"Opening a room again?" Song Manxin looked at Liu Chuhe in astonishment and said in surprise, "You mean..."

Liu Chuhe nodded seriously and said: "Yes, I want to continue the assessment, go ahead and book a room!"

Song Manxin...

Wait, let me slow down first?

you still want?

You are already a two-star fortified master. If you take the next test, you will be a three-star fortified master! I am also only a three-star strengthener.

A three-star reinforcement teacher for high school students?

How can this be!

Although there is only one star difference between a three-star strengthener and a two-star strengthener, the gap between them is just like...

The difference between cucumbers and eggplants, well, is simply the difference in size and thickness.

The knowledge involved in Samsung enhancement can only be described as massive!

Liu Chuhe is just a high school student. No matter how talented he is, he doesn't have time to study and accumulate so much knowledge as an intensifier.

In the distance, everyone is beginning to doubt life. Are you sure you are really a high school student and not an old monster with a youth chain skill?

"Open...it can't be opened." Song Manxin shook her head gently after a long time and said, "The three-star enhancement master assessment requires at least a four-star enhancement master to preside over it.

In our Huangsang City Strengthening Master Guild, only President Fang is a four-star strengthening master. The president is not here now, so we cannot conduct the three-star strengthening master assessment. "

"The president is only a four-star enhancement master?" Liu Chuhe was finally stunned like everyone else. He originally planned to continue the assessment all the way. It doesn't need to be particularly high, a five-star enhancement master is enough.

A high school student took the intensive teacher examination for the first time and got five stars directly. This news is exciting!

This is a decent headline, no need to buy it.

Then the whole country will pay attention to me.

Can the family see it? After seeing it, I realized how dangerous the child is outside with such a genius, so why not take him back quickly?

From now on, I can no longer live a life of soft food.

Then, you tell me now that the president is only a four-star fortified master, and can only preside over the assessment of a three-star fortified master at most. This time, I will become a three-star fortified master at most!

Will that work? The difference is huge.

"unbelievable! High school student’s first intensive teacher assessment was promoted to five stars”

"Shocked, high school students got three stars in the first intensive teacher assessment"

The title is different, okay?

Can becoming a three-star reinforcement master in one assessment make headlines?

It’s difficult to get on the hot searches, or should you spend some money to buy some hot searches? The question is how to buy it? I don't have enough money.

Liu Chuhe's mind was filled with hot searches, and Song Manxin's voice could be heard in his ears.

"What do you mean just?" Song Manxin looked at Liu Chuhe with a strange look, "Young man, you are too arrogant. You have just become a two-star fortified master, and you can't even look down on the president of a four-star fortified master."

Then you look down on me even more!

I'm just a Samsung.

Liu Chuhe waved his hands repeatedly and said: "Nothing, nothing, I remembered wrongly, I remembered that the president is a five-star enhancement master, so I was surprised when I heard you said it was a four-star.

Yes, I was just too surprised. So what, when will the president come back? I'll be waiting for him here. "

"The president went out yesterday. He wanted to help people strengthen their chain skills. According to the president, this enhancement is a bit complicated and it will take about a week to come back."

Song Manxin thought for a while and came up with a rough number. Generally speaking, enhancement masters only need to strengthen people in the laboratory. However, some chain skills are more special and require them to go out to strengthen them.

For example, some chain skills need to be strengthened in a specific environment before the chain skills can absorb certain gene chains. There are also some gene chains that are more easily absorbed by chain skills when they are just removed from alien creatures.

In this special situation, if the strengthener wants to strengthen, he has no choice but to go out. President Fang goes out to strengthen others.

"One week! Your Strengthening Masters Guild is too stupid!" Liu Chuhe was immediately shocked. He was originally promoted to three stars, but he felt that if he wanted to be among the top hot searches, he would have to spend money to run it.

Now it's better, it directly became a two-star upgrade. Even if you save money, what should you buy? Can this be a hot search?

"What did you say?" Song Manxin's eyes widened. She had been in the Strengthening Masters Guild for so many years, and this was the first time that a person participating in the assessment dared to say that about the Strengthening Masters Guild.

After saying that, she suddenly reacted, and her big, beautiful eyes widened again.

"Do you really want to take the exam?"

She was really shocked. When Liu Chuhe first said it, she thought Liu Chuhe was just saying it casually, or trying it casually.

But looking at Liu Chuhe's angry look now, why do you feel that this kid is very sure that he can pass the assessment and become a three-star enhancement master?

A seventeen or eighteen-year-old three-star strengthening master?

How could I have such a thought? Am I crazy?

That genius from the next city became a three-star reinforcement master at Wuhan University. What a boast!

Liu Chuhe became a three-star reinforcement teacher in high school? She couldn't even imagine how explosive it would be!

"If it's not a real exam, it's better to take a fake one." Liu Chuhe replied angrily, "It's so difficult for me. I just want to eat soft rice. Look at what your Strengthening Masters Guild has done. All my plans have been disrupted." What should I do if I can’t eat soft food anymore? You feed me?

"I am so sorry,"

When Song Manxin saw Liu Chuhe's attitude, she softened. Although it was usually necessary to make an appointment in advance for the two-star or above intensifier assessment, there was really no need for it today.

Today, the Strengthening Masters Guild in Huangsang City is directly connected to the national Strengthening Masters Guild through special devices. As long as the chain skills are not particularly unpopular, they can really provide them.

Therefore, Liu Chuhe's inability to take the assessment this time was really a problem with their Intensifier Guild. She comforted: "Actually, it's the same thing to wait a few days before taking the assessment. As long as you have the strength, you can still become a three-star Intensifier after seven days. It won't have any impact." of."

The impact is great, I... No, this doesn't seem to be a bad thing.

Liu Chuhe suddenly realized that if the assessment continues, I can't strengthen it now, and I don't have any space chain skills to hide the gene chain, so there will be no wool to harvest.

How can I become stronger if I can't gather wool?

Looking at it this way, this is also a good thing.

Besides, there is no way to remedy it.

Liu Chuhe's heart suddenly moved, and he suddenly had an idea. He stretched out his hand to grab Song Manxin's jade hand and said to please: "Sister Song, after the strengthening master assessment is over, the strengthening master guild will announce the results to the public, right?"

"Of course." Song Manxin said, and after a slight pause, she continued, "Don't worry, we will specifically name you and give you a separate front page headline if you become a two-star enhancement master."

"No, no, no, don't say it. It's better to keep a low profile. After others know that I am a genius, they will come to me. There will be a lot of entertainment and trouble. I am still a student and I have to go to school, so don't announce it."

Liu Chuhe said, then turned to look at the people behind him and cupped his hands and said: "Everyone, please do me a favor. Don't say that I am already a two-star enhanced master. Thank you all."

When everyone heard the sound, they immediately made their vows.

"It's natural."

"Master Liu, don't worry, everyone here is in the circle of strengthening masters, everyone understands."

"Since Master Liu wants to keep a low profile, we will never spread this matter."

It’s weird for me to believe you!

Liu Chuhe cursed in his heart, "What I want is for you to spread the word. If you don't spread the word, how can I be popular?" As long as you spread the word, the more powerful it is, the better.

How can a two-star enhancement teacher from a high school student cause a stir? Someone will definitely come to interview me. Then I will not accept interviews, admit or deny it, and the Enhancer Association has not announced it. You can judge for yourself whether it is true or not.

The more this happens, the more things will get heated up.

After a few days of hype, I became a three-star enhancement master in one fell swoop. That’s when I became really popular! Then I can show my face!

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