intensifying, they will deliberately report several wrong gene chains in order to confuse the fake ones with the real ones and prevent others from finding out the specific gene chains they need for enhancement.

Although, even if you know the gene chain required to strengthen a chain technique, how to strengthen it, and how to match it, the process is also very complicated, and it is generally difficult to copy the opponent's strengthening technique through materials.

But everyone will still do it just in case, this is already an unspoken rule.

During assessments like this, most people reported the gene chains required for three chain skills at once. This was also to confuse people and make people wonder which gene chains they used when strengthening a certain chain skill.

But there was a little too much information that Liu Chuhe was confused about, so he didn't go into details. He also directly mentioned so many gene chains containing silver chain skills, which was too much.

Liu Chuhe listened to the words of the beautiful woman in front of him with contempt in his heart, this is too much, where is this? I haven't even finished reporting the gene chains needed to strengthen my own chain skills. I haven't even mentioned the gene chains needed to strengthen those three chain skills. You're starting to think it's too much.

That’s all, your Enhancer Guild, you have the final say.

He pondered for a moment and could only say: "My chain skill enhancement technique is quite special and requires more gene chains containing silver chain skills."

Song Manxin did not speak. Next to her, a tall and thin man who looked very young, as if he had just graduated from college, with high cheekbones, frowned slightly.

“I don’t know what specific gene chains are needed to strengthen the steel leaves and toughness of the steel birch tree and the scarecrow’s flying ability.

But I know that the enhancement of these chain skills, or the enhancement of ordinary bronze chain skills, does not require the use of many three-star or four-star alien beasts' gene chains at all! "

Liu Chuhe looked at this young man who suddenly appeared and had obviously not experienced any beatings from society, and asked curiously: "Then tell me, are there any unusual bronze chain skill enhancements that require three-star beasts?" , or the four-star alien beasts have more gene chains?"

The man didn't think about it at all and said directly: "Of course it's the scream of the Black Sound Witch, the poisonous needle of the Blood Kissing Scorpion, and the frost ice ball chain skill of the Snow Lotus. This is the most basic knowledge that an enhancement master should master. .

The beasts to which these three chain skills belong have one thing in common. They all possess silver chain skills, so more silver chain skills are needed to strengthen them. "

"Okay, then I won't strengthen the three chain skills mentioned before. I will strengthen the three chain skills you mentioned." Liu Chuhe looked at the man in front of him with a smile. Although I don't know your name, but I really want to thank you very much.

If you don't tell me, the answer I give will be different. Among the memory chain skills, strengthening the Black Sound Witch does not require many gene chains with silver-quality chain skills.

Liu Chuhe was also a little surprised. Whose memory chain skill did he get? The knowledge about gene chains seems to be beyond this world!

The young man's face showed an angry look. This boy was still laughing. This was deliberately provoking me! That's right, the talent this boy showed during the written examination was so terrifying, and he didn't want to mess with such people.

But now, Liu Chuhe was provoking him in front of him, how could he not respond?

He is an Enhancer, and Liu Chuhe is not even an Enhancer now. He is scared now, how can he raise his head outside in the future!

"You..." He stretched out a hand to point at Liu Chuhe, who was just about to retaliate and scold him, when a voice from the side sounded first.

"Attention, this is the strengthening teacher assessment, don't make fun of your future."

There was a stern tone in Song Manxin's voice. Strengthening masters all have their own special areas of strengthening, and they cannot be omnipotent.

Especially for young strengthening masters, it is extremely rare to be able to strengthen the three chain skills.

Liu Chuhe had already mentioned the three chain skills he wanted to strengthen at the beginning, but now, after hearing Wang Jingsong's words, he wanted to strengthen the other three chain skills. Isn't this nonsense!

If you fail the first round of the written test, you can take the exam again in the second year. The second round of assessment consumes resources, so if you fail the second round, you cannot take the intensifier assessment in the second year. , you must wait a year before taking the exam again.

"President Song, don't worry, I understand it in my heart." Liu Chuhe quickly began to talk about the gene chain he needed: "I also need the Sliding-Wing Bird gene chain..."

Song Manxin had no choice but to provide Liu Chuhe with the gene chain he needed. After all, it was up to the person participating in the assessment to decide which chain skills he wanted to strengthen.

The Enhancer Guild is not a charitable organization. Once you become an Enhancer, you will need to serve in the Enhancer Guild for the next three years and strengthen chain skills for others in the Enhancer Guild.

Naturally, the Strengthening Master Guild charges a handling fee, which is not high, only one percent.

The handling fee is only a small part, the real big part is the gene chain.

When you strengthen chain skills in the Strengthening Masters Guild, except for the several gene chains prepared by the Strengthening Masters Association themselves to confuse and prevent your strengthening skills from being transmitted to others, other gene chains must be purchased in the Strengthening Masters Guild.

The Enhancer Guild also sells gene chains, but generally not many people come to the Enhancer Guild to buy gene chains. Most people still choose to go to 4S stores to buy them. After all, major 4S stores compete and often hold various activities. There will be some Discounted.

However, if you want to buy some rare gene chains, you should go to the Strengthening Masters Guild.

Generally speaking, the Enhancer Guild still focuses on enhancement, while the 4S store mainly sells gene chains.

The previous guide finally came in handy. She quickly brought Liu Chuhe to a room with precision instruments. After getting all the gene chains Liu Chuhe needed, she left. He went out and closed the door for Liu Chuhe.

There is a directly written rule in the strengthening master world. When the strengthening master strengthens, no one is allowed to enter the strengthening master's strengthening room unless the strengthening master gives permission. Once violated, he will be wanted by the strengthening master's guild!

In the reinforcement room, Liu Chuhe clumsily operated the instruments in front of him based on the knowledge in his memory chain technique.

To strengthen the chain skill, the strengthener first needs to separate the chain skill from the body.

In addition to requiring the owner of the chain skill to automatically be willing and cooperate with the stripping, instruments and blank gene chains are also required.

The so-called blank gene chain is a gene chain without any chain skills. This is a gene chain invented by humans. Its only function is to carry chain skills in a short period of time.

About twenty minutes later, in the glass vessel in front of Liu Chuhe, a trace of bronze light appeared in the transparent blank gene chain.

His chain skill life gift has entered the blank gene chain.

Liu Chuhe instantly felt as if his body had been hollowed out. After a while, he recovered and began to operate the instruments one by one to strengthen his chain skills.

The first time, there will always be some unfamiliarity.

Slowly, he became proficient.

After working for more than forty minutes, all the materials in front of him were used up. He then took back his chain skill and rang the room's call bell.

"I failed to strengthen, please give me another material." Anyway, you can provide the material three times, so if you don't use it, it will be in vain.

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