Hidden Emperor Of The Naruto World

Chapter 7 - Training plan (Edited)

"Faaaaa" Slumping tiredly on his bed, Minato sighed "Doing useless things is far more tiring than working hard"

"Apart from Mikoto and Tsume, the rest of my class if only so-so. Well, it's not like I care or anything.

Nevermind them, the 2nd Great Shinobi War will take place in 2 years, Minato and all non-clans children were forced to graduate early and brave the dangers of the battlefield as genin supplier.

I must become strong enough to survive it. At least Jonin-level.

Currently, I have high-genin level of chakra, and with all Minato experience, I can fight some weak chunin. I must integrate combat experience in this body and transform it into muscle memory and instinct to be able to fight better."

'I must make a training plan for the long run, I intend to train in all the ninja arts, and with the Kage Bushin no Jutsu and Minato that was pretty good at all of them, I will be a waste if I can not surpassing Kage Level in all the disciplines. The training ground with a waterfall behind the Hokage mountain where Naruto trained his Rasenshuriken is a good place, nobody goes there. It's the training ground of the Hokage but with all the wars to come, he has no time to go train himself anymore, and even if he sees me, it's not like I will pop out S-class ninjutsu, so he will maybe just ask me to scram or even allow me to stay here because my will of fire burns brightly, or so he will think if I train like a madman.

First and foremost, I must grow my chakra. Even if I have godly skills, if I'm weak as hell it will amount to nothing. To do that there are 4 possibilities.

Becoming the Jinchuriki of one of the tailed beast, but it will only hinder me, in the long run, to rely on an external source to become powerful.

The second way is to use all my chakra every day, and it will grow progressively. I will do it anyway, but it is insufficient if I want to grow quicker.

And the final way is to raise my mental energy. To do that I must exhaust my mind. There is no training for that mentioned in the anime, but if it was as easy as learning all the books inside a library, scholars would have been Kage-level. Jonins are said to have multiple affinities. By that, I think they mean understanding of an element. So, the comprehension of an element should grow mental energy.

Kage Bunshin's feedback too must strain the mind, with a lot of information coming in one go. I will begin with one and progressively up the number, I don't have Kyuubi sealed inside of me to repair my mind if a thing goes wrong so I must do it step by step. The fact that it's a jonin technique is rubbish, it just halves the chakra so even a genin can do it, but a kid would have his brain fried. Luckily my soul is pretty strong so I can stock a lot more information than others, but I must beware to not fry my brain by being ċȯċky thinking I can take 1000 Kage Bunshin at the same time.

Speaking of understanding, I think trying to decipher the secret of chakra, aka understanding the Ninshu, could too yield unexpected benefits. Here they take chakra for granted, but for me, it's an otherworldly thing. Instead of concentrating on killing with it, I should concentrate on the essence of Chakra. It's thanks to Ninshu that the failure Asura repelled his brother Indra, and well thanks to his father Sage Body...Fuck, he was really a failure to need 2 differents help to battle his brother.

Oh, I know! The mindscape is the key. I must learn how to access my mindscape...Well, Minato already knew how thanks to going in and out of Kushina's. I will see mine later, first construct my training plan.

Now that I know how to increase the quantity, I will do some chakra control exercises, and learn how to sense it. The so-called sensor must have a part of their brain activated that allow them to sense chakra, I must find how they do it.

For Taijutsu, I must create my own style. I think mixing all the best Taijutsu styles should create an OP one. After all, it's the understanding of multiple generations of clans, I'm not arrogant to think that I can create one better than theirs, so why not mix all the good parts from all their fighting styles. For now, I will just stick with Minato's swift style and completely master it first before mixing others in it.

For Ninjutsu, hmm... Elemental Ninjutsu, for now, is pretty much useless. I mean the so-called chidori can be replaced with a kunai, the fireball jutsu with paper bombs etc etc... It's only at Kage level of chakra that it begins to be useful, like the Raikage Lightning Armor. Well, understanding elements will take a long time, that I don't have for now, so I will only do it during the 2nd and 3rd Ninja war, there should be around 8 to 10 years pause between them.

I will focus on shape transformation, Rasengan is a good technique, but what if I made my chakra sharp...It will become Wind chakra. Strange, it should be a shape transformation so why did it change elements? Is it an instinct of the Chakra? When it's sharp it becomes Wind, when it's piercing it becomes Lightning. It's like Chakra has its own mind, well it comes from the Divine Tree so it's no surprise. I should find a way to cut the connection between the 2 of them, and truly appropriate the Chakra myself, if not I will never be able to understand elements, it will just be my chakra that change. I must find and understand Indra's work, it's him that found the way to change chakra into elements. Well, I'm far from it so let's forget for now.

