"What's going on with the second team of Lighthouse Country? Why do they have to fight hard against each other?"

"Yes, the other team is obviously very good at duels!"

"Aren't they using their own weaknesses to attack each other's strengths?"

"Their fighting style is too abnormal. Are they just trying to get hurt?"

Seeing that the injuries on the members of the Lighthouse Country are becoming more and more obvious, the audiences from all over the world cannot understand it.

But in the distance, a confident smile appeared on Kadina's face, and it was almost time.

She raised her hand and waved, and the next moment, three marks flew out and landed on the three people in front of them.

Then, she waved her hand again, and in her hand, from a dark wooden staff, a green chain skill light full of vitality flew out and flew towards the other three people in the Lighthouse Kingdom.

But the next moment, these three flying chain skills all fell on Liu Chuhe.

Liu Chuhe didn't understand. Are these people all Chaoba? Isn't it famous enough that you can absorb chain healing skills?

Why are you still releasing the chain healing skill?

Later, Kadina was completely confused. Her chain healing skill was sucked away again?

His own healing chain skill has been passed, and the mark chain skill released will only fall on the person with his own mark.

Is my mark chain skill a hidden chain skill or a diamond-quality chain skill? How could it be sucked away by Liu Chuhe's?

How can this be?

She did not believe in evil and released another healing chain skill, but just like last time, after the healing chain skill flew down, it fell directly on Liu Chuhe.

Each and every audience member was completely confused at this time.

"What's going on? Are you still releasing chain healing skills?"

"There seems to be no suspense in this game."

"Their treatment will only fly to the other party, and their treatment is useless."

"Their treatment is of no use at all. It's like four against five. How can we fight like this!"

"What's four against five? It's obviously four against six. The lighthouse country's healers just treated Chinese people."

When all the Chinese people saw this, they became even more excited.

"These people from the Lighthouse Country are just like fools."

"The people from the Lighthouse Country are about to be eliminated!"

"Our game should be stable!"

And the people from the Lighthouse Country were even more cursed.

"Silly, these are all stupid!"

"I just said these people shouldn't be sent!"


The people who come to challenge the team individually are already good at individual battles, and there are more people who can fight than the opponent. There is really no suspense in the battle.

Liu Chuhe and the others really wanted to destroy these people from the Lighthouse Country. After all, every time the Lighthouse Country encountered their Chinese people, they always killed them.

But the people of these five lighthouse countries were smart and surrendered directly.

After surrender, the organizer's referee will intervene.

If it were other countries, the children might be slower to intervene, but if their lighthouse dad surrenders, they must jump out as soon as possible to protect their lighthouse dad.

After this game, people from other countries also knew that Liu Chuhe's chain skill that absorbed healing might be really unsolvable.

The people from the Lighthouse Country took the initiative to reveal the news, and even the diamond-quality hidden mark chain skills could not stop Liu Chuhe's devouring and healing chain skills.

But even so, Xiaori still did not give up on the two teams targeting China.

What Liu Chuhe and the others will face next is a team from Germany, and it is also the number one team from Germany!

"It's actually easy to fight these Chinese people. We just need to control them."

"Isolate that Liu Chuhe from their teammates."

"As long as he's not injured, he won't swallow up the healing."

"Let's divide the battlefield, let Liu Chuhe be together by himself, and separate the other four people in twos. Then we will focus on killing one person on the other side."

The German team made extremely careful plans before the game.

And the battle developed as they imagined.

"The battlefield will be divided."

“People from China seem to be unable to get together.”

"They... what kind of chain skill is this? Why are they gathered together again?"

"Someone of them released the chain skill, and then the German team's chain skill had no effect."

"Terrible, this Chinese team is truly terrifying."

Fu Jianwei was forced to absorb the chain skill in the first place, but the chain skill is really strong, it is really an auxiliary skill!

And slowly, in the next battle, teams from various countries also tried their best to target Liu Chuhe and his team, but slowly, they found that this team could not be targeted at all!

