Liu Chuhe raised his stick and chased after him. Although he was not known for his strength, he was a galaxy-level existence after all. Although these Gale Forest Musk Beasts had the word Gale in their names, it was more because of their chain skills. The speed is also average.

He could catch up with a few of them, but the problem was that there were too many musk beasts in the Gale Forest. They fled in all directions, and he could only chase a few of them.

"Damn! What a big loss. After fighting for a long time, I finally killed three wind forest musk beasts!"

Liu Chuhe angrily cut off the left ears of three wind forest musk deer, extracted the gene chain of one of them, raised the stick and turned around to leave. The previous tactics failed, so he could only change his mind and go to normal first. Let's brush monsters.

In the hiding place, the short figure almost couldn't help laughing.

"This unfortunate boy."

After thinking about it, he quickly followed him. After all, he was here to protect the new students. He would follow anyone he followed. There was fun in following this unlucky guy, so why not follow him.

Slowly, he discovered that this guy really had something besides being unlucky.

"This stick technique is so exquisite, especially the murderous aura, so strong. It feels even stronger than the murderous aura exuded by Fu Jianwei."

He looked at Liu Chuhe who no longer relied on the chain skill to counter-injure and kill the alien beasts, but instead found a group of alien beasts to fight hand-to-hand with, a look of contemplation on his face.

"This kid acted in a scene with Fu Jianwei and cheated a lot of credits. The two of them must be very familiar with each other. Now, these two people are filled with such strong murderous intent when fighting, so they discovered What kind of special training place is there?"

However, he couldn't figure out where on earth a person could gather such strong murderous aura and improve his fighting skills so much.

Liu Chuhe finally understood why it was said that the alien beasts in Jinyun Space tended to overflow. He just went a little deeper, and then he could find the alien beasts gathered together without any special search at all.

"No, there are too many strange beasts. We can't fight anymore. Others are forming teams one by one. I am alone and there is no treatment. I have to go find my own teammates."

Liu Chuhe finished dealing with a group of alien beasts, extracted all the gene chains that could be extracted, cut off the left ears of the alien beasts, got up and ran away.

About ten minutes later.

A standard team of five people fought together with a group of five-star exotic beasts, clouded leopards with sharp claws.

After all, they were students from the top five universities in the mountain city. Although the number of clawed clouded leopards was more than twice theirs, this team had the upper hand, and there was no sign of any danger.

Although it is not life-threatening, a teammate is injured and needs treatment.

The only woman in the team slowly waved her hands, and a ball of golden healing light flew out, flying towards a strong teammate at the front of the team.

Suddenly, the next moment, the golden healing light suddenly turned around, flew towards the forest on the side, and disappeared in the forest in the blink of an eye.

All around, the eyes of several teammates fell over instantly.

"Classmate Lin, what are you doing?"

"What are you doing throwing treatments into the woods?"

When the female classmate faced everyone's questioning, she also looked confused: "No, I am treating Lao Sun. I don't know why the treatment flew away."

As she spoke, she released the healing technique again, but this time, the rich healing light flew away again, far away into the woods just now.

She didn't wait for other teammates to question her, and quickly shouted: "It's really not my mistake, it's my healing light that flew away automatically."

"Healing will automatically fly away?" A teammate said suddenly, "I don't know if you have watched the video of the gangster in the mountain city. I took a curious look and found out that that guy has the chain skill of devouring other people's healing."

"I saw it too, so..."

"That bastard is around here!"

After Liu Chuhe absorbed two healing chain skills in a row, he didn't stop at all and continued to run forward. Why didn't he run before others noticed him?

Expect others to continue releasing treatments? What good things are you thinking about?

Liu Chuhe quickly started fighting strange beasts and treating them at the same time.

He used to do this a lot when he was in Huangsang City. He was familiar with this kind of treatment business.

Of course, if you rub too much, you will inevitably be discovered.

"That fat man, that stinky gangster, what are you doing!"

"Fat man, you're looking for a beating!"

"Fat man, get out of here quickly, or we won't fight the alien beasts and beat you."

Liu Chuhe was already used to being discovered and threatened, and was not affected at all.

"No, I'm just rubbing it..."

"Passing by, I'm just passing by. I can't control this chain skill...I'll leave now, leave now..."

The old student who had been following Liu Chuhe was speechless. Are you just passing by? I have followed you all the way, and you always run wherever there are sounds and fights.

It is also a talent to go specifically for treatment.

However, this fat man actually doesn't have a bad heart.

He also discovered that the fat man only tried to heal when he saw that the opponent's team was not in danger. He didn't just run over and heal when he saw a team.

It was already afternoon when Liu Chuhe and the others entered the overlapping space. Although it was summer now, the overlapping space also looked like summer, and the dark time was relatively good at night, but slowly, it was getting dark.

Liu Chuhe quickly found a cave and hid in it.

Not long after, he heard a series of scalp-numbing sounds coming from outside. The sounds came and went, one after another.

"Listen to the sound, there must be too many of them. You can't go out. You can't go out. Just stay here safely."

Liu Chuhe instantly gave up the idea of ​​going out to investigate and hid alone in the deepest part of the cave.

At the same time, he was also a little confused, why would he be safe if he hid in a cave?

In such a big cave, it is impossible for those undead beasts not to be able to see it. Why don't they enter?

He didn't go out for a whole night, and he didn't know if anyone had encountered those terrifying undead beasts.

Early the next morning, he continued yesterday's operation, killing strange beasts and treating them at the same time.

And once again his name spread quickly.

With so many people entering the overlapping space, everyone will always meet. We are still classmates, and we will always say a few words when we meet.

Generally speaking, everyone is not very familiar with them.

What should you do if you meet someone you don’t know well?

Find a common topic. Is there any more common topic than scolding the same person?

"I'm telling you, be careful with that fat man."

"Are you talking about that shameless person? Have you met him too?"

"That fat man is so shameless!"

"When the trial is over, we must catch him and give him a good beating!"

"I just wonder how there are such shameless people in the world!"

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