Liu Chuhe turned his head, and a face full of extreme temptation appeared in front of him. The beautiful woman with big waves casually put a hand on the back of the seat, leaned down slightly, stared at Captain Cheng, and again Repeatedly asked: "Does it look good?"

During the questioning, a charming smile always appeared on her face, and she didn't look angry at all. However, Captain Cheng seemed to be like a primary school student who was caught after making a mistake, sitting upright and stiffly on his seat, even I didn't even dare to sit down completely, but only sat down a third of the way, facing the mature and charming beauty in front of me, shaking my head crazily.

"What do you mean by shaking your head?" The beautiful woman with big waves smiled brighter and brighter, "You mean, I don't look good, right?"

"No, no." Captain Cheng's hands trembled with fear, and he quickly explained, "It's good-looking, you look good. No, I mean... I, I didn't look. Yes, I didn't look at you."

A big shot in the late Starry Sky level, but he couldn't hold his tongue straight.

"Don't look at me? That still means I'm not good-looking, right?" As soon as the big wave beauty finished speaking, the sweat drops on Captain Cheng's face no longer dripped down, but began to flow.

The beautiful woman with big waves spared him at this time, turned to look at Liu Chuhe and said with a smile: "Little brother, do you think it looks good?"

When a woman asks you if she is good-looking, no matter how old the woman is, whether she is beautiful or ugly, whether she is strong or weak, there is a standard answer.

"It's beautiful, so beautiful!"

Liu Chuhe nodded crazily. There were only two answers in total. Captain Cheng had already eliminated one wrong option, so he naturally chose the good one.

The beautiful woman with big waves seemed to be very satisfied with Liu Chuhe's answer. She continued to ask: "Then tell me, which one looks better? A small waist or long legs, stockings or big waves? Or? I'll go out and buy one. A pair of glasses?”

Liu Chuhe was dumbfounded for a moment. I spoke so quietly just now, did you hear it? What kind of ears are you talking about?

After he came to his senses, he quickly shouted: "They all look good, they all look good." This kind of question seems to be a single-choice question, but the answer must be an all-choice question.

"How specific? Where is the best place to look at?" The beauty with big waves actually moved forward again.

Liu Chuhe looked at the beautiful face so close in front of him, smelled the faint fragrance, looked at this beauty full of mature charm like a peach, and shouted out of nowhere: "Big waves...big waves are the best." look."

After saying that, he covered his mouth, why did he tell the truth, I...Old Cheng, please help me.

He glanced at Captain Cheng.

The sweat that continued to flow from Captain Cheng's face made his own collar soaked through.

Count on him? Forget it, you still have to save yourself.

Liu Chuhe quickly made up for it: "What I'm saying is that your wavy hair is really beautiful and matches your temperament. This kind of wavy hair is very deep and most people can't grasp it, but you can control it perfectly!"

"Really? Is the wavy hairstyle you're talking about?" The beautiful woman with wavy hair gently raised a finger, seemingly wanting to point it towards Liu Chu.

On the side, Captain Cheng's expression suddenly changed, and he shouted quickly: "Tang War God, he is Mr. Qin's close disciple, and he is one of our own."

"Mr. Qin?" The beautiful woman with big waves put her raised fingers on the backrest, and the charming look on her face disappeared instantly, and she said seriously, "When did Mr. Qin accept another disciple?"

It's not that she suspected that Captain Cheng was lying. If Captain Cheng had more courage, he wouldn't dare to spread rumors about Mr. Qin.

Not to mention Captain Cheng, even she didn't dare to spread rumors about Mr. Qin.

She was just surprised that Mr. Qin actually accepted another disciple, and he was still such a young disciple.

"It was probably at the beginning of September. President Li, President Ye, and Master Yang were all present at that time." Captain Cheng looked like a student answering the teacher's questions. He was as obedient as he could be.

"Oh? It's not easy to be accepted as a disciple by Mr. Qin." The big-wavy beauty simply sat on the seat next to Liu Chuhe, tilting her head slightly and examining her.

Liu Chuhe sensitively noticed Captain Cheng's name for this beautiful woman with big waves, "God of War!" This is indeed a God of War!

However, he is also at the late stage of the Starry Sky Level, and is only one step away from the Sun and Moon Level. Logically speaking, he shouldn't be scared like this?

Therefore, this person is definitely not an ordinary sun and moon level person.

Also, Tang War God.

After Liu Chuhe confirmed that the God of War in front of him was giving face to his teacher, Principal Qin, he became bolder again. He thought of something and subconsciously asked: "So, is she the Xiao Tang that my teacher is talking about?" Mainly: Principal Qin, Xiao Tang Xiao Tang was on his lips all day long, so he followed the habit of calling him that.

Is this Xiao Tang?

Wherever it is small, it is not small at all, okay?

I always thought that Xiao Tang was an old man, but who would have thought that he turned out to be a beautiful woman.

No wonder Principal Qin keeps talking about it all day long, understand it.

If I had known that Xiao Tang was her, what kind of help would I have had from Captain Cheng? I just asked Xiao Tang to take me to Jinyun Space. Wouldn't it be nice?

Captain Cheng turned his head to the side hard and said, "Don't look at me. It's not me you're asking about. It has nothing to do with me. If you want to die, don't take me with you."

You dare to call the God of War Xiao Tang, you are so brave!

When you were in the Strengthening Masters Guild, didn't you hear that President Ye and Master Yang also called Tang War God? They didn't dare to call him Xiao Tang, but you called him Xiao Tang.

"If my guess is correct, the Xiao Tang you are talking about is me." The big-wavy beauty showed a very, very sweet smile, stretched out a slender index finger, and pointed towards Liu Chuhe, "Look at me Isn’t this finger very small?”

"Not small, very beautiful, slender and soft, the fingers are like peeling an onion, not the root of an onion, ah..." Liu Chuhe suddenly howled in pain.

The beautiful woman with big waves just pressed a very delicate finger on his shoulder, but he instantly felt as if a big mountain was pressing down heavily. He even vaguely heard a crunching sound coming from his shoulder.

At the same time, a wave of air rushed back and hit the beautiful woman in the big wave.

But just as the air wave landed in front of her, ripples appeared in the air in front of her, and the air wave dissipated instantly.

"Oh, you dare to fight back." The beautiful woman in the big wave stretched out her hand and pressed Liu Chuhe's arm again. This time, the clicking sound he heard was no longer faint, and even Captain Cheng next door could hear it clearly. Clearly.

Liu Chuhe let out a painful scream again, the sound was so loud that it was unusually obvious even on this noisy plane.

Many people's eyes were also looking in his direction.

Song Xingyou stretched his head and took a look, and said with disdain: "My sister-in-law actually entrusted me to him. This is such an unreliable thing. He must have been teasing me for teasing other beauties."

It's just this sound that makes me so sore.

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