Hidden Chain Skills All Over The Body, Too Fleshy To Understand

Chapter 503 Super Perfect Enhancement Is Really Expensive

As Wan Wan spoke, in the picture, this team also accelerated the speed of killing the strange beasts. Soon, one by one the double-needle poisonous scorpions died, but among them, the double-needle that awakened the hidden chain skill was not among them. poisonous scorpion,

But at this time, another team appeared on the screen, and behind this team, there were strange beasts following one after another.

Wanwan said with regret: "Unfortunately, they wanted to kill the double-needle poisonous scorpion that awakened the hidden chain skill, but something happened. Someone escaped and attracted a group of strange beasts, and their strength was not enough. To fight against these strange beasts, they can only choose to escape."

The next scene was of them escaping.

The playback speed of the picture also began to speed up. The team escaped for a long time, escaped from the pursuit of a group of strange beasts, and then returned again.

The scene also freezes at this time, and the scene of their escape appears at the same time.

Wan Wan introduced: "Everyone, please note that when they escaped, they had killed seven double-needle poisonous scorpions, and four double-needle poisonous scorpions were not dead.

When they came back, there were ten corpses of double-needle poisonous scorpions on the ground. Obviously, when they were escaping before, the remaining double-needle poisonous scorpions encountered the impact of some of the chasing beasts, and three more died, and one seemed to have escaped.

They then extracted the gene chains of these ten alien beasts. Three alien beasts successfully extracted the gene chains, which are the three bottles of gene chains on the booth.

But no one knows whether the alien beast with the hidden chain skill has escaped, and whether the alien beast that has awakened the hidden chain skill is among the alien beasts they successfully extracted the gene chain.

Our auction house cannot be sure. We can only guarantee that the video is authentic and valid. These three bottles of gene chains may contain gene chains that have awakened the hidden chain skills.

Next, the auction of these three bottles of gene chain will be held. The auction will be conducted at a low price of twenty honor points. The bidding will begin below. "

As she finished speaking, no one immediately made a bid under the booth.

At Liu Chuhe's table, the two young men who had not spoken to each other for a long time could not help but start talking again.

"There is a chance, but I think the one that escaped must be a strange beast that awakened the hidden chain skill."

"This team is really unlucky. They killed the double-needle poisonous scorpion with the hidden chain skill earlier. If they successfully extracted the gene chain, the auction price will not be low. But now, everyone has to bet. Bet on whether there are hidden chain skills in these three bottles of gene chains, and the auction price will definitely be affected."

"Yes, this is still a hidden chain skill of bronze quality. Even if it is perfectly strengthened, it will be upgraded to gold quality at most, and the price will still be affected."

"It would be fine if it is certain that the bottle of gene chain has a recessive chain skill. Someone must have made a bid now. But it is different if it is not certain. Even if one of the three bottles of gene chain really has a recessive chain skill, it will not Make sure, absorb it and get the gene chain with the hidden chain skill.

For example, the third bottle among the three bottles has a hidden chain skill. If you absorb the first bottle and then absorb it successfully, isn't that a trap? The two well-known chain skills of Double Needle Scorpion are not very strong. "

While the two were talking, someone finally made a tentative offer.

"Twenty honor points."

Then after a while, someone made another offer.

"Twenty-two o'clock."

"Twenty-three o'clock."

"twenty four……"

Liu Chuhe looked at the increasing quotation, and finally couldn't help it. He directly picked up Yu Yihan's bidding card and shouted loudly: "Thirty o'clock."

As soon as he finished his sentence, the eyes from all around him immediately fell over.

And Wanwan seemed to be afraid that the person who made the offer would regret it, and quickly shouted: "Thirty honor points for the first time, is there anyone else who offers a higher price? Thirty honor points for the second time... Thirty honor points for the second time..." Three times...no one bids? Then the deal is done with 30 honor points."

Liu Chuhe heard the words "deal" shouted out and clenched his fist lightly. He bought a gene chain with a hidden chain skill for 30 honor points and made a lot of money!

On the side, Yu Yihan could not understand it at all.

Yes, hidden chain skills are extremely rare. Even bronze-quality hidden chain skills can fetch a good price if auctioned.

The problem is that it is impossible to determine whether the gene chain in front of you has a hidden chain skill. If there is, I don’t know which bottle it is. This is completely a gamble.

In her opinion, these three bottles of gene chain have no value at all.

Liu Chuhe took the picture directly, and it was useless even if he took the picture.

Not far away, Zhou Qichu looked at Liu Chuhe and sneered secretly, Liu Chuhe was still playing this trick? You just cheated me like this, do you think I will still be fooled?

The genetic chain of the crazy koala that I bought only costs an average of 30 honor points per piece. If you spend 30 honor points to buy three bottles of these things, you will be wronged.

It was past midnight when the auction ended.

Liu Chuhe discovered that super perfect enhancement is really not something that anyone can afford.

In this auction, the auction items he sold sold a total of 460 honor points. These honor points were mainly due to the Crazy Koala. The first set of five bottles of the Crazy Koala Gene Chain sold for 150 honor points. points, but the price of the second group was even higher, reaching 180 honor points.

He earned a lot of honor points, but the auction house also deducted handling fees, and he also had to buy gene chain materials. This time, the auction mainly focused on the gene chains of nine-star alien beasts and ten-star alien beasts.

And if his chain skills want to be super-perfectly strengthened, they happen to use the gene chains of nine-star alien beasts and ten-star alien beasts. When he encounters gene chains that can be used as strengthening materials, he naturally takes pictures of them.

In this way, after subtracting the cost of buying gene chain materials, he ended up with exactly 300 honor points left.

Mainly because there were some gene chain materials, and he only needed one, but three were sold at the auction at once. He finally thought about it and bought it.

At the later stage of the auction, he even opened the Honor Mall while watching the auction, and bought all the gene chain materials needed for the next enhancement.

Then, he discovered that he only had one hundred and fifty honor points left in his body.

There are too many materials required for super-perfect strengthening, and they are also too expensive.

Even so, he hadn't prepared all the materials to strengthen his chain skills.

Now, all I have to do is gather the materials for the Gift of Life, Countershock, Unbreakable, and the perfect enhancement of the Scarlet Green Poison Needle.

He didn't absorb the scarlet poison needle's chain skill, but as a result, he had all the strengthening materials ready.

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