This time the auction held by Guanghui Auction House was considered to be of certain standards. It is said that after the auction, the hot topic should be the auction items. As a result, when Liu Chuhe got up the next day, he found that he was on the hot search. Although it was a hot search in Shancheng, it was also a hot search.

"I was confused. When I was in Huangsang City, I tried every means to go home, but I couldn't get on the trending searches. Now I don't have to look for my family. They keep me posted on the trending searches every three days, and I just How long have you stayed in Shancheng?

The problem is the way it’s trending…”

Liu Chuhe was immediately drunk. After an auction, the hot searches in Shancheng were dominated by himself and Yu Yihan.

Only now did he realize that Yu Yihan's influence was so great.

Wuhan University in the mountain city has too much influence in the city.

Although Shancheng is a very important city in the country, it is obviously impossible to rank in the top five. Even the top ten is still somewhat controversial.

But Mountain City Wuhan University is home to the top four Mountain City Wuhan University in the country.

Shancheng Wuhan University is the pride of Shancheng.

Students from Wuhan University in Shancheng, especially those talented students, also receive special attention in Shancheng.

Otherwise, how did he become a hot search topic in the first place and become the famous shame of the mountain city? Isn’t it because Wuhan University in the mountain city has received enough attention?

In today's mountain city Wuhan University, Yu Yihan is the one who receives the most attention among all the freshmen.

She had only been in the mountain city of Wuhan University for about half a year, but she had already amazed everyone.

But this time, the video and even the conversation between him and Yu Yihan at the auction were filmed by someone and posted online.

"What the hell, it's a good thing that Shen Yatou isn't in the mountain city of Wuhan University..."

Liu Chuhe secretly rejoiced, but at a glance he saw the missed calls and several unread messages on his phone.

"Zhou Xiangrong, Ding Zizi, Sun Shengnan... why are all these people so gossipy? They all ask about my relationship with Yu Yihan... and Lu Xiating, this guy... No, this guy is done? Ask when will he be Give me the gene chain so quickly?"

After Liu Chuhe was stunned for a moment, he asked Lu Xiating to send him the gene chain at night. As for the others, no one returned.

I don't care, I haven't seen anything, I don't know anything, I am a good student, I want to go to class well.

He actually went to class.

In the past, he had no choice. In order to break through as soon as possible and get good results in the college entrance examination, he could only skip classes crazily and practice.

Now, he wants to be a good student.

However, when he went to the classroom, he was immediately called away. It was Principal Qin who called him away.

The destination is the Strengthening Master Guild.

Of course, under the current situation, he could not directly go to the Strengthening Masters Guild alone. This time, it was Captain Cheng who brought someone to pick him up.

He feels that Captain Cheng has become his personal bodyguard now, but this strength is a bit weak.

Just like when I was on a plane before, I saw Xie Nanjia was so scared. It was embarrassing, so embarrassing.

He is also a starry sky-level existence. Isn't it just one level higher than him? What's there to be afraid of?

Look at yourself, when have you ever been intimidated by someone who is a level above you?

Not long after, he arrived at the Strengthening Masters Guild and met Dean Qin and President Ye, the two powerful masters of the Strengthening Masters.

President Qin buried his head on the table and kept writing and drawing with a pen.

In today's technological age, people still use pen and paper. It can be seen that Chairman Qin is still a very retro person.

Hearing the sound of opening the door, he didn't even look back. He waited until Liu Chuhe's greeting sounded. Then he raised his head, looked at Liu Chuhe and said, "You are here. President Ye just told me that you have been here before." Promise her to become a four-star enhanced master this year. Now that the time is almost up, how are you preparing?"

"What?" Liu Chuhe looked at Principal Qin blankly. I know I said that, but was I talking about this year? I just said it casually. I really forgot when I said it specifically.

On one side, President Ye crossed his long legs and sat lazily on the sofa. He stretched out his fingers and gently picked up the tea cup, brought it to his mouth and took a sip. His movements were indescribably elegant.

Suddenly, Liu Chuhe's voice came, and she spat out the tea in her mouth with a puff. Her face turned red from choking, and her whole body was instantly guarded.

After she coughed twice more to regain her composure, she frowned tightly, looked at Liu Chuhe and said with an unhappy face: "What did you say? Did you just say it casually? Where are you fooling me from?"

"No, no." Liu Chuhe quickly took two steps forward, opened his hand and wanted to pat President Ye's back to let her relax, but when he stretched out his hand, he felt that something was not right.

After all, there are differences between men and women. Although I don't know how old President Ye is, she looks like she is about thirty years old. What if she feels that she is taking advantage of her and relies on him again?

"Well, I was just surprised, yes, just surprised. How could I not be prepared?" Liu Chuhe quickly changed his words and said: "I am always ready to take the four-star enhanced master assessment at any time.

However, you have to apply in advance for the four-star strengthening master's assessment, and you don't know when you will be able to apply for the appropriate chain skills. "

President Ye gently wiped the tea from the corner of his mouth, as if he had been prepared for it. He looked at Liu Chuhe with a proud look and said, "No need to wait, there are ready-made chain skills now, and they should be very suitable for you." Enhanced chain skills.”

After saying that, she paused slightly and said: "Your information said that you are good at strengthening the Black Sound Witch's scream chain skill, and after you became a perfect three-star enhancer, the information also said that you can strengthen Wave Gargoyle's Giant Bell Shock Chain Technique.

It can be seen that you are very good at strengthening the sonic chain skills. This time, someone wants to perform the preface chain skill of the Word Spirit Breath Tree. Moreover, it is an ordinary four-star enhancement. You should be able to strengthen the Word Spirit Breath Tree. "

As President Ye spoke, the corners of his mouth could not help but slightly raise.

Generally speaking, the enhancement of chain skills is different. For example, an enhancer is good at strengthening fire magic chain skills.

But it doesn't mean that he can strengthen all fire chain skills.

For example, she is best at sonic chain skills. However, there are some sonic chain skills that she cannot strengthen. Even the life-threatening ghost sound chain skills of the Three-Star Alien Beast Shocking Ghost are not available to her. strengthen.

However, the chain skill she chose was different.

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