Liu Chuhe entered Jinyun Space at night, but when he followed Captain Cheng back to the Strengthening Division Guild, it was already noon the next day.

As soon as he entered the gate of the Enhancer Guild, he saw a familiar figure.

Si Tuoyu.

Liu Chuhe turned his head and glanced at Si Tuoyu in surprise. This guy looked extremely honest and stood aside, as if he was a primary school student who was caught after making a mistake.

Beside him, stood a middle-aged man who was immediately known to be his father.

When Si Jishuo saw Liu Chuhe appear, he immediately stepped forward and said with a smile: "It's Mr. Liu, I guess. I am Si Jishuo, the deputy director of the Shancheng Education Department. I have learned about Mr. Liu's previous experience.

We at the Education Department deeply apologize for what happened to student Liu. "

He had a sincere smile on his face, but he felt as sick as if he had eaten a fly. He was the deputy director of the Education Department of Shancheng City, but now he had to apologize to a small student who had just entered Wuhan University in Shancheng City. Licking his face with a flattering look on his face.

But what can he do?

Zhang Qingyuan had no choice but to look at Liu Chuhe.

Si Tuoyu lowered his head and said nothing. He really couldn't understand why the Enhancer Guild valued Liu Chuhe so much. Wasn't he just an ordinary Enhancer? The Strengthening Masters Guild didn't even give Zhang Qingyuan face.

Liu Chuhe stopped and turned to look at Si Jishuo. Si Tuoyu's father was actually the deputy director of the Education Department. No wonder he was so crazy. This family was well-informed. He had just returned. He first strengthened the Master's Guild. Waiting.

This is an apology to myself.


If apologizing is useful, why do we need the Fire Guardian to come?

If I weren't a reinforcement master, if it weren't for President Ye's efforts, why would I still be locked up in the house now, and I just want to go away after apologizing? Do I need an apology? What I need is……

In Liu Chuhe's ears, Si Jishuo's words came again.

"This is also what our Education Department did not do well. Our Education Department also wants to make compensation to the students. Student Liu, look, should we talk in another place?"

Shancheng Wuhan University is not under the jurisdiction of the Shancheng Education Department. This trial of Shancheng Wuhan University has nothing to do with the Shancheng Education Department. However, Si Jishuo said that the Education Department would make compensation. His meaning was very clear, and he wanted to give benefits. I hope Liu Chuhe spared Si Tuoyu for the sake of benefit.


If the benefits are useful, then... Let's study it first and then talk about what benefits he will give.

As for that Si Tuoyu, how can he be punished? Kill him?

It's better to see the benefits first, and later, take action yourself to take revenge!

"Okay, since Director Si Ji is so sincere, let's talk first. We don't need to change places. We can just strengthen the Master's Guild."

Si Tuoyu almost cursed, "Director Si Ji, my surname is Si, can my surname be Si Ji?" This fat man did it on purpose, he definitely did it on purpose!

And after a while, his father asked him to apologize to Liu Chuhe!

This damn fat guy!

Soon, several people arrived at the room Zhang Qingyuan had prepared in advance.

Liu Chuhe and the Si family father and son walked into the room, while Captain Cheng and others stood outside.

This is the Enhancer Guild. No one would be stupid enough to attack the Enhancer in the Enhancer Guild, unless they are those from a cult.

Si Jishuo has become the deputy director of the Education Department of an important city like Shancheng. If he is really a member of a cult, then all the people in the Chinese Supervision Department will simply commit suicide.

What's more, the room is also transparent. Although they can't hear the sound inside, they can see the situation inside. Once Liu Chuhe is attacked, they can rush in to protect Liu Chuhe immediately.

In the room, Si Jishuo coughed and said, "Classmate Liu, this time actually..."

"It goes without saying." Liu Chuhe said directly, "Don't you want to give me something? Just show me the goods." These people really don't want to talk about anything. Who has time to waste with them? Just put in the goods and get it done.

Si Weishuo was choked for a moment. He had never seen such a direct person before. After being stunned for a moment, he smiled and took out three bottles of gene chain from the space ring and said: "These are three bottles of seven-star alien beasts and seven-star black beetles." gene chain.

Although the Seven-Star Black Beetle is only a Seven-Star Alien Beast, it is extremely rare, so you need to use Honor Points to buy it. Sometimes, you can't even buy it even with Honor Points. It is too popular. At the same time, its two gold-quality chain skills, one is to increase defense and the other is to increase vitality, are both very suitable for tanks. "

For the future of his son, he really carefully selected the chain skills from the family's treasure house. He knew that Liu Chuhe was a tank, so he chose this genetic chain.

"I am a warrior!"

Liu Chuhe almost hit Si Jishuo on the head with this gene bottle. You are the tank, and your whole family is a tank. Breaking the gene chain of the seven-star alien beast is just like sending yourself away, and you are sending away a beggar!

"Oh, warrior, I'm sorry, I made a mistake." Si Weishuo accompanied the smiling face and reached into the space ring again. He also has the gene chain suitable for warriors.

"These are two bottles of Seven-Star Alien Beast, Sharp Claw Lynx Gene Chain. Although its two platinum-quality chain skills are very suitable for assassins, its gold-quality chain skills are perfect for warriors."

Liu Chuhe really wanted to lift his legs and leave, but he also got me the genetic chain of the seven-star alien beasts. Do you need my chain skills to come find me? I……


His eyes fell on one of the two bottles of gene chain, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Claw Relic (Seven Star Alien Beasts)

Chain skill:

The Fastest Come First (Platinum Quality): Years of living in dense forests have given the sharp-clawed lynx even more amazing agility than other beasts of the same level. Everything about it seems to be born for speed, and it eventually evolved into a chain skill that increases agility. , the agility gain will (certainly) increase.

Flash Assault (Platinum Quality): The clawed lynx has longer hind legs than other similar species, and has amazing jumping ability. With the help of explosive power, it can suddenly appear in front of prey fifty meters away and attack its weak points. Deals (small +) damage.

Dance of Crazy Claws (Gold Quality): The most powerful weapon of the clawed lynx is its sharp claws. After countless years of training, its claws have become sharper. With its claws dancing wildly, it can cause (a small amount of +) Damage, and (nerfed-) bleed effects.

Many seven-star alien beasts have four chain skills, while the clawed lynx only has three chain skills, but each of these three chain skills is very good.

But the focus is on the back.

Hidden chain skills:

Hanming's Hiding (gold quality): The ancestor of the sharp-clawed lynx does not like to be public, and it is a chain skill formed in order to hide its appearance and cover up its tracks.

After being cast, no matter what state you are in, you can instantly enter the invisible state, and your agility is gained (a small increase). The invisible state is difficult to be detected by anti-invisible chain skills (with the same quality anti-invisible chain skills, there is no possibility of detection.)

In the stealth state, actions such as attacking for the first time and performing chain skills will not break the stealth state.

After breaking the invisible, the first attack can increase the damage (a small amount).

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