After the Germanic old man finished speaking, people from the Neon Country and Bangzi Country all around him spoke in response.

"Yes, for the safety of your country's geneticists, we won't let them in."

"You don't value human rights too much. When you start to value human rights, we will allow them to enter."

Among the crowd, there was a bald middle-aged man from Olia Country who shouted: "There is also DJI. DJI belongs to China, right? Why don't I see a DJI person here?"

You Chinese are squeezing the DJI people. You have to bring at least half of the DJI people with you before you can enter here. "

"That's nonsense!" the old man from the Huaxia Kingdom angrily said: "We in China have never forced anyone to enter the closed space. In addition, on the second day after the closed space was opened, a large number of Chinese people from Dajiang entered the closed space. Haven't you seen it? Are you here?"

"No, who has seen it?" The bald man from Olia pointed at the old Chinese man: "In short, Chinese people are not allowed to enter."

Liu Chuhe's mobile phone had just translated the words of the bald man from Olia, when a cold snort suddenly came from his side.

A long black knife suddenly appeared in Tang Nanjia's hand.

The next moment, her figure suddenly rushed out, jumped straight into the air, swung her long knife, and slashed in the direction of the bald man in Oriya.

In an instant, a bright purple brilliance erupted from the long knife, and the entire sky was dyed purple at this moment.

Even the seawater around the island turned into patches of purple under the sunlight.

In this world, at this moment, there seems to be only this kind of light, this kind of purple, the purple of the sword!

When the knife fell, the entire void seemed to be split into two pieces.

The mighty and endless auras gathered together, just like the purple sun falling from the sky and hitting the earth.

Below, everyone in the Oria, Germania, and Neon countries suddenly noticed the terrifying attack, and an astonishing aura erupted from each of them, and instantly dispersed around them.

They can be sent here by their own country, which one is not a first-class master.

They scattered quickly enough, but the knife was even faster!

The next moment, there was a loud bang, and then dust rose up all over the sky, rising straight into the sky, like a mushroom cloud from an atomic bomb explosion.

The entire island shook crazily, and the seawater around the island surged crazily.

Just now, an extremely huge pit had formed where everyone was standing. At the edge of the pit, there was a deep ravine like a rift valley, winding all the way to the edge of the island.

The power of a sword is so terrifying.

This is Tang Nanjia, who can cut mountains and rivers and shatter the sun and moon with one knife!

Amidst the flying dust, Tang Nanjia pointed his sword straight ahead and said in a cold voice: "I, the Chinese, will definitely enter this place. Those who stand in the way will die!"

All around, masters from various countries looked up at the woman pointing a knife in the smoke, and they were all shocked.

"is her!"

"China's Tang War God!"

"Why is she here?"

Everyone was just talking, but no one took the initiative to stand up.

"A bunch of trash."

Tang Nanjia didn't care at all how many people or masters were on the other side, openly making fun of the group, but no one on the other side stood up.

She waved back and said: "Enter the space."

As she said that, she struck out one by one and walked towards the entrance to the forbidden space of the galaxy. However, the masters from various countries who originally blocked China's entry all gave in, and no one said a word that China was not allowed to enter.

Behind, China's many galaxy-level geneticists were all brimming with enthusiasm. They followed Tang Nanjia while shouting loudly.



"go ahead!"

Liu Chuhe moved forward with the crowd, feeling that the blood in his body was constantly burning.

"So handsome, my sister Tang is so handsome! This is the real God of War! Even if you explain to them any explanation, just do it! If you don't accept it, you'll do it! He's so handsome, isn't he?"

As he walked, he looked at the foreigners who had already hid aside.

Olia, great, it’s you again, I remember you.

If you have any trouble, just come to us, China. We were not allowed to enter the restricted space just now. Just wait for me. Wait for me to come out of the restricted space and see how I can harm your Burt overlapping space.

And that Germanic old man.

Oria, Neon, Lighthouse, and Tianzhu. These countries are looking for trouble. I can still understand. What are you Germans doing out of nothing?

We cleaned them all up later.

On the side, Captain Cheng heard Liu Chuhe's words and whispered: "If you want to take action directly, you must have such capital. Our old man from China is Qi War God, do you think he doesn't want to take action? ?

Perhaps, he wants to take action more than anyone else, but he can't do it. Once he takes action, if he is attacked by a group, he may be able to retreat, but all of you behind will suffer, so he can't do it, he can only endure. "

Liu Chu immediately understood: "So, the reason why I, Sister Tang, dare to take action directly is because I, Sister Tang, are too strong? In the later stage of Sun and Moon?"

"Later stage of Sun and Moon? She is a powerful being who has killed the late stage of Sun and Moon, and not even one. You have to know that the stronger the geneticists are, the more ways they can save their lives.

It is normal for a late-stage Sun and Moon to defeat a late-stage Sun and Moon, but it is too difficult to kill them. After all, you can still run away if you cannot defeat them.

As far as I know, Tang War God has killed at least three people in the Late Sun and Moon Stage, and those three were all strong men in the Late Stage of the Sun and Moon. They were killed purely by the power of one person. You can imagine how powerful she is.

In China, someone made up a saying: The East China Sea is frozen, the generals in the west are like mountains, there are beauties in the south, the town in the north is ever-changing, and the gods in the center are all things!

We are talking about the five strongest sun and moon level experts in China! "

"So, the beauty in the south is talking about me, Sister Tang?" Liu Chuhe was stunned. Is Tang Nanjia so strong? The top sun and moon level boss!

"Of course, otherwise, do you think any Sun-Moon level can be talked about by Mr. Qin?" Captain Cheng looked at Liu Chuhe without changing his expression. Otherwise, why do you think I would be so afraid? This is not an ordinary sun and moon level!

While the two were communicating, they had already reached the entrance to the forbidden space of the galaxy.

The entrance to the forbidden space looks no different from the entrance to the ordinary overlapping space. The only difference is that in the ordinary overlapping space, after entering, you can come out immediately.

After entering a sealed overlapping space, you cannot come out immediately. People inside can only come out after the door entering from outside the sealed space is closed and no one else can enter.

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