The opponent has no real support to treat them. The problem is that, except for Liu Chuhe, everyone on the opponent team can heal themselves.

They also thought about not touching Liu Chuhe, but when they came to challenge the team, they would beat Liu Chuhe.

Who can bear this?

The key is, Liu Chuhe really doesn't know how meaty he is.

The few times he was beaten by his teammates had no impact on him at all.

Then, this team is said to have no control, but that guy Liu Chuhe has several controllable chain skills, which are extremely disgusting and can even take away other people's chain skills.

Moreover, there is no one in this team who needs to be protected.

Other teams have mages, and mages need to be protected.

But the mages who come to challenge the team are going to participate in the individual competition, so they don't need protection.

Everyone found that this team was simply invincible.

The Laidan Challenge team also moved forward and directly won the team championship of this World Cup.

Next, the next step is the individual competition.

When Liu Chuhe was in the team competition, everyone knew that he was important, but his performance was not particularly outstanding.

After all, his teammates are very powerful, and his power is relatively slow. Generally, there is no need for him to release a sky-shattering strike.

But it's different when it comes to heads-up competition.

After the heads-up match began, his opponents were all desperate.

"Why is this guy so meaty?"

"Is this person really a starry sky level?"

"I feel like the masters at the sun and moon level are not so meaty!"

"He also has the chain skill to counter damage, which means I have the chain skill to increase my vitality. Otherwise, I think he could kill me just by relying on counter damage while standing there motionless."

"He can also absorb other people's chain skills."

"How come there is such a person? How can we fight him?"

"demon king!"

Liu Chuhe won the World Cup individual and team championships without any suspense. This was the first time in the history of the World Cup.

He's only a sophomore now, and he can still play in a World Cup.

Two years later, Liu Chuhe had already reached the peak of the sun and moon level, and all his chain skills had become star-quality chain skills.

His dominance has also become more powerful.

Of course, this time the team he formed was no longer students from Shancheng Wuhan University, but the National Wushu University Alliance.

The two most important teammates are Yu Yihan and Shen Zhaodi.

In this World Cup, he also won the team and individual championships again.

One person has won two World Cup team and individual championships. This feat has never been done before and will probably be unprecedented.

After the World Cup, he also broke through the sun and moon level and became a king-level existence.

On the first day of his breakthrough, one thing was certain, that is, the birth of the strongest man in the world.

After all, all his chain skills can be infinitely enhanced.

He walked around all the overlapping spaces in China, and after cleaning up what needed to be done, he went directly to an island outside to live in semi-seclusion.

There is no way, being invincible is too lonely.

Only sometimes, when there is an overrun of alien beasts in some overlapping spaces, and it is difficult for China's power to solve it, would he be asked to come forward to solve it.

The rest of the time, he lived a leisurely life on his secluded island.

Three years later, he gave birth to two more children. No one knows their names. An insider revealed that the two children were born in the same year.

【Complete book】

In fact, a few days ago, everyone should have been able to tell that the pace of this book suddenly accelerated.

When I wrote this book, I wanted to write a book where there was no hatred, just a few friends and teammates on the same team messing with each other and cheating on each other.

As it turns out, I failed.

The performance of the book has been very poor, almost always generating electricity for love.

Well, mainly I have another book with good results and good income.

But a while ago, another book was completed.

I originally wanted to start another book, but I will continue writing this one, and write two books at the same time, a book about making money, and this book about generating electricity for love.

I never thought that my fingers suddenly hurt so much that it was unrealistic to open two books at the same time.

After all, I still have a family and a life, and I can’t always generate electricity for love. I can only finish this book and then prepare a new one.

In fact, the author is most reluctant to part with such a complete book, especially if it costs one million, but there is no other way.

Finally, thank you to my friends who have been reading, supporting and even giving tips.

Especially friends who give rewards, I seem to have never asked for rewards, but the rewards for this book are very high among books with the same score.

Then with the new book, I am going to return to normal and write a really enjoyable book. I hope everyone will continue to support me.

Thank you!

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