Although little Ah-囧 has broken through and become a five-star alien beast, Captain Cheng is a late-stage starry sky level master. Little Ah-囧 still wants to resist?

The next moment, Liu Chuhe saw a stream of light flying back.

Captain Cheng appeared in front of him clutching the mutated little skeleton as if he were carrying a chicken.

"Little A'囧, hurry up, someone wants to kill you, come to me quickly." Liu Chuhe whispered to the little skeleton, and regardless of whether the little A'囧 answered or not, he pulled the little A'囧 hard and threw it directly. in his space ring.

Captain Cheng had already brought little Ah-囧 over, but he didn't care about the rest of the matter and would take care of little Ah-囧 first.

On the side, the faces of several fire guardians twitched slightly, you just put a strange beast into the space ring? you……

Well, this kind of skeletal beast shouldn't be afraid of suffocation.

After Liu Chuhe threw little Ahji into the space ring, before he could thank Captain Cheng, three rays of light fell rapidly in front of him.

But before a few people could get closer, Captain Wang and several fire guardians had already taken a step forward, blocking the way of the three of them.

"Starry sky level!"

Dean Luo looked at the man standing at the front of the opponent's team with amazement. The man who just took down the skeleton was a late starry sky level, and there was another starry sky level existence in front of him. Look at the opponent's Origin Qi suit. The richness is obviously another late-stage starry sky level.

This is the late starry sky level. Placed anywhere and in any force, he is an extremely top figure.

It was me. As a late-stage starry sky level myself, I was already the deputy dean of Yamashiro Martial Arts University, the top martial arts university in the country. But the two people in front of me were just like myself, both late-stage starry sky level!

The next moment, Dean Luo's eyes suddenly widened, and terrifying auras burst out among the people on the other side. Among them, there are four more people who have never had an explosive aura. Origin Qi battle clothes appear on their bodies. The intensity of the Origin Qi is not that of late starry sky level, but it is still a starry sky level existence.

Counting the previous two starry sky levels, the opponent actually has six starry sky level masters!

This is starry sky level!

Even at the early stage of Starry Sky level, it is enough to control some less important cities!

Right now, there are six starry sky level masters appearing here, and the rest, except for the fat man, are all Xinghai level.

Where did these people come from? Are these people from the government?

The government also knew about the existence of this skeleton, so it sent people to take away the skeleton? Being able to enter the Jinyun space that is closed to the outside world at this time, and dispatching so many experts at once, it is impossible for other forces except the mountain city government and the military.

He looked at the other party with some doubts, raised his hands and asked: "I am at Wuhan University in Xiashan City. I wonder who you are, Luo Shicun, the deputy dean of the Warrior Academy?"

The other party has six starry sky levels. Otherwise, he would not be so polite if the other party snatched that special skeleton.

"Fire Protector Cheng Guanhu." Captain Cheng spoke stiffly, without changing at all because of the other party's identity. What about the vice president of Mountain City Wuhan University? Let alone the vice-dean, even if Feng Hongyi, the dean, comes, he will only show some respect.

It's not because of respect for the other party's status, but out of basic respect for a sun-moon level war god.

As for fear? give face? There is none here.

He is a fire protector. He only needs to protect the strengtheners and obey the instructions of the president of the Mountain City Strengtheners Guild. He doesn't care about anything else!

"Fire Protector?" Luo Shicun was obviously startled. How could he be a Fire Protector? They are only responsible for protecting the strengtheners, and dispatching such a strong team of fire protectors must be to protect an extremely powerful strengthener.

Which master is going to enter this place?

But here, here... He glanced around. Apart from the fire protector, there was only a fat man on the other side. Where could there be a powerful enhancer?

So what are they doing here?

While he was wondering, a teacher from the Warrior Academy looked at Liu Chuhe a little. Isn't this the fat man who partnered with the weird skeleton in the video?

Didn't Dean Feng order him to be locked up? How was he released? Why are you still with the firebender? Did you see it wrong?

He couldn't help but take a step forward, and immediately, a terrifying pressure came over him.

He looked up and Captain Cheng was looking at him coldly and said sternly: "Stop, otherwise, we will kill you on the spot!"

Astonishing murderous intent came over him, he stopped in an instant, pointed at Liu Chuhe and explained: "We are his teachers, this is a student of our mountain city Wuhan University.

This classmate, why are you here? And with some fire guardians? "

Liu Chuhe looked at the three people in front of him, school teachers? I didn't see them during the trial, so I don't know them. Or from the Warrior Academy?

Isn’t Dean Feng the Warrior Academy? He must have discovered that the little skeleton was special, so he sent someone to catch the little skeleton.

Fortunately, he came early, otherwise the little skeleton would have been captured by them.

He glanced at the three of them, a smile appeared on his face and said: "Teacher, I was assassinated before, and was wronged by a senior. President Li of the Enhancer Guild felt that the Enhancer was insulted, and even suspected Is there someone from a cult who has infiltrated the student team, so I sent Captain Cheng and others to investigate. I was the one who led the way and showed them the cave where the battle took place that day."

After all, he is a teacher at the school. After school starts, he will have to go to the Warrior Academy to attend classes. He can't make the relationship tense, right?

The teacher was a little confused: "Wait a minute, let's not talk about whether you were wronged. Even if it is true, why is the enhancement teacher being insulted? What does it have to do with the enhancement teacher?"

Liu Chuhe smiled and said: "Because I am the reinforcement master."

"What? Are you an Enhancer? You..." The three of them were all stunned. Why didn't you tell me earlier that you were an Enhancer?

Luo Shicun somewhat understood. He must be the president of the Enhancer Guild. Hearing that an Enhancer was wrongly accused in the trial, his fragile heart was stimulated again, so he sent someone out. To put it bluntly, it is nothing more than showing off your fists and telling others that the Enhancer cannot be insulted.

Although on the surface he respects the strengtheners very much like everyone else, he really looks down on the strengtheners. He feels that they are just a group of weak-minded guys and they should not be given such a high status. The world praises them too highly.

However, these have nothing to do with him.

He recovered his mind, walked forward with a smile on his face, and said as he walked: "Everyone, we are his teachers, there is nothing to worry about."

"Stop." Captain Cheng still looked at the other party solemnly and said in a stiff tone, "You guys should stop, we have a mission."

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