Liu Chuhe didn't wait too long, the new materials had been sent to the laboratory.

He strengthened his chain skills again, then put them away, and began to strengthen the three chain skills of Black Sound Witch's scream, Blood Kissing Scorpion's poisonous needle, and Snow Lotus's Frost Ice Ball chain skill.

"That's it?"

Liu Chuhe was swinging the instrument with a relaxed expression. He had just used the super-perfect enhancement and the enhanced hidden chain skills. To strengthen these three chain skills again was simply a dimensionality reduction blow.

Outside the room, everyone looked eagerly at each laboratory, waiting for someone to complete the experiment so that they could enter the vacant laboratory for intensive assessment.

Many of them were still complimenting an old man who had successfully passed the exam and became an enhancement master.

"Mr. Wang Lipei has finally become a fortified master."

"Congratulations to Mr. Wang!"

"It's great to congratulate, this is the second strengthened division born in our Huangsang City this year."

"It's my turn. I'll use the laboratory used by Mr. Wang. I hope I can borrow some good luck."

Wang Lipei kept smiling with his mouth open, as if he was in a dream. He finally succeeded. After participating in the Intensifier Examination for twenty-three years and failing fifteen times, he finally became an Intensifier!

He had seen quite a few of the people around him who kept congratulating him when he was taking the Intensifier Examination. At that time, most of the people he saw would just nod, and some would even nod at all.

Especially Lu Cunbo, who said that using the laboratory he had used would bring him some good luck. Last year, because his grandson had to go to school, he went to the other party specifically to ask Lu Cunbo for help, but the other party ignored him at all.

Now, she actually directly showed her kindness to him.

Because now he is an intensifier.

There is a saying that has been circulating in the society, no matter how poor you have been, if you become a strengthener, you can become a master, and then you will find that everyone around you is a good person.

While everyone was congratulating Wang Lipei, suddenly, a laboratory door opened.

Although they were congratulating Wang Lipei, they kept paying attention to the laboratory door. Everyone was waiting to do experiments. Suddenly, a laboratory door opened, and everyone immediately looked back.

Liu Chuhe opened the door of the laboratory and walked out. He casually grabbed three bottles of the newly enhanced gene bottles in his hand, shook them slightly, and shouted: "I'm done strengthening, let's continue."

"Continue? Why continue? You have already used three opportunities. There is no chance to continue."

Wang Jingsong shook his head slightly, and said in the tone of a veteran educating the younger generation: "There are only three chances for an assessment. If you want to continue, you can only wait until next year.

No, not even next year, not until the year after. But don’t be discouraged, you are still young, this time Bento will gain more knowledge, and you will gain wisdom after every hardship, you..."

Wang Jingsong was still talking, but a few exclamations came from the side.

"That light, that's a silver-quality chain skill!"

"That color, that is a silver quality chain skill, you can see the silver light, this is... a perfect enhanced chain skill!"

Complete...complete...perfect strengthening?

Wang Jingsong's voice stopped suddenly, and he was completely stunned, staring blankly at the three gene bottles.

Different levels of chain skills have different rays of light, especially bronze-quality chain skills and silver-quality chain skills. The difference in color can be seen at a glance.

The brightness of the light of ordinary enhancement and perfect enhancement is different. The light of ordinary enhancement is dim, while the light of perfect enhancement is dazzling.

Such dazzling light!

Perfect strengthening! This is undoubtedly the perfect enhancement!

All three bottles are perfectly enhanced!

All around, everyone looked at the three gene bottles, each one seemed to be going crazy, and screams of exclamation continued to be heard.

Han Xinnian looked ahead stupidly, I must have met a fake classmate.

He is only as old as me, but he can actually strengthen three chain skills, and they are all perfectly strengthened! At this age, it is very, very amazing to be able to become a strengthener, let alone a perfect strengthener!

Also, he ranked first in the previous trial, with a higher score than Shen Zhaodi.

He wasn't so dazzling when he was in school before. Why is he suddenly so dazzling? Is it because he needs to study genetic knowledge assiduously and doesn't want to be distracted by outsiders, so he keeps a low profile?

Now I'm in my senior year of high school and about to graduate, so I'm starting to show off my talent and become a blockbuster?

Why do people want to become strengtheners? Not to mention the hidden benefits such as social status, the most direct benefit is making money.

The first consideration for others to strengthen must be perfect strengthening.

Who has no ambition to become a geneticist?

Who doesn’t want to improve their chain skills? Even if one more quality is improved, the gap will be huge.

Geneticists will try their best to gather enough money to carry out perfect enhancement.

Especially the one-star and two-star strengtheners who have just become strengtheners. If they are ordinary strengtheners, they have almost no chance to strengthen others.

But the perfect strengthener is different.

As for the first time of perfect strengthening, and then you think that the perfect strengthening can only be strengthened once anyway, so you go to find someone to strengthen it normally?

Then think too much. Once a chain skill is used for perfect enhancement for the first time, you can only use perfect enhancement for the second time. It will never be successfully enhanced with ordinary enhancement.

"Da da da……"

There was a crisp sound of high heels hitting the ground.

Song Manxin walked hurriedly towards Liu Chuhe, her face with exquisite makeup was full of surprise and disbelief. In just a few steps, she appeared in front of Liu Chuhe.

She wants to test whether these three bottles of chain skills are the chain skills provided by the guild.

Because when strengthening teachers are strengthening, they have to be alone in the laboratory, no monitoring is allowed, and no one knows what they are doing inside.

Therefore, when the Strengthening Masters Guild first conducted the assessment, some Strengthening Masters would secretly prepare chain skills that had been successfully strengthened, and exchange the chain skills prepared by the Strengthening Masters Guild, saying that they had just successfully strengthened them.

Then, after the Strengthening Masters Guild returned the chain skill to the other party, they discovered that it was not their own chain skill at all. Although, in the end, the Strengthening Masters Guild discovered the problem and returned the opponent's chain skill to the other party, the Strengthening Masters Guild also made trouble. Big joke happened.

In order to prevent this kind of joke from happening again, and with the continuous advancement of technology, the Strengthening Masters Guild has developed a special mark that can remain on the chain skill for a short period of time without affecting the chain skill.

Naturally, this is limited to low-quality chain skills. Even the Strengthening Masters Guild is still not sure that it can leave a mark on high-quality chain skills without affecting the chain skills.

The chain skills tested by one-star fortified masters naturally leave their mark.

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