Hidden Chain Skills All Over The Body, Too Fleshy To Understand

Chapter 68 Are You Only On The Second Floor?

Liu Chuhe looked at the names of the two gene chains on the screen and suddenly felt a sense of disgust coming to his face.

Blazing Bird (four stars)

Chain skill:

Fiery Slash (Silver Quality): Releases a sparrow shadow composed of flames, causing (shaving -) damage to enemies on the path. At the same time, the flames will continue to burn, causing negligible damage. (Long burning time, low damage in a short period of time.)

Fiery Explosion (Silver Quality): Releases a huge fireball, which explodes and the scattered sparks continue to burn and cause (shaving +) damage.

Flame Bird Guardian (Silver Quality): Use the power of fire to condense a shield to protect yourself from (weakening) damage.

Comment: This thing is much more delicious than roast chicken.

Thunder Mastiff (four stars)

Chain skill:

Lightning Lightning (Silver Quality): Releases two lightning bolts, causing (minus) damage to enemies on the path.

Lightning of Thunder (Silver Quality): Release a bolt of lightning, causing (minus +) damage to the enemy, and at the same time causing (minimal) paralysis effect.

Lightning Dance (Silver Quality): Releases a bolt of lightning that hits the enemy and causes it to jump, causing (minus -) damage to the nearest target. It will jump again and can jump five times.

(When lightning jumps, it does not distinguish between friend and foe. After each jump, the power is reduced.)

Comments: Call me when the battery is out.

These two gene chains are from four-star alien beasts, but the price is comparable to the gene chains of some five-star alien beasts. The price of the Blazing Bird gene chain is about 1.8 million, and the Thunder Mastiff is slightly cheaper at about 1.6 million.

Mainly these two types of gene chains, each of which has three chain skills, and all chain skills are suitable for mages.

When absorbing chain skills, the most fearful thing is absorbing chain skills that you don't want.

Especially for mages, if they absorb a chain skill such as armor breaking, penetration, or fatal blow, it means that the chain skill is completely useless. We can't let the thin mages go up and fight with others.

Therefore, all of these chain skills are suitable for mage chain skills, and they are particularly expensive.

After all, others are not him, and success cannot be guaranteed by absorbing the gene chain. And look at what Ding Zizi said, in the world of rich people, there is no such thing as failure.

If one doesn't work, then use two. If two don't work, then three... if you suck on one, you will always succeed.

If you want to ensure success, if you prepare 10 of a chain skill...this is (180+160)*10.

34 million!

What a waste!

Sun Shengnan is also a mage. She may not be familiar with other gene chains, but she doesn't need to look up the mage's gene chain and starts typing and analyzing it directly.

“Both gene chains have three chain skills, and both of them have chain skills that can attack enemies in a straight line.

The difference is that the Fiery Sparrow's Fiery Slash is wider and the Thunder Mastiff's lightning bolt is longer and more powerful.

But Fiery Slash has burning damage, and the two chain skills have their own strengths, so they are evenly matched. "

"Then, both gene chains have group damage. The Thunder Mastiff's lightning and electric dance chain skill does not distinguish between ourselves and the enemy, which is too unstable. Besides, we have Zhaodi in the team, so we don't need to have too strong an attack. On the contrary, Self-protective shields are more useful.

Overall, I recommend Blazing Bird. "

"I need control." Shen Zhaodi simply typed a few words. After replying, she glared at Liu Chuhe. The tank in the team did not have any control skills, so others needed to supplement the control chain skills. The more control, the more The better.

Ding Zizi was a little embarrassed. She was still slightly inclined to absorb the gene chain of the Flaming Bird, but Shen Zhaodi was the core of the team, and she had to pay attention to Shen Zhaodi's opinion.

For a moment, she was a little unable to make a choice, so she could only ask for help: "What do you two think?"

Han Xinian: "I am a therapist, I don't understand."

Liu Chuhe finally understood what the troubles of the rich are. Try another mage. There are two gene chains here. Whichever one you choose, you will be happy to death.

Still choose? What to choose?

He thought for a while and typed: "Let me give you a suggestion. You absorb a kind of gene chain once, and see which one succeeds in the end. That means you are destined to that kind of chain skill."

Sun Shengnan really wanted to go back and ask Liu Chuhe what he was thinking about coming up with such unreliable advice.

Ding Zizi: "This method is good, that's it."

Sun Shengnan...

After a long while, she deleted the words she had just typed one by one, then typed again and asked: "How many levels are you at since you broke through?"

"Fourth level of Juyuan." Ding Zizi replied and then asked, "How many levels are you at?"

Liu Chuhe also looked over with curiosity. He really didn't have much contact with these classmates, and he really didn't know what level everyone was at.

Sun Shengnan's typing speed was really fast. She answered almost instantly: "I am also at the fourth level of Juyuan Realm."

As she was typing, her long legs unconsciously raised up proudly. It had been a while since she entered the fourth level of Juyuan Realm.

Han Xinnian immediately replied: "I am also at the fourth level of Juyuan Realm."

Shen Zhaodi’s answer was the simplest with only two words: “Fifth floor”

Liu Chuhe looked at the answers of several people and thought about it. From this point of view, the top combat power in the school should be the fifth level of Juyuan Realm. Maybe there is only Shen Zhaodi or more, and then most of the high-level combat power should be It is the fourth level of Juyuan Realm.

There is a huge difference between my two levels. I must practice as soon as possible! Otherwise, how can we perform well and make news when the gap is so big during the college entrance examination?

While he was thinking about it, Ding Zizi's question appeared on his phone: "Captain Liu, what level are you at?"

Liu Chuhe doesn't want to talk. Each of you is on the fourth or fifth floor. Wouldn't it be very shameful for me to answer the second floor, or...

Just as he was about to type, a reply appeared on the screen.

Shen Zhaodi: "He is on the second floor of Juyuan."

"What? Two floors!" Sun Shengnan almost exclaimed. Fortunately, she reacted quickly and quickly covered her mouth.

Ding Zizi also looked at her phone with wide eyes, suspecting that she had seen it wrong: "Liu Chuhe, are you only on the second floor of Juyuan?

You are on the second floor. How did you get more than 10,000 points during the trial?

Even if you did what Duan Yanchao said and deceived them and robbed their beasts, you wouldn't have gotten so high. "

"Duan Yanchao? Is that the old Yin-Yang man? You said that I stole Song Xingyou's monster, but I can barely recognize it. When did I steal his monster?"

After Liu Chuhe finished typing a sentence, he suddenly thought of something. He had always wondered why the four-star alien beast sucker evil mosquito came to the two-star alien beast area.

Now, to put it this way, it is very possible that Duan Yanchao, the sucker evil mosquito, lured those guys over, so he robbed their monster.

Does this count as me stealing the monster? If it weren't for my thick blood, if it were someone else, unless it was Shen Zhaodi, you would have been killed by Jubi, and you would blame me for robbing you!

As expected, none of the old hermaphrodites have any shame.

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