Liu Chuhe looked at Han Xinnian who looked at him with admiration and wanted to form a team with him, but he still shook his head gently and refused: "No, no, sister Xinnian, you just choose the team first..."

It would be great to have such an eye-catching and beautiful girl in my team.

But the problem is, if he really agrees to her, Han Xinian will be cheated.

I will wait for President Fang to come back and pass the exam as a three-star intensive master. Then I can wait for my family to pick me up and go home, and live a life of soft food from now on.

In that case, your team will be dispersed by then. Wouldn't that be a scam?

How could such a beautiful and lovely sister deceive others?

Sun Shengnan was completely stupid. It’s you Liu Chuhe who is crazy. Do you know how popular Han Xinnian is? This is a precious wet nurse!

Among the low-quality chain skills, there are too few healing chain skills, so at their level, treatment is too precious.

Take their class as an example. This is the strongest class in the school, but the whole class only has two healers, and Han Xinian is still the well-deserved number one. She has two of such precious chain healing skills!

This is the one person in the class who would not refuse to form a team, and you refused!

Are you a fool?

Just as Sun Shengnan was thinking about it, Dian Guangzhou's roar came from the podium: "Sun Shengnan, get out of here!"


Sun Shengnan was so angry. It was Liu Chuhe and Han Xinnian who were talking clearly, why did you come to me? you……

A crisp bell rang. This was the last class, so school was over.

Sun Shengnan suddenly laughed, "Thank you, grab a meal from the canteen."

Liu Chuhe also ran out quickly. He wanted to return to the dormitory quickly and informed the dormitory master to move out of the dormitory.

He was afraid that he would leave late and let Jia Kongque catch him and give him a lesson.

The rest room in his laboratory is fully stocked with everything. He doesn't have much, so one person can take it all.

In the classroom of Class 1, Grade 3, as Dian Guangzhou left, Qi Zhisi stood up quickly, leaving an afterimage in the air, and he appeared at the door of the classroom.

"Silver Chain Skill, Flash!"

"It just left an afterimage, such a skillful flash!"

As the top-ranked student in No. 2 Middle School, the students did not wonder why Qi Zhisi blocked the door, but instead noticed Qi Zhisi's chain skills.

Flash is the chain skill of the four-star alien beast Blade Black Lynx. All three chain skills of Blade Black Lynx are silver chain skills, but the most precious one is Flash. Once activated, the speed is astonishingly fast, even if it is genetically modified. It is difficult for any teacher to capture the movement of his body.

Within a range of fifty meters, a silver-quality lightning chain skill can be used in two seconds.

Flash is known as one of the three early magic skills of all assassin geneticists. All geneticists who develop towards assassins or even speed warriors want to obtain this chain skill.

But firstly, the Blade Black Lynx is cunning and difficult to capture. Secondly, for some unknown reason, only one out of ten people who successfully absorb the Blade Black Lynx gene chain can obtain Flash.

There were quite a few people in their class who were developing towards assassins and speed warriors, but as far as they knew, except for Qi Zhisi, no one in the class had a flash.

Even Shen Zhaodi, who is recognized as the strongest in the school, doesn't even have a quick dodge!

Many people in the classroom were secretly vigilant. If they encountered Qi Zhisi's team in the team competition, the mages and healers in their team would be in danger.

However, if you are on the same team as Qi Zhisi, you will be worried about the other teams.

Qi Zhisi did not speak after blocking the door, while his classmate Duan Yanchao walked to the podium, looked at the students below and said: "Today is the first day of our class division. I have something to say to everyone in advance. .

Don’t worry, I won’t delay you for long, but you’d better stay here until I finish speaking. What I want to say is…”

Before he finished speaking, Shen Zhaodi had already stood up. She walked directly to the door without even looking at the two of them.

Duan Yanchao opened the door without saying a word.

Shen Zhaodi walked to the door, paused slightly and said: "There are four places, the one with the highest bid can form a team with me."

As soon as she finished speaking, she walked out of the classroom.

At the back of the classroom, Sun Shengnan's heart was filled with enthusiasm. It's so cool, so handsome, isn't it?

The high school team is directly related to the martial arts test results, and even the chance to directly enter the martial arts university, but Shen Zhaodi doesn't care who she teams up with, as long as she is given enough money, she can team up with her. How domineering this is , how confident this is.

The heroes in the book are nothing more than this.

After Qi Zhisi allowed Shen Zhaodi to walk out, he signaled Duan Yanchao to close the classroom door.

However, the look he looked at Shen Zhaodi was full of coldness.

When Song Xingyou saw this, he almost couldn't help laughing. It was so interesting. Qi Zhisi and Duan Yanchao blocked the door and the whole class couldn't go out. This was so impressive.

As a result, Shen Zhaodi did this, and the two of them instantly became doormen.

Shen Zhaodi's style has already spread to all the schools in Huangsang City. Just now, if Qi Zhisi dared not open the door, Shen Zhaodi would definitely charge a terrifying fee.

The next key thing is to quickly ask your family for some money and form a team with Shen Zhaodi. As long as the team is fixed, the results of the martial arts test will be stable.

After Duan Yanchao closed the classroom door again, he looked at the students and said, "This matter has nothing to do with Mr. Shen, but it does concern everyone. I want to remind everyone that it is best not to team up with Liu Chuhe.

Although he is temporarily the number one in this trial, he did not do it based on his strength. His grades were completely a trick. He cheated his own classmates in our school and got them cheaply.

Part of his points belong to me and Zhisi, and part of them belongs to classmate Song. But he used tricks to trick us.

It was a trial for five schools. We all represented the honor of our own schools, but he cheated on his classmates. Do you dare to team up with such a person?

Besides, based on his true strength, he is not even qualified to enter the second class, let alone our class. "

Duan Yanchao paused slightly as he spoke, and his expression became gloomier: "Well, one more thing, we always have to avenge ourselves.

During the trial, Liu Chuhe tricked us, so after school starts, we will carefully consider who he wants to form a team with. "

After saying that, Duan Yanchao stepped down from the podium and walked out of the classroom with Qi Zhisi.

Without a strong team, Liu Chuhe's high school was ruined. If he couldn't get into the Wuhan University, his life was also ruined.

This is the price for offending us and ruining our plans, then we will ruin your life.

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