Shen Zhaodi was afraid that Liu Chuhe would not understand, so she explained: "To give a simple example, Maple Leaf Country has enough mountains and lakes.

But their population is small, so they have less overlapping space than China, Samba, Tianzhu and many other countries.

Of course, if two countries have similar populations, which country has more mountains, rivers and lakes will definitely have more overlapping space. This is certain. "

Liu Chuhe became more and more puzzled: "When the overlapping space comes, it will choose a place with few people, but there are many people in this country, and there will be a lot of overlapping space. Why does it feel contradictory?

Moreover, it gives me a feeling that the arrival of the overlapping space seems to be deliberately manipulated and selected.

Also, since we have an entrance here, the other overlapping space should also have an entrance.

In other words, can the alien beasts in this overlapping space continuously enter from another different-dimensional space?

Then can't we reverse the direction and find another entrance to the overlapping space and enter another world? "

Shen Zhaodi looked at Liu Chuhe with contempt and said: "I really doubt how you graduated from junior high school.

There are two types of overlapping spaces. One can indeed find the entrance to another space. We cannot understand what kind of world is on the other side of the entrance.

This overlapping space is called a two-way overlapping space.

The other kind is the most common, including the three overlapping spaces we discovered before in Huangsang City. They are all overlapping spaces where the entrance to another space cannot be found. They are called one-way overlapping spaces. "

"There is no entrance?" Liu Chuhe asked confusedly, "Then how do the number of alien beasts in the overlapping space increase? How do the alien beasts continue to enter?

If there is no entrance and we kill them like this, sooner or later all the alien beasts will be killed. "

Shen Zhaodi now really doubts the education level of Huangsang City: "I suggest you go back and look through your junior high school textbooks.

Most of the alien beasts in overlapping spaces rely on their own reproduction. They reproduce much faster than us humans. "

"But no matter how fast we kill them, the alien beasts will be killed one day."

"Unless an army is sent out, it will be difficult to kill all the strange beasts in an overlapping space.

Sometimes, the country even sends troops or pioneer teams to clean up some overlapping spaces on a regular basis. "

Shen Zhaodi has given up her disdain for Liu Chuhe, and she explained: "The overlapping space is much larger than you think, and there are many more strange beasts.

When the overlapping space first came, everyone was generally weak and there were few geneticists, so there were some overlapping spaces with very few people entering. Slowly, alien beasts began to overflow inside.

Then, when those strange beasts spread to a certain extent.

Perhaps due to lack of territory or other reasons, they began to attack outwards, breaking through our entrances and rushing into our society, causing the death of many innocent civilians.

After that, each country realized that they could not allow any overlapping space to have strange beasts overflowing.

Therefore, various countries have begun to encourage geneticists to hunt in overlapping spaces.

The state will also always pay attention to the number of alien beasts in all overlapping spaces. Once signs of overflow are found, people will be sent to clean them up as soon as possible. "

"Will alien beasts come out again?" Liu Chuhe thought of the alien beasts he had encountered before. Once they came out, ordinary people would not be able to fight against them. The whole city would instantly fall into panic. Who knows how many people were there? Will die.

"If that's the case, then why not just exterminate the overlapping space?"

"Extinction? Which country would do this?" Shen Zhaodi sneered, "In the early days, many countries did this, exterminating all the alien beasts in the entire one-way overlapping space.

After the alien beasts in the overlapping space are exterminated, there will indeed be no more alien beasts.

But do you know what happened next?

Any time in the next ten years, this overlapping space of extinction will come again, but we don’t know where it will come.

The overlapping space that was once in North America may come to South America, to Africa, to Europe...

Don't ask me how I can determine that they are in the same overlapping space. People can tell based on time, the strange beasts inside, and various circumstances. "

"Based on time?"

"Yes, for example, this overlapping space perished on September 13th. Whether it is one year later or two years later, in short, there will definitely be an overlapping space on September 13th of a certain year within ten years. Advent.

What came was the overlapping space where all the alien beasts perished. "

Liu Chuhe finally understood why no country would take the initiative to exterminate a space with only one-way overlap.

Think about it, it was originally an overlapping space within your own country, where people from your own country could kill alien beasts to gain experience and obtain their chain skills.

You can even consider it a resource of your own country.

As a result, you tried your best to kill all the strange beasts inside, and then turned around and found that this overlapping space came to other countries, which was equivalent to giving away the resources of your own country to others.

Which country is stupid enough to do such a thing?

After Liu Chuhe and Shen Zhaodi finished talking, they ran forward.

Wangshan is a dead horse.

Soon, Liu Chuhe fully realized the meaning of this sentence.

He was now a geneticist. Although he was not running at full strength, his speed was not slow. Even so, he had been running for an hour before he could vaguely see the foot of the mountain.

Shen Zhaodi stopped running and started walking. As she walked, she said: "There may be strange beasts near the mountains, so be careful."

The words were good words, but the tone sounded wrong. It seemed to be saying, be careful, don't provoke strange beasts and harm me.

Liu Chuhe no longer had the excitement of entering an unopened overlapping space for the first time. He looked at Shen Zhaodi as if he were a liar and said, "Didn't you say that the newly emerged overlapping spaces are full of treasures?

We've been here for an hour, and all we've seen are corpses. We haven't even seen any strange animals, let alone treasures! "

"You found a treasure anywhere? If that's the case, why would I bring you in?"

Shen Zhaodi looked at Liu Chuhe with sympathetic eyes like a fool and said with disdain: "What I said is that this is the time when the value here is the highest. I didn't say that you can pick up treasures at will."

"What value can that have?" Liu Chuhe felt as if he had been deceived by Shen Zhaodi.

Shen Zhaodi raised her hand and pointed to the mountain road ahead: "Did you see that mountain?

There may be various precious ores in the mountains. If you have the ability to find them, you can take them as you please. So, is it valuable enough? Dig an S-level ore, enough for you..."

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