Hidden Emperor Of The Naruto World

Chapter 14 - At Kushina's

Exiting the Hokage office, Minato was refreshed. From now on, he will not have any more money problems, which will save him a lot of trouble. Between buying weapons, chakra papers for fuuinjutsu, and food, he will need all the money he can get.

'Well, I should at least show them my work before it's published, if not they will nag at me'

Having decided what to do, he walked in the direction of the closest house, the Uzumaki-Senju compound, where Kushina resides with one of her last kin.

Arriving in front of her compound, he whistles in surprise, it was big, with a wall that spans for kilometers surround it. 'At least they don't treat their future jinchuriki shabbily...I'm kidding, it's all thanks to Mito, if not she would have to live in a sewer. And what with those gates, do they not have any guards...Ah, my bad, it's true that nearly all the Senju are dead so they don't have the manpower to do it. Well, with a seal Master like Mito in it, even the Hokage could not enter if she does not want to let anybody in.'

"Minato." "Minato!" Tsume and Mikoto arrived seconds later, with panicked looks on their face. Minato was surprised, but soon regained his composure 'They are clans heir, it's expected that they learned the news so soon'

"What the deal with your panicked faces?" Minato inquired, feigning ignorance. After all, with the Anbu and the Root that he is sure are tailing him, thanks to his hyper intuition all the week sending warnings to him, he can't expose that he knows such confidential information. 'Speaking of them, they sure love to peep on others. Luckily the training of my main body, for now, is a pretty normal one, with no secrets involved so it doesn't matter if they see me. It's better to let Hiruzen know that I'm already about chunin level in taijutsu, it will make him value me more without real danger. An 8 years old chunin is nothing really outrageous, a bit spectacular at most. And with my kage bunshin training all chakra related stuff at another place at the same time, they will never know that my main point is not taijutsu.'

"Kushina...Where is Kushina!?" Asked Tsume, breathing heavily, indicated that she ran all the way to here. Mikoto was a bit better, clearly demonstrating a more solid grip on her emotions, well for an 8-year old that is.

"I don't know, I just came here, I was going to show you all a thing and I was nearby so I decided to pick her up first. What happened?"

Tsume was too preoccupied so ignored him and went straight to banging on the door, while Mikoto explained that she learned by her father the demise of Kushina clan.

"A peaceful clan exterminated because they could pose a threat if they decide to act, the other villages sure are ruthless" remarked Minato.

Mikoto nodded at that, agreeing with him. She can't understand why they will do such a horrible thing to people that didn't even want to take part in the ninja world, content of staying in their own places. She knows that the ninja world is not all rose and sunshine, but to exterminate a peaceful clan to the roots...

5 minutes of tense silence later, the door of the compound opened, and a Kushina with red eyes and tearstains appeared from it. Seeing her friends and their anxious looks she couldn't help but bawl her eyes out and threw herself in Minato arms.

The latter was a bit awkward in the beginning, never having consoled someone. Even the true Minato was pretty bad with this sort of thing, so he has no experience with it. He decided to do what his mother did to him when small, rocking her while whispering sweet nothing to calm her down.

Taking her bridal style, Minato was ready to enter the compound to put her in her bed, but he saw the gobsmacked expressions of Tsume and Mikoto.

"Uh, did I do something wrong?"

"Father hen" "Cute" was the reply that he got from Tsume and Mikoto respectively. He shot a weirded out look to the latter, making her realize that she said it out loud.

Blushing in embarrassment, Mikoto quickly recovered her Uchiha composure and with the temperant of a true heiress, led the way and ask him to hurry up and carry Kushina in.

'What a weird girl, where is the gentle milf Uchiha Mikoto? I see just a strange brat. Meh, never mind she is still cute'

Entering the compound, numerous houses entered their sight, none of them awed by the display. After all, 2 of them are from reputed clan, and one of them was an intergalactic emperor that saw far more imposing things. Not knowing which one does Kushina reside at, they were at loss of what to do. Fortunately, a brown hair kid with a big smile a bit taller than them appeared.

"Yo, I'm Nawaki Senju, the future Hokage!" Seeing Kushina asleep in the arms of Minato, he scratched his head, mumbling how did Mito-baachan(grandma) was right "Follow me I will lead to you to our house" and he turned tail leading the way

Catching up to him, Minato presented his group "I'm Minato Namikaze. And this is Mikoto Uchiha and Tsume Inuzuka" With the 2 mentioned nodding in greeting. "You said our mansion, do you live in the same house?" Inquired Minato curiously.

"Yeah. I live with Mito-baachan and Tsunade nee-chan. And since Mito-baachan is an Uzumaki like Kushina, and so they are family, she decided to let her live with us. Family should stick together is what she said"

"Hm, I see" 'What a shitty husband this Minato, he didn't even know the past of his wife. Or maybe Kushina hid it from him, because if not for me and Tsume talking to her the first day, she would have been excluded by other kids and live a pretty lonely and shitty life. That means Tsunade abandoned her all alone in this village. Well, can't blame her, she lost everything that she cherished'

During the walk to Kushina's house, Nawaki was silent, and so unlike his Naruto's self in anime. 'Well, the Uzumaki can be considered family to him too. Now that I think about it, he will soon die, should I prevent it? Nah, there is no way I can do it without casting suspicions on me, and this type of guy is too stubborn to be reasoned, I will just let him be Hokage in the afterlife while I take the post here'

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