Liu Chuhe asked Song Manxin with a curious expression: "If I don't teach anything, wouldn't my assistant be miserable?"

Song Manxin smiled softly and said: "This is not our problem anymore.

However, except for a few intensifiers, most intensifiers still teach to some extent, and the relationship between intensifiers and assistants is somewhat similar to that of teacher-student inheritance. Let me show you first, there is no assistant selected by the reinforcement teacher yet. "

"No, no, just find someone who is diligent."

As Liu Chu He was talking, images of beauties appeared in front of his eyes. Well, they were all three-dimensional and almost exactly the same as real people.

Thanks to the advancement of technology, it smells so good!

"Just this thirty-six..."

"Number thirty-six?"

Song Manxin looked at the female assistant who was not outstanding in appearance and figure among all the assistants with confusion, and she was a little confused.

Number 36 looks very ordinary. The only thing that is special is his age. Usually assistants are very young, but this Number 36 is as old as himself.

Wait, age?

He just likes older people?


He used to always hold my hand.

Although he is a bit dark, a bit darker can make you look more masculine. Although he is a bit fat, his facial features are not ugly, and he is even handsome. More importantly, he is such a young genius enhancer.

Wait, what was I thinking?

I'm ten years older than him, so inappropriate, inappropriate!

Song Manxin was wondering when Liu Chuhe's voice came to her ears.

"I'm not talking about No. 36, I'm talking about her." Liu Chuhe stretched out a hand and pointed at a particularly conspicuous one among the assistants.

Song Manxin followed Liu Chuhe's finger and said, "This is the number 21, not the 36th. You..." As she spoke, she suddenly understood that the number following the 36th was not a number but a number. One letter!

Ha, man.

I said before that I was looking for someone who is diligent!

Song Manxin glared at Liu Chuhe, raised her hand to touch the assistant No. 21, and said directly: "Wu Xiaoxiao, come to the 706 laboratory."

"Copy that, President Song, I'll be there soon." The echo came quickly.

Liu Chuhe nodded lightly, his voice was sweet, but his name was... Xiaoxiao? Reverse naming? Cute contrast?

After a while, a beautiful woman with an extremely comfortable face arrived, and then a sweet voice sounded from the laboratory's living room: "President Song, I'm here."

Wu Xiaoxiao heard the shouting and trotted over as fast as possible.

After she stopped, her breathing was still heavy, and her chest was rising and falling slightly. Her pretty face looked a little excited and a little nervous. Her bright eyes glanced at Song Manxin, and then looked at the strange man in the room.

She knew that today was the day for the reinforcement teacher assessment.

Today, all their assistants were prepared in advance, all put on the most exquisite makeup, and faced it in their best condition.

There will be new reinforcements joining today, and if there are new reinforcements, assistants will naturally be assigned.

Even if it is only a one-star enhancement master, and only one assistant is assigned to five one-star enhancement masters, this is still an opportunity for them.

Why do they come to strengthen the Master's Guild as assistants? Isn’t it just to follow a strengthened teacher and have the opportunity to learn?

Today is the opportunity.

Although she was ready, she was also mentally prepared. She might not be selected today. The laboratory of a one-star intensifier is assigned by the person in charge of assessment.

assistant? The vice-president has assigned the labs, so do you expect the assistants to let them choose by themselves? What's more, there is no way to choose one of five talents, they can only be allocated.

And her time to join the Enhancer Guild was too short. There were still a group of people who had joined the Enhancer Guild earlier, waiting for her. Where would it be her turn!

But she never expected that President Song would call her here alone, and there was only one reinforcement teacher across the street, a young man who looked young and seemed to be in high school.

Such a young fortifier?

Why is he the only one? This room, this doesn't seem to be a room prepared for one-star enhancement masters, right?

For a moment, there were countless questions in her mind.

Song Yanxin looked at Wu Xiaoxiao, who was still full of charm even though she was wearing professional attire, standing aside nervously without any movement, and introduced: "This is Master Liu, a two-star strengthening master."

Wu Xiaoxiao only felt that his head was filled with endless roars as if he had been struck by thunder.

Two-star enhanced master?

Such a young two-star enhanced master?

Isn’t today the one-star fortified teacher assessment? How could there be a two-star enhancement master!

He...he chose himself to be his assistant?

I don't need to follow the one-star strengthening master, I directly become the assistant of the two-star strengthening master! You can learn a lot by working as an assistant to a one-star strengthening master, but what you can learn is limited.

And if you follow a two-star enhancement master, you can choose from more! This is a great opportunity, and it depends on her performance.

The one-star enhancement master assigns an assistant to you, and you don't have to use it, but you can't change it if you are not satisfied.

Starting from the two-star reinforcement master, if you are not satisfied with the assistant, you can change it.

She was really nervous now. If she could, she really wanted to hold her chest with her hands and take a deep breath. But now, in front of President Song and the other party, she could only adjust her state secretly and try to show her face. The sweetest smile.

Song Manxin broke the calm and said: "Master Liu has chosen you to be his assistant. Now I want to ask your opinion. Are you willing to be Master Liu's assistant?"

Generally speaking, the purpose of being an assistant is to learn from an intensifier. No one would refuse. But as a humane intensifier guild, they still have to ask.

Wu Xiaoxiao nodded quickly and said: "Thank you Master Liu for your trust. I will definitely do everything Master Liu tells me perfectly."


Such a genius fortifier is crazy to refuse to be his assistant!

"Don't be so serious." Liu Chuhe waved his hand and said, "Follow me, you may have a harder time. I plan to live here."

"Live here?" Wu Xiaoxiao was stunned when she heard the sound. Do you call this place your home? I have never heard of such a thing. Is there still a shortage of reinforcement teachers? How diligent you are to live directly in the Strengthening Masters Guild!

No wonder he is already a two-star enhancement master at such a young age, it makes sense!

She quickly reacted, looked at Liu Chuhe with admiration, and praised sincerely: "Master Liu is so admirable. Master, don't worry, I will definitely take good care of your life and prevent you from having any problems." No worries.”

She thought she had worked hard enough, but compared to Master Liu, she realized that she was far behind! Following Master Liu, I must work harder in the future, so that I can become a true reinforcement master as soon as possible!

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