Late in the evening, a red-haired girl was overlooking Konoha from the Hokage mountain, sitting on Hashirama's head, the man that married the legend of her clan, Mito.

It has been a week since she came to Konoha, and things here were not at all like she expected them to be.

Konoha has a lot of darkness hidden in broad daylight. It's the first thing that she learned after coming here. Just because she was not born here and looks different, people here despise her.

"Oi, what's with the long face, Kushina"

When she was going to drown into the negative emotions, a voice broke her out of her thoughts. Recognizing it, she smiled. The voice owner was one of the reasons that she didn't end up isolated and depressed.

Looking back at her blond friend, she curiously asked: "Minato, what are you doing here?"

"Me? I stalked you after the class. I saw you were depressed so I thought you would need help or something" Deadpanned Minato

Hearing his answer, Kushina was stunned. Regaining herself, she looked back at the village, and with a self-deprecating smile said: "Is it that obvious?"

"Not really, I don't think anyone else could see through you. You were cheerful for real, your mood was not faked. It's more like something is weighing heavily on your mind constantly, and you hide it well enough"

"Why I'm not surprised? Even if it has been only a week that I encounter you, I feel like you know everything on me. If I were not your friend, I would have been truly scared dattebane."

"What can I say, I've got some good observation abilities... So, what happened?"

Kushina sighed. "It's nothing really, just...I miss home. In Uzushio, people were so bright and cheerful, but here people dislike me despite the fact that I've done nothing, it's really depressing"

"Hmmm, does it really matter?"

"Of course it matters" Shouted Kushina "You don't know what it is to have people look at you with such means eyes each time you walked through what you must now call home!"

"You're right, I don't know" She was startled by his admission, but Minato was not finished "But like I said, why does it matter? Those people are stranger to you, you should not bother with them"

"Hmph, you don't understand! I'm tired, I'm going home, goodnight." Saying so, she huffed and went back to the Uzumaki-Senju compound, 'Stupid Minato, why can't you understand that I want people to look at me like they look at you'

It was nighttime in Konoha, in a soundproof apartment room, a "Who-is-louder-contest" was taking place. If not for the seals sealing the sound, all Konoha would have been woken up by now.

"Just leave me alone Minato!"

"Answer my question, Kushina!"

"Why does it matter to you if I avoid you? You have other friends so stop bothering me and let me go! I don't want to see your face anymore! I just want to be alone!"

Hearing that, something snapped inside of Minato and his arm moved on his own.


Touching her cheeks, Kushina looked at Minato in disbelief. And seeing his eyes, she trembled. It's the first time that she saw him angry, and his icy cold eyes sent shivers to her spine.

"You want to be alone? Stop spouting bullshit! You don't know what it is to be all alone! Don't say things that you can't ȧssume!"

The slap and Minato's words sobered up Kushina, and tears began to leak from her eyes. 'He is right, I don't want to be alone, I already lost my family, not him too'

"What the- Why are you crying? I'm sorry ok, I acted without thinking because you brought such a sėnsɨtɨvė topic, here let me rub the pain away" Saying so, Minato rubbed her little chubby cheeks with his hands.

Instead of comforting her as he expected, Kushina began to sob even more and buried her face into his stomach. But by this time, Minato remarked that she was not crying because of the slap. He let her do as she wants and she finished by crying herself to sleep

Sometime later, having woken up, Kushina look around and blushed, realizing that she slept in Minato arms on her bed. Remembering what happened, she blushed even tomato-er, how could she have acted like that.

"So, have you calmed down?"

Startled, she looked up to see Minato watching her with amusement in his eyes. Pouting, she turned her head sideways, not having forgotten the slap that he had given her.

"Sorry for the slap, but I promise that I will slap you again if you ever spout such nonsense as wanting to be alone"

Hearing that, Kushina's head dropped in shame.

"So, can you say it now, what is bothering you?"

Kushina hesitated a bit, she was forbidden to say it, and afraid that he will leave her if he learned about her true nature. But seeing the insistence in his eyes, and not wanting to lose him because of such secrets, she took her courage and unveiled her biggest secret.

"I'm the Kyuubi Jinchuriki" Having said so, she closed her eyes 'At least, he will leave me because of the demon, not because I kept a secret from him' She consoled herself

"Pffft" Hearing a suspicious sound, she opened one eye and the strange face of Minato trying to keep his laughter greeted her.


Seeing him laughing at her like that, Kushina fumed and punched him on the torso. How dare this guy mocked her, she even said her biggest secret to him. 'Wait...Why does he laugh? Shouldn't he be disgusted or something like that?'

"Ha, ha, sorry about that, it's been a long time since I had such a good laugh"

"What is so amusing in me being the Kyuubi Jinchuriki?!"

"Hm, oh that, I even forgot about it."


"It's just your face was so funny, you looked like a vɨrġɨn turtle preparing herself for her big day"


"I mean, did you see your face. Of course not, but it was so hilarious. Ah, I wish I could have taken a photo, it could have been such a good blackmail material for the future."

Kushina's mind gears came to a halt. She did not understand what happened at all. One moment she was speaking of her darkest secret, but not even second later he was speaking of blackmail photos.



"Hahahaha" Kushina threw her head back and explode in laughter. She was so silly to even think he would care about such thing, Minato is Minato and he will never change. He is not the type of guy that will leave her for things like that.

"Why do you laugh? I was mocking you. Oh! I see, you're a verbal mȧsȯċhɨst. Eh, what a strange perverted girl, I didn't know you were like that"

"You're the mȧsȯċhɨst! Your whole family is a mȧsȯċhɨst! Your bunny sleepwear is a mȧsȯċhɨst!"

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