Hidden Emperor Of The Naruto World

Chapter 41 - Skirmiches before the war

The months passed by, with Minato not doing any more missions because Jiraya became more and more busy since skirmishes already broke out between Konoha, Suna, and Iwa. Kiri and Kumo were only sitting on the sidelines for the time being.

The main skirmiches' battlefields are: the Land of River, between Konoha and Suna. The land of Stone, between Suna and Iwa. The land of Grass, between Konoha and Iwa. The armies were ever so slowly converging in the direction of the Land of Rain, where in around six months the war will truly begin at full blast.

But all of that had nothing to do with Minato, that kept himself in the 'safe' haven that is Konoha, and was training like a madman, to increase his chance of survival. Unfortunately for him, despite all this training that would have made a grown ȧduŀt into a powerhouse, he only increased his chakra from mid-high chunin to low special jonin level. Before his growth spurt in some years, his increase of chakra will be slow, his body already having successfully reached his peak.

Thankfully, all this time was not wasted. All his capacities shot through the roofs, and he can now proudly declare that he can run through all the weak jonin, and with luck escape from pretty strong ones.

He would have been even stronger if he could use the Hiraishin no jutsu, unfortunately, he somehow sense that his body will not take well the spatial leap, and that he could very well die from it. Not only that, even if he has the advanced formula improved by Minato and his experience, it did not mean that he can create it for the time being with his level of skills. It's like having a legendary sword in a game but not being able to use it because of the lack of level. Or like having the recipe of the 'Gamabunta roasted meat accompanied by mushrooms à la poêle' and the experience of making it, but not having enough oil to cook it.

The area where he improved the most is of course Taijutsu. All the battles with Dai allowed him to have a certain mastery over the combination Hyper Intuition-Sharingan, making him more and more deadly.

Minato had the foresight to do preparations before training with Dai.

First, he created a resistance seal. It's a seal that basically makes the air denser, so it's like he was in water instead of air. He only kept it to the first level, that of water density, not willing to stunt his growth. It's not like kids that run in the water would have their growth stunt, do they? And for him, it's safer than using weights, applying even pressure on the whole body. He only used it sparsely, kids don't play in the water all day.

Then, he used it for the training with Dai, and asked him to put weights on during their spars. Dai, of course, thought that it was for a youthful training regiment, unaware of Minato's true thoughts.

In the anime, Dai was pretty much mediocre during day time, because all the training that he did in the night tired him. So, Minato asked him that to slow him down, to not make the Hokage and the stalkers aware of Dai's true power. If they knew it, Dai will be promoted and sent to war, having high chances of dying.

As it is, the Hokage probably think that Dai has a good eye for Taijutsu, and that he was helping Minato correct his form, but was still a weakling that needs Minato to restrain his true power to truly learn things.

People like Dai are a great ȧsset to Konoha, the Sandaime is probably thinking of putting Dai in the academy the moment Minato stops to train with him. Even if he is still a genin and people need to be chunin to become instructor, he already became genin by some sorts of machinations, a grade more is nothing for the Hokage, if it could help the future generations becoming stronger in Taijutsu.


"Gatsuga!" Tsume roared and spun at high speed with Kuromaru her ninken, in the direction of Mikoto. The latter, having already predicted the path that Tsume will take sidestepped easily, and struck Tsume with a sidekick, sending her rolling around the ground.

Tsume was gasping for breath, too tired to stand up "Huff...Your Sharingan is such a cheat Mikoto. Since you awakened it, I have not won any of our battles"

Mikoto too was gasping for breath, having exhausted herself during the battle. Her Sharingan deactivated himself, signaling that she ran out of chakra. Regaining her breath before speaking, she exclaimed "It does not mean that it's easy for me to win, each time I progress, you progress too. If I were to slack off, Sharingan or not, I would lose."

"You bet! If you don't want me to beat you, you can only grit your teeth and train as hard as me" Hollered Tsume.

"You were amazing girls!" Praised Kushina, bouncing on the balls of her feet, having still energy despite having trained all day. Looking at her, Tsume and Mikoto couldn't help but smile wryly. Since she became the Kyuubi Jinchuriki, her chakra kept growing and she was growing stronger than them at a faster rate.

What they didn't know is that without Minato, she would only have been as powerful as them. Mikoto and Tsume have their clan to guide them and force them to train. In the canon, Kushina had no one to help her, nor having a goal to train for, so even the cheat that is being Jinchuriki is greatly restrained.

So with the determination to not fall behind and some guidance from Minato, who already knew Kushina's style from the Minato that was going to marry her and spent a lot of time with her doing anything and training, she demonstrated more and more of the potential of the strongest Bijuu Jinchuriki.

Even so, the other two did not slack off and became far more powerful than their anime counterpart. They could not be considered geniuses at the level of Itachi, but they were far more powerful than the like of Fugaku or Hiashi at this age. Even if the latter two are two to three years older than them, Mikoto and Tsume could give them a run for their money, and Kushina can already trash them. The gap will only continue to widen, with Minato's unorthodox training regimen.

Finished with their training, they went back to Minato's.

"By the way, I forgot to ask you but what did your clan say for your Sharingan awakening Mikoto?" Inquired Minato

Making a face of reminiscence, Mikoto sighed "Nothing. When my father learned of it, he only made me train harder to master it, not bothering to inquire where it came from. "You must become a dignified and powerful clan head's wife", or so he said"

"Your relationship with him seemed to have worsened" Remarked Kushina

"Uchiha revered the Sharingan, they should have praised you" Added Tsume doubtfully

Mikoto made a self-mocking smile "It's true that awakening the Sharingan is an awesome feat. But I'm a girl. In my clan, only men are 'fit' to rule, and the wife should be strong but only act as a support for the husband. No matter how powerful I am, those people will never accept me as my own person"

Saying that she made a soft smile "But it doesn't really matter, I have my own family here so who cares about them"

"Ow, Mikoto loves us" The three of them took her into a group hug, that warmed Mikoto's heart because despite what she said, her father acting like that hurt her.

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