Hidden Emperor Of The Naruto World

Chapter 31 - Jiraya-sensei

Entering the Hokage office, Minato had an 'as expected' look on his face seeing Jiraya.

"You summoned me Hokage-sama?" Nevertheless, he still asked politely by formality.

The Sandaime did not respond to him directly. Instead, he looked outside the window and over the village. Seeing the kids running through the streets always brought a smile to his face.

"Minato, what is your dream?" Even if he knew it, Hiruzen still asked.

"I want to become Hokage!" answered resolutely Minato. Adding in his thoughts 'To control the village, I don't want anyone having power over me'

Looking sharply in the eyes of Minato, and seeing him not back down nor sensing any deceit, because there wasn't any, the Sandaime smiled "Hm, it's a good dream. Maybe one day you will take my hat if you persevere and train hard enough"

"He is damn right gaki (kid)! With the training of the great Jiraya-sama, the Gama sennin, you will be Hokage in no time. And if you write me more characters, I could even introduce you to a special training" Exclaimed Jiraya, with a perverted smile thinking of all the scenario he could write. Thanks to Minato, his Icha Icha series became even more popular.

Even if he tried, Minato couldn't stop his lips from twitching 'I'm sure the only reason he grew so strong is for wooing women, if not, with his sėx-filled brain, he would not have the will to do any training'

Coughing embarrassedly, the Sandaime hurriedly changed the subject, afraid that this student of his will make him lose all the respect in front of Minato. "Jiraya here will become your teacher. You will not be placed into any team because you're already too advanced compared to your fellow genin. Konoha indeed advocates teamwork, and if we had time, I will have placed you into a team. Unfortunately, times are turbulent, and war is near."

Hearing that, Minato took a serious face. Knowing it and hearing it was two different things. He is not adverse of wars, knowing that it's just one of the facet of humanity, but he would have preferred if it would have been reported to a few years later, where he would have been strong enough to survive nearly anything.

"There should be around a year before the war begins, during that time Jiraya will teach you. I won't hide it from you, the more you learn the less chances you will have of dying. So I hope you will take your training with him seriously" Declared Hiruzen. Cajoling him would be restraining his potential, so instead of doing that, he can only give him the cards to survive the turbulent time. He can only protect him fully in Konoha, outside of it, things are out of his jurisdiction. He can't not send him to war, such favoritism is not befitting of his rank. If he can't survive it, it means that he was not fated to become Hokage. Talent and the will of fire are not the only criteria to become one.


Exiting the Hokage office, Minato lost his polite demeanor and gave a side-eye look at Jiraya. "Don't you need to train too?"

"Mwahaha, don't worry about it Gaki, I'm already pretty strong. If you're thankful for the fact that I will train you, you can give me more characters to write"

"Eh, I hope you will train me for real, not just giving me some scrolls and letting me train them by myself" remarked Minato sarcastically 'If I progress too much on my own, people will begin to be suspicious, at least I have to make me learn all the ninja related stuff like stealth and things like that. I already know it, but I can't be careful enough. Who knows if people will catch on my real self'

"Eh, don't sweat it. Well, I got to go, I have some research to do. See you later gaki" With that he disappeared, letting Minato on his own

"Well, I should visit Dai-sensei and tell him that I became a genin." mumbled Minato. Without knowing it, he has come to grow fond of this energetic father of Gai. He was so pure-hearted that nobody could dislike him.

Konoha is divided into multiple districts: The civilian district, the ANBU district, the shinobi district, and the clans' compounds.

Civilians and shinobi don't like to mingle with each other too much. The formers are afraid of the latter even if they protect them. After all, civilians are weak and could be killed easily by shinobi with a flick of their wrists. Multiple incidents already occurred, with shinobi in bad mood venting on civilians that look at them in fear and caution despite the fact that they risked their lives for them and accidentally using too much force and crippling them, sometimes even killing them. Those unfortunate souls that lost control for a bit were sent to the Kuja prison, rotting for all their life.

The shinobi from clans live in their clan compound, but the majority are of civilian origin, or from small clan who doesn't have their own compound because not meeting the requirement. They lived in what is called the shinobi district, with commerce opened by retired shinobi.

It does not mean that some do not live in the civilian district, but rather, the majority of them dislike seeing looks of fear every day. Even if the civilians think it's hidden, for a skilled killer, it's easy to see through their facades.

Unfortunately, it's the way of the world. Weaklings fear the strong, even if said strong protect them. The reason Minato dislikes this world is that the strong are forced to protect the weak, not by a stronger guy, but to maintain a status quo. All the Kage could have easily killed Daimyo and created a flourishing society, but they bowed to the whim of those guys without an ounce of power. Maybe it didn't even occur to them, already use to live like that. Even Naruto was nothing more than the ŀȧpdog of the Daimyo and the Konoha council, despite his enormous power. If you don't stand for yourself, people will always take advantage of you. All his life he painted himself as non-threatening to be accepted, so maybe he was happy to be walked on in the end.

Finishing with his internal rant, Minato arrived at Dai's house, in the civilian district, not far from his.

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