Shunshin, Kawarimi, and Henge no Jutsu. Also called shave, replacement, and transformation techniques. Those 3 Jutsu are a must, they are the base of a ninja, I don't understand why they are so underdeveloped with all the potential they possess.

Shunshin no Shisui, with this Jutsu he became one of the fastest ninjas alive. Sure it's thanks to his high perception with the Sharingan that he could use it in battle, but with my 'sixth sense' perception that warns me of danger, it could become a deadly weapon for me. He used it circularly while creating a lot of afterimages to counter the side effect of the unidirectionality of this technique. If I could do the same, or even changing it to make it a multidirectional one, it could be a deadly Jutsu. And if I can blend it with my Taijutsu, let's not talk about Maito Guy, I could become the best Taijutsu user of all times!

In the anime, the shunshin was used as a 'teleportation' technique, it's such bullshit, it doesn't work like that at all, it's just a Jutsu that boost the speed to the maximum. If not the Hiraishin would not have been so revered. It should have been for the visual of us folks, with the leaf appearing out of nowhere and all to add some style.

Then there is the Kawarimi no Jutsu, replacing oneself with a log... What a waste of potential! Just because it was invented with a log, people just use this as a replacement. It's true that it needs a good deal of concentration, and that it's often used when there is a high danger, so a high concentration of the shinobi due to the feel of death, but with my strong soul, I could implement it in battle. In the end, this Jutsu can become another Hiraishin no Jutsu, and possibly a better one. To replace oneself with something, we must soak it with our chakra, so if someone has more chakra than another, the latter can be suppressed and used as a replacement, enlarging the scope of possibilities during battle.

Such a good potential hidden forever because people prefer cool tricks. Well, even the so-called genius Orochimaru was obsessed with Ninjutsu so much that he forgot the basics. Just the Shunshin and Kawarimi if exploited profoundly could make a Kage-level shinobi, it's their loss.

And the Henge no Jutsu, more especially Tsunade transformation and Naruto Oiroke no Jutsu. It's a heaven-sent technique! You can change your body into anything. You could grow scales on your skin that could absorb a large amount of damage, create wings for flying, tail for smacking, claw for clawing, ameliorate your eyesight and even protect it from flash bomb with a layer of chakra that will allow you to not be blinded... So much potential but they use it for gender bend or regressing the skin age, truly a waste. The 3 basics of a ninja possess so much potential that was overlooked because of flashy Jutsu. "If you can't breathe fire you're useless", utter rubbish. Sigh...

The goal of Genjutsu is to alter the perception of the target with Yin chakra, aka spiritual base energy. Minato knew some of them. But the perception that they alter is just the basic 5 senses. In this world, they don't think outside the box. Itachi Tsukuyomi could be reproduced by anyone that attempts to alter the target time's sense. Not that it will be easy to reproduce it, but nobody even tried it. Well, it's a thing to train into. After all, even a small ŀȧpse of concentration can be fatal in battle, it's far more useful than ninjutsu. And speaking of that, maybe killing intent can be trained too, it can become a deadly weapon of distraction against strong opponents, and it could kill all the weaklings with a heart attack if trained enough.

Iryoninjutsu aka medical ninjutsu is a must, but Minato has no knowledge of it, and academy students have no way to learn it. Oh well, I will have to earn the attention of Tsunade and learn it from her later, it's not like I can steal scrolls, if I'm caught red-handed I'm doomed, it's not worth the risk. Note to self, exercise stealth and all the things that go with it (Suppressing chakra, breathing, scent...)

For Fuuinjutsu, I have all Minato and Kushina seals, basically the inheritance of Uzushio. All the Fuuinjutsu scrolls of Mito were given to Kushina, Tsunade had no use for them. I just have to train in Calligraphy and I will be a seal master in no time with the knowledge and experience of Minato. Speaking of experience, I will have to accumulate battle experience on the battlefield to train my instincts, because the memories are good and all but the body has no memories of battles.

And the last ninja art, Bukijutsu. Kunai, shuriken and senbon throwing are pretty easy, I just have to train my body in throwing them. The only weapon that was exploited is the sword, with the Konoha sword style, Kiri sword styles, Kumo sword style, and the Iron Samura sword style. For me it's just flashy, I should better use the basics of Kenjutsu with the insight of One Piece. To be one with the sword, to cut steel but not cut a leaf etc etc... No use making complicated movements and shouting '3 Beautiful Moon slashes!!'.

Well, now with all of that I must make a training plan...I must try to see if I can absorb bloodlines, it could really help me. Then I will not even need the Juubi to ascend, just the Ootsutsuki bloodline.

First thing first, let's go to my mindscape. I must find a way to hide all my knowledge in case a Yamanaka Yamanaka'd me.'

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