Hidden Chain Skills All Over The Body, Too Fleshy To Understand

Chapter 371 The Most Suitable Chain Skill - Flesh Breaking The Sky

"No, teacher, I still want to take a look." Liu Chuhe had no intention of leaving at all, but looked at the gene chains contained in the gene bottles with bright eyes.

"Look? What are you looking at here? This time the school can open up the genetic chain of the seven-star alien beasts to you." Director Lu looked at Liu Chuhe in complete incomprehension. With the genetic chain of the seven-star alien beasts, you don't Go and see, what do you see about the gene chain of one-star alien beasts and two-star alien beasts? How can you not think about it?

This is the gene bank of Wuhan University in the mountain city. Do you know how many precious gene chains there are here?

Liu Chuhe didn't care about so much. He had already begun to study bottles of gene chains. What a joke, no matter how many alien beasts he had, would it make any difference to him?

As long as it is a gene chain with hidden chain skills, it is a good gene chain.

Besides, if I have to say it, the gene chains of one-star alien beasts and two-star alien beasts are better. Those contain bronze-quality chain skills. When the time comes, you can use the super-perfect enhancement several more times to increase your own Origin Qi, isn’t this better than directly absorbing gold-quality chain skills?

However, the gene chains here are really complete, and there are many gene chains that he has never heard of.

Teacher Lu had no choice. It was Liu Chuhe who chose the gene chain. Since Liu Chuhe insisted on seeing it, she could only stay with him.

Slowly, she realized that something was wrong. Liu Chuhe was looking at the gene chain too fast. It didn't seem like he was looking at the gene chain at all, but like he was taking a tour. It was still a quick tour.

By the way, this guy seems to be an enhancement master. He is probably watching what kind of gene chains there are and gaining knowledge.

Also, who would be so stupid as not to choose the gene chain of seven-star alien beasts, but to choose the gene chains of one-star alien beasts and two-star alien beasts? I guess he was just looking at it.

Teacher Lu was thinking about it when suddenly, Liu Chuhe's voice came over.

"Teacher, I want this bottle of gene chain. Should I take it away directly, or do I need to register it first?"

Liu Chuhe said he was looking forward to entering the school's gene bank to select gene chains. After all, the gene bank of Shancheng Wuhan University, one of Wuhan University's martial arts universities, should have some good things.

But when it comes to how much I look forward to it, I don’t have any.

He doesn't know how many 4S stores he has visited, and how many gene chains with hidden chain skills have he selected in total? There are really too few hidden chain skills.

As a result, this was only the first level, and he discovered that a person still needs to have dreams.

Tardigrade (two-star alien beast)

Chain skill:

Vigorous (Bronze quality): Long before the era of big genes, there were extremely tenacious tardigrades in the world. They were even considered to be alien creatures, tardigrade monsters, which also had extremely tenacious vitality.

Vigorous, increase its (cut +) vitality.

This is an ordinary chain skill, not a hidden chain skill!

The first hidden chain skill I obtained, the Gift of Life, only increased (a small amount of -) vitality when it was of bronze quality.

The increased vitality of this ordinary chain skill is almost catching up with the hidden chain skill, which is simply too much!

The Indestructible (Bronze Quality) Tardigrade can adapt to various extreme environments. Its special skin and body structure improve its defense capabilities (Mineralization +).

It's an ordinary chain skill, and it's improved (weakened +), too much, too much!

There is also a third chain skill!

Hidden chain skills:

Unbreakable (bronze quality): The tardigrade monster relies on its tenacious vitality, increasing (by a small amount -) its vitality.

[This chain skill gene is extremely overbearing and can change the genetic order of all defensive chain skills, making all the owner's chain skills that increase defense power invalid. 】

Liu Chuhe looked at the gene chain in front of him with bright eyes. He had also seen many gene chains containing hidden chain skills, but now, seeing this gene chain, he was completely out of control. Trembling slightly.

This chain skill, this chain skill is simply tailor-made for yourself!

It is also a hidden chain skill that increases vitality.

When the gift of life is in bronze quality, it increases (a small amount of -) vitality. After reaching the silver quality, the vitality will be improved (small +).

This strong and unbreakable chain skill is only of bronze quality, and the increased vitality is (slightly -), which is too much!

Of course, the increase in vitality is so terrifying, but it also comes at a price, and it is an extremely serious price. All chain skills that increase defense power become invalid!

If it were anyone else, especially those guys with a chain skill that increases defense, they would definitely go crazy if they got such a chain skill.

The problem is that he doesn't have a chain skill that increases his defense, so this negative impact on him is the same as nothing.

Even in the future, he has no intention of absorbing chain skills that increase defense power.

What do you want that thing for? Does it affect the output of antishock?

So, is there any chain skill more suitable for you than this?

It is only bronze quality and has increased so much vitality. How much more vitality can this chain skill increase after silver and gold quality!

If you own this gene chain, then you will become truly fleshy. Those who are fleshy will not be able to understand you, you will be so fleshy that you have no friends, and your flesh will break the sky!

For me, this is the strongest chain skill, this is a super magical skill!

Putting aside all the rewards for joining the Mountain City Wuhan University, just such a gene chain is worth it!

The only problem is the name of this chain skill. Why do you think it is weird?

We don’t know what’s wrong with it, but it always reminds people of the word “golden gun”.

Can't you call me perseverance? You have to call it strong and unfailing.

Director Lu was stunned when he heard Liu Chuhe's words. Didn't you just look at it and not take it away? Do you really want to take it away? Even if there are some rare alien beast gene chains here, they are only one- or two-star alien beasts. How valuable can they be? How unthinkable you are!

Can a person with this kind of IQ be a geneticist?

She looked curiously at the bottle of gene chain that Liu Chuhe was staring at. She wanted to see what gene chain could make Liu Chuhe waste his precious selection quota.

"The genetic chain of the tardigrade? Although the genetic chain of the tardigrade is not common, there are actually many such strange beasts. It's just that the environment they live in is generally very harsh, and they like to live in There are many powerful alien beasts in the area, so there don’t seem to be many of them. Are you sure you want to choose the gene chain of this alien beast?”

Liu Chuhe casually made an excuse and said: "Sure, of course, I'm useful. Well, I want to give it to a family member. The chain skill of this strange beast is still very strong."

"In that case, I will keep this chain skill first. After Mr. Liu has selected all the gene chains, I will give you all the chain skills you selected when we leave."

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