Hidden Wife: Best Husband

Chapter 82: Apologize

As a man, sometimes we must be required to understand women's feelings. Because most women want men to know what they want without wanting to say it.

~ Dae Hyun ~


Without thinking Dae Hyun immediately rushed to the Pyeongchang-dong villa. It was useless to contact Soo Yin because since morning he sent a message but there was no reply. Even the message didn't seem to be opened.

Dae Hyun slammed the car door and walked quickly into the villa. The atmosphere seemed quiet. Just about to climb the stairs, Aunt Xia appeared.

"Aunt, where is my wife?" Dae Hyun asked.

"Miss Soo Yin is in her room, sir," Aunt Xia replied.

"Is my wife okay?"

"Hmmm, Miss ...." Auntie Xia hesitated for a moment to answer.

"Okay, I'll be upstairs to see her," Dae Hyun said, who couldn't wait to see his wife's condition.

"Wait, Sir. Can we talk for a moment?" Aunt Xia said when she saw Dae Hyun wanted to go up the stairs. She didn't want Dae Hyun's misunderstanding and insensitivity to make their relationship strained like this. Moreover, when she saw Soo Yin whose eyes were swollen, she indicated that she had been crying last night. Aunt Xia couldn't bear it if Dae Hyun hurt her feelings.

"What is wrong?" Dae Hyun asked as he held the edge of the stairs.

"Please, Sir." Aunt Xia told Dae Hyun to sit down on the sofa. It didn't feel good to talk standing up. Moreover, it concerned Soo Yin.

Dae Hyun stepped onto the sofa. When he looked at Auntie Xia's expression, it seemed like there was something important that she wanted to talk about.

"Sir, I want to ask about yesterday morning. Did you not have breakfast with her yesterday morning?" Aunt Xia asked carefully.

"No, why?" Dae Hyun didn't 

understand what breakfast has to do with Soo