Shen Zhaodi took a step forward and asked with a serious face: "Tell me the truth, is your greedy chain skill guaranteed to be 100% successful in taking away the opponent's treatment from all gold-quality healing chain skills?"

In the past two days, she had seen Liu Chuhe use various healing chain skills, but she had never seen Liu Chuhe fail. But she wanted to confirm again, because next, they had to face a powerful Five-star alien beast.

"Theoretically, this is true, but if the opponent has some Mark Chain skills, there is no guarantee that it will be successful."

Liu Chuhe crossed his arms and took a step back, looking at Shen Zhaodi with a wary expression: "If you ask me so clearly, what do you want to do?"

"Because, as I have said before, there are a group of golden platypus over there." Shen Zhaodi took out her mobile phone as she spoke, "Take a look at their chain skills."

Liu Chu, why do you despise me for using your mobile phone to watch chain skills?

As Shen Zhaodi said the full name of the Golden Platypus, the introduction to the Golden Platypus appeared in his mind.

Golden Platypus (five stars)

Chain skill:

Rain of Life (Gold Quality): Releases rain full of vitality within a certain range, continuously restoring vitality, with a small recovery effect (+).

Healing Whip (Silver Quality): Releases five healing whips, hitting each other in succession, continuously restoring vitality, and the recovery effect is reduced (+).

Quick Healing (Silver Quality): Release a healing radiance to restore the reduced (+) vitality in an instant.

All three chain skills are healing chain skills.

The first two chain skills require constant consumption of power to heal, so the introduction of the memory chain skill mentions the recovery effect, rather than directly restoring the amount of vitality.

"Isn't this thing just a food delivery guy? Why are you still standing there, why don't you leave quickly!"

What happened to the five-star alien beast?

I don’t even have an attack chain skill or a defensive chain skill. Can the remaining healing chain skills be useful in front of me? You have no chain skills, why don't you just let me knead you?

Liu Chuhe, led by Shen Zhaodi, walked along a river and finally saw the golden platypus at an inlet.

Ordinary platypuses are about 40 centimeters long, but the group of golden platypuses in front of them are more than two meters long, and their bodies are covered with brown hair.

"This isn't gold either. I spent a long time figuring out that the platypus with the golden chain skill is called a golden platypus? The kangaroo type is called a golden kangaroo.

Is there a golden koala? Golden Wombat? These people from Olia are really uneducated. "

As Liu Chuhe walked forward, he complained to Shen Zhaodi that the platypus-like alien beasts, like the kangaroo-like alien beasts, were unique to Olia.

This is a bit strange. Why do Olia have these strange beasts? This must have something to do with all the animals in Olia itself.

Are some animals that originally belonged to this world mutated due to the influence of another dimension?

However, the variation cannot be so much.

There must be something weird in this. There are so many smart people in the world, so he cannot be the only one who doubts the relationship.

Perhaps, various countries have already discovered the secrets, but they just kept it secret. He is just a student now, and there are too many secrets that he cannot access.

"One, two, three... six golden platypuses in total."

Liu Chuhe took out two long sticks that turned into the tails of underground jackals and struck them gently twice. He extended a stick and pointed forward and said arrogantly: "You are an assassin, how about you lure one over first?"

"One? Didn't you see the introduction? The golden platypus never moves alone. We found six of them here, so the six of them will definitely move together."

"Hit six at once? Are you crazy?" Liu Chuhe's eyes widened. Yes, these golden duckbills have no attack chain skills.

But they are also five-star alien beasts. Even if they don't have any chain skills in their attacks, their attack power is still very strong.

If it were a human being, he would need to be at the Galaxy level to possess the Golden Chain Skill!

In fact, they can be regarded as early-stage Galaxy-level players without any attack chain skills.

It's okay for him to resist one or two, but if there are six, he really can't resist.

Shen Zhaodi 'comforted': "You can defeat them, what are you afraid of?

Don't worry, they will be treated after they are injured and you will be fine. "

"That being said, the problem is that it's not you who resists the monsters. Wait, don't rush to attack the monsters!"

As Liu Chuhe was talking, Shen Zhaodi rushed out quickly, then threw out a dagger and inserted it directly into a golden platypus that was sleeping soundly on the shore.

The golden platypus was suddenly attacked and immediately let out an angry roar. The other five golden platypuses around him also stood up.

The next moment, these six gold-quality golden platypuses moved their webbed four legs and flew towards them.

At this time, Shen Zhaodi had sneaked away and disappeared, leaving only Liu Chuhe alone.

"You're such a trap!" Liu Chuhe yelled, raising his two sticks to face the first golden platypus that came towards him.

When the stick was thrust out, there was a loud sound of breaking through the air all around. It was obviously a long stick, but when he used it in his hand, it seemed like a short sword, piercing the golden platypus's eyes.

The golden platypus tilted its body slightly, avoiding its eyes, and let the stick pierce its forehead, making a muffled sound. At the same time, it stood upright and slapped Liu Chuhe with both palms.

The golden platypus has no teeth, but there are fishhook-like hooks between their webs!

The sharp hook fell and easily cut open the skin of Liu Chuhe's shoulder, revealing the dense white bones and blood flowing out.

Waves of sharp pain spread along his nerves throughout his body.

That is to say, he has been in this world for a while now and has been practicing outside for a long time. Otherwise, he who had just traveled through time would have fainted under the severe pain.

Five-star alien beasts, even without offensive chain skills, are still very lethal when attacked.

Fortunately, the six golden platypuses could not all attack at the same time due to their relatively large size. Only four golden platypuses attacked Liu Chuhe.

The other two golden platypuses were surrounding them, constantly changing their directions and footsteps, obviously looking for opportunities to launch an attack.

Shen Zhaodi's figure suddenly appeared from the side, like a ghost, and instantly rushed in front of a golden platypus that was looking for an opportunity outside.

The sharp dagger sliced ​​through, as if it pierced the air, and pierced into the eyes of the golden platypus with a sharp edge that seemed to be able to pierce everything in the world.

Under her feet, in an instant, two silver shadows appeared backwards, one was like a sharp tooth, and the other was like a raccoon cat.

At this moment, she performed two chain skills one after another!

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