Hidden Emperor Of The Naruto World

Chapter 21 - What is a clan? What is a village?

"A long time ago, the Rikudo Sennin (The sage of six paths) wanted to stop humans wars. For that, he gave them chakra in the form of Ninshu. Ninshu had for goal to connect humans on a spiritual level, to make them understand each other and cease their conflicts. Well, as you can see it didn't work, and the humans transformed Ninshu in Ninjutsu, used to wage wars. But nevermind that, what I want to say is that the ancestors of your clan dated from back then. Rikudo Sennin chakra has thousand of properties: The Sharingan, The ability to enhance Fuuinjutsu, the Ice release... So when he transferred chakra to others, your ancestor gained not a neutral chakra like others but one with attributes. And Chakra and blood are interlinked, so this affinity passed from chakra to blood, and from father to son and mother to daughter." Seeing that he has their attention, Minato continued.

"What I want to say, is that a clan is merely the descendants of those guys that have the same bloodline as you. Humanity as a whole came from two progenitors, a father and a mother, and from them, we arrived here today with millions of humans. The only difference between a human and a human of a clan is that the latter are ȧssembled between them because of an ability, not love or whatever."

Mikoto, Kushina and Tsume were shocked, what he said made sense, even they have heard of the Rikudo Sennin, so this how their clans were formed.

"I don't say that it's bad for people of the same bloodline to live and care for each other, the Uzumaki clan of Kushina was a prime example for this" Here, Kushina beamed with pride, her clan was truly one big family "But Mikoto and Tsume, the elders of your clan only care about their direct family, and I'm pretty sure that they will force you to marry to some dude whom they have a basic control on to control the main family and the clan, so you shouldn't care about them"

"Eh, it's for that this annoying guy kept pestering me saying that we were made for each other?" mumbled Tsume, thinking back on it, it seems that her clan was forcing things between him and that annoying guy.

"It's true..." Mikoto began. The 3 of them hearing that focused on her. "The elders of my clan forced my father to marry me to Fugaku Uchiha. When my father will be considered too old to lead the clan, Fugaku will become the patriarch and I will become his wife, forced to be a housewife" Explained Mikoto in a complicated tone. In the beginning, she didn't even have any intention of rebelling but hearing the words of Minato, she began to have second thoughts of selling herself for the benefits of others.

"How dare they?!" Explode Kushina and Tsume fuming, ready to go to the Uchiha compound and pummel them.

"Calm down." Said Minato sternly

"But.." Seeing the serious look in his eyes, the 2 of them sat back down grudgingly.

"Don't worry, we will not let them use Mikoto like that, but for now we are too weak to do anything about it." A sweet feeling arose from the depths of Mikoto's heart, and for the first time she felt some hope for her future, maybe she will be free. And the three girls were even more determined to train, knowing that without strength they could do nothing about it.

"Now, let me explain what is a village" Here, Kushina perked up, after all her dream was to be respected by the villagers, so she wanted to know exactly what it was, knowing that the history books were distorted and that Minato was pretty mysterious and seemed to know everything.

"The village concept began with Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha, two youths that were fed up with losing their brothers to the war between clans. They became friends young thanks to their shared ideology, and even if they were from rivals clans and battle against each other, their friendship never ceased. After a lot of hardship, they finally established Konoha, a place where kids will not be forced to go to war anymore, and a world where war will not even exist. Taking example on Konoha, the clans from other countries began to ȧssemble to create their hidden village. Things happened and Madara finished to battle against Hashirama, and before killing Madara, he exclaimed "I will not forgive anyone who threatens the village, not my family, nor my brother, nor my best friend", and you know what Madara said?"

Seeing them shake their heads, Minato continued " He said "You've changed, Hashirama. Ultimately, it shall someday lead the village to darkness", and he was right. In the end, what Hashirama did was changing battles between clans to battle between villages, even more destructive. And look at us, children forced to learn how to kill and sacrificing ourselves for those greedy higher-ups. In the end, even the mighty Senju clan perished, and the Uchiha clan became nothing more than a banal clan incomparable to what it was in the past. The village now is completely outside the hands of the Uchiha and Senju, and instead in the hands of Tobirama Senju students, full of corruption. I'm sure that Danzo Shimura the elder is plotting how to annihilate the Uchiha clan while harvesting the Sharingan power for himself, after all, he already kidnap children from the orphanage, a guy like him will do anything to control the village and become Hokage, even killing his former teammate and Sandaime Hiruzen Sarutobi."

"As I said before, my dream is to have loved ones I can trust, and a family. But ultimately it will be my job to protect them, no use having one family and losing it because I'm weak. Kushina, Tsume, Mikoto, what I want to say is that Konoha is full of corruption, only your own power can protect you. If it benefits them, Konoha will even kill you and your family. Take example on Kushina clan, I'm pretty sure that Danzo has a hand in its destruction."

"What?!" exclaimed a shocked Kushina, unable to believe that Konoha has a hand in her family death.

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