He had already thought of a strategy when he was on the road, which was to find skeletons from various forces to kill.

And kill them, you can’t kill them all, you have to leave a few skeletons behind.

Tell them to go back and tell the other skeletons that a blue skeleton is killing them. By then, the skeletons in this area will definitely become more chaotic and fight each other, so that he can have a chance to take advantage.

As for why skeleton slaves are kept, it is simpler. This kind of one-star alien beast has a lower IQ.

What if a four-star alien beast is left behind, and a five-star alien beast comes back and says, "What if there are humans or something like that?"

Therefore, it is much safer to leave behind the one-star alien beasts with low IQ. What can they say about their IQ? He was afraid that they couldn't explain that they were attacked by the blue skeleton beast.

Liu Chuhe rushed all the way, using his Galaxy-level physique to knock away the skeleton shield soldiers and skeleton soldiers. He rushed all the way to the opponent's skeleton captain, raised his hand and hit him on the head with a stick.

He is now in the middle stage of the galaxy. In fact, if you calculate it, he should be on the same level as the five-star alien beast Skeleton Captain, but in a real fight, he can already completely crush him.

The Skeleton Captain has a skeleton attendant who can heal its vitality. The problem is that if he fights with Liu Chuhe, all these healing chain skills will fall on him.

Within ten minutes, as Liu Chuhe hit him with his stick, the skeleton captain fell heavily to the ground.

All around, skeletons fled around after their leader died.

Liu Chuhe quickly caught up with a skeleton waiter, swiped it with his long stick, knocked it to the ground, and shouted to little Ajiao: "Try to let go of the skeleton slaves. These skeleton waiters who can heal must not let go of one of them." ."

There are still a lot of little Ajiao's subordinates, so there is no problem in blocking these skeletons. Under their deliberate release, the skeleton slaves fled away one by one.

"Very good, let's do it this way, let's continue..." Liu Chuhe nodded with satisfaction. Just when he was about to continue taking action, he turned around and found that little Ajiao had already started to cook.

Forgot that this guy still needs to devour others of his own kind.

But it's not the same thing to continue waiting here. I can't just wait for it here every time after fighting.

"You take your time cooking here first, and I'll explore the way. You can find me later."

After Liu Chuhe finished speaking, he turned around and left.

In this way, they kept looking for the skeleton team led by the skeleton captain. Once they found it, they would go up and do it, and finally let go of a few skeleton slaves.

Even in order to prevent Little Skeleton's younger brother from suffering losses, Liu Chuhe usually rushes in to fight alone, while Little Ajie's younger brother is only responsible for preventing the Skeleton Soldiers, Skeleton Shield Soldiers and Skeleton Waiters from getting better.

The next day, little Ajiao used three bone beads again and created a lot of younger brothers. Just like the last time, this time, the younger brothers it summoned still did not contain hidden chain skills.

As time goes by, little Ajie has more and more little brothers.

Liu Chuhe looked back at the nearly 1,000 younger brothers who were following little Ah-囧, reached out and patted Little Ah-囧 on the head and said: "Little Ah-囧, when you grow up, you can be self-reliant. You are enough to carry you." My little brothers are running wild here, and I need to go out and practice on my own."

He entered the undead extra-dimensional space not only because of little Ah-囧, but also for his own cultivation, but with little Ah-囧 his efficiency was greatly reduced.

The main reason is that after finishing the painting, little Ah-囧 has to cook, make skeletons, and apply paint, which is such a waste of time.

He thought for a while and decided to practice on his own for a while.

"Come on, put these paints away. This is a cleaning agent. After spraying it, the previous paints will disappear, and then you can change the color of the paints for your little brother.

Little Aji, let me tell you, you need to know the truth, there is a difference between a full meal and a full meal. Only I can strengthen your chain skills for you, no one else can strengthen your chain skills for you, so, do you understand?

That's right, I have always been your big brother, remember. "

After Liu Chuhe finally instilled a lot of truth into little Ajie, he turned around and left to find the Skeleton Legion to practice.


Demon City, a city without love.

It is also a city where the five major martial arts universities are located, but the pace of life in Yaodu is much faster than that in the mountain city.

It is also one of the five major martial arts universities. Among the demon capital Wushu University, the students seem to be more nervous than the students of the mountain city Wushu University.

In a single-family villa in Wuhan University, the demon capital, the weather is still hot, but a middle-aged woman with a stern expression is wearing a large black robe, sitting on a wooden chair made of sandalwood, staring at Opposite Shen Zhaodi.

Shen Zhaodi seemed to have been accustomed to the woman's presence, as if no one was staring at her at all. She stretched out her hand with a calm expression and took out a bottle of gene chain from the space ring.

It was just a simple movement, but the woman opposite her suddenly stood up and shouted coldly: "What are you doing? Where did this gene chain come from? The family has prepared the A. recluse gene chain for you. This is the most suitable Your genetic chain.

This is a gene chain unique to Siam. The family has prepared ten of them for you, which is enough for you to successfully absorb them.

Don't have your own ideas, absorb the genetic chain provided to you by your family. "

The Hidden Mosquito is a seven-star strange beast, and only one of its chain skills is a gold-quality chain skill.

If Shen Zhaodi absorbs it, he will only absorb that chain skill.

That's an invisible chain skill.

As an assassin, she only has one invisibility chain skill so far, which is still too little.


Shen Zhaodi glanced at the middle-aged woman indifferently, opened the cap of the genetic chain, and swallowed it in one gulp.

Even if this chain skill is not particularly suitable, so what?

It’s just a chain skill!

This gene chain was given to her by Liu Chuhe!


The middle-aged woman saw Shen Zhaodi's actions and became furious. She raised her hand and slapped the wooden table in front of her. The wooden table made of huanghuali that was more than a hundred years old shattered under this palm, and sawdust flew into the sky. rise.

But Shen Zhaodi stood expressionless, feeling the changes in herself and the chain skills she had absorbed.

Just one gene chain, and she successfully absorbed it.

Moreover, this chain skill... this is not the Dance of Mad Claws!

After she received this chain skill, she checked it with her mobile phone. It was a genetic chain of sharp-clawed lynx.

Of the three chain skills of the Sharp Claw Lynx, only one of them, the Dance of the Wild Claws chain skill, is of gold quality. If she successfully absorbs it, it should be the Dance of the Wild Claws.

But what she is absorbing now is not the Dance of Mad Claws, but another chain skill.

There is only one possibility.

This gene chain has hidden chain skills, and she has absorbed another hidden chain skill.

Counting the previous Cai Feng Sui Crow, this is her second hidden chain skill. The two hidden chain skills all come from Liu Chuhe.

As for Liu Chuhe himself, in addition to the hundred-fold poison, he was almost equipped with hidden chain skills.

Just luck?

How is that possible!

How could anyone be so lucky!

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