Hidden Emperor Of The Naruto World

Chapter 48 - Land of River

Seeing the Oni-guy fleeing, the genins mistook it for fear and cheered.

"Haha, Minato sure is modest. In just a small exchange he made the enemy flee" "True, true. He is a true genius, not knowing even the extent of his capacity because he grows too fast!" "You're awesome Minato, willing to sacrifice yourself for us! Only a guy like you can become Hokage, not cowards like us!" "Who is a coward" "Us, we were willing to escape and use Minato as a sacrifice" "You!" The genins passed from praising Minato to bicker between them, with some of them boasting that they were going to help Minato and were just waiting for an opportunity. Nobody was jealous of him, he saved their lives so there was no way that they will have any negatives emotions against him. They never thought one instant that Minato cheated them, after all, they didn't even see him move, so he is the real deal!

Meanwhile, Chisato knew that it was not that simple and analyzed the situation. 'That guy must have fled fearing reinforcements. People will expect that a genius like Minato has shinobi guarding him, so he must have fled before they arrive.' Looking around, he didn't know if his deduction was right or not, but it should be more or less right. Even he was not informed of the power of Minato, so the higher-ups must have hidden it. If not for this unfortunate incident, nobody would have known that he was this strong.

Walking to Minato and patting him on the shoulder, Chisato looked at him with respect and praised him "Your will of fire burns brightly Minato. If you become the next Hokage, I will not even be surprised! And thank you for saving us, even if in the end, the enemy fled"

"Hehe, don't worry Chisato-san. It's my duty as a Konoha shinobi. But, can you not spread what you saw today. A shinobi that has his hidden card revealed is not a true shinobi. Of course, you can't hide that from Hokage-sama, any small tidbit of information is important, let alone the fact that such a strong guy hides on this road" Asked Minato, acting as a good Konoha kid.

Hearing that, Chisato raised an eyebrow in surprise. Kids of his age should want their glory spread, but here he was trying to hide it to surprise his futures enemies, truly a praiseworthy mind in such a young body!

"Sure! You heard him, guys! Nothing happened during this travel! Minato was just a normal genin and I was the one to push back the enemy, am I understood?"

Seeing their faces of unwillingness, and knowing that if he didn't force it, they will want to spread Minato feats, he insisted "Am I understood?!"

"Yes, sir!"

Meanwhile, Minato went to the dropped convoy and began to push it.

"What are you doing Minato! You saved our lives, we can't let you do such task!"

"It's Chisato-san who saved you though"

Hearing his reply, they became tongue-tied. This guy acts till the end so they can't repay him even if they want to. They swore that when they became his subordinates later, they will lay their lives for such an amazing leader.

Noting that Danzo's dog was still following him, Minato fell into his thoughts. Seeing that, the genins didn't bother him, acting like nothing happened as they were asked, even if they still look at his direction from time to time with gratitude and respect, not willing to antagonize Minato by acting otherwise.

After the altercation, the rest of the travel to the border passed without any hindrance. The bandits lurking in the woods knew better than attacking some ninjas, and even if they could have beat them, in time of war, the smallest aggravation would finish in slaughter because of the tension of the higher-ups, so they know who to attack and who not to touch.

Six days after having departed from Konoha, they finally arrived at the border between the Land of Fire and the Land of River.

Looking ahead, Minato could see a big barricade, with an opening near a sentinel where he sensed multiple shinobi of Jonin level. 'Probably Konoha's Anbu guarding the border'

"Identification papers." asked one of them curtly and coldly.

Chisato took some papers out of his jacket, and give them to the guard. Looking at it a few seconds and seeing that they have the right to pass the border, the guard gave them back and make way, letting the convoy passing by.

"From now on, it will become even more dangerous. Our destination is one day of travel from here, but we're on a battlefield, so stay on guard!" Ordered Chisato gravely, knowing that they have a high chance to be ambushed again in the Land of River.

Hearing that, the genins quieted down, not in the mood to chat anymore. They didn't forget what happened back then, so they became even more cautious and only whispered between them.

Seeing that, Minato was satisfied, at least they will not attract enemies with their loud noises.

They walk on for hours, with people pushing the carriage changing every thirty minutes this time. Chisato didn't want any of them to tire. If they are ambushed, they must be at their full capacity.

Along the way, Minato sensed some chunin level enemy waiting in ambushes, but they were finished off by his stalker. And under the escort of said stalker, they successfully arrived at one of the bases of Konoha in the Land of River. It was a basic camp, with tents set up everywhere, and guards patrolling around it.

When they were spotted, they were escorted inside of the camp, warmly welcomed despite the tension in the air. Konoha shinobi have a liking for their futures replacement, and adding the fact that they bring them food and weapons, it would be hard for one to welcome them coldly.

Chisato went to talk briefly with a shinobi wearing a chunin jacket, and when he returned, he announced that they can do anything for today, they will only go back tomorrow. "But don't wander outside, you will only be protected inside the base!" Warned the chunin in charge of them.

Looking at the Konoha shinobi's busy discharging the merchandise, Minato chose a direction and walked aimlessly, having nothing to do. The busy shinobi he passed by gave him curious glances, surprised to see such a young kid here, but didn't bother with him, having better things to do.

Unknowingly, Minato headed deeper in the camp, and before long, he was stopped by some guards that were guarding the center of the camp, where the higher-ups were situated.

"Halt! You can't go deeper, it's a restricted zone." Coldly declared the guard.

Broken out of his daydreams by this shout, Minato excused himself and was going to go back, when a voice called him.

"Oh, if it's isn't Minato, what are you doing here?"

Looking back, he saw Tsunade exiting the biggest tent, with some rather aged shinobi following her. 'Must be the higher-ups and their war room'

"Tsunade-san" Minato nodded politely "I came here on an escort mission, bringing provisions for the war"

"I see, come, let's go discuss in my tent" Saying so, Tsunade ordered the guard to let Minato pass, and guided him to her personal tent.

On the way, Minato could sense the curious gazes and whispers, with people asking who was he and what was his relationship with Tsunade.

Entering Tsunade's tent, Minato raised an eyebrow at the lack of luxury, thinking that for somebody that loves money, gambling, and alcohol, she sure can be humble sometimes. There was only a bed, a shower, a closet, a small table, and two chairs.

"Pretty humble tent eh" Seeing Minato's look, she guessed his thoughts. "Well, what I can say, everybody has it hard in war" Saying so, she took out a bottle of sake that she had hidden in her closet and sat down on a chair, gesturing Minato to do the same.

Pouring herself a cup, she gulped it down and sighed in comfort. "Ah, after such a tedious talk with those annoying old men, nothing beat sake"

"So" Bending down on the table and bringing her face closer to his, she asked him "How was your first escort mission?"

"Pretty boring, apart from that small ambushed, but the guy fled" Complained Minato

"Eh, you should rejoice instead, if you have been ambushed by someone strong, it could have been dangerous" Replied Tsunade.

"And how did it go for you?" Asked Minato curiously. Despite not being bothered with her in their first meeting because he was worried about Kushina, the following month he often came to her house to talk with Mito, so he often saw her and the two of them hit off pretty well.

Even if she loves her brother, he is often childish so having somebody else to talk to is a nice change of pace. Jiraya is a pervert, her other teammate is creepy, and the majority of people of Konoha treated her so respectfully that it made her head hurt. Minato with his blunt personality was a breath of fresh air. He knew that she dislikes too much respect so he simply respected her wish.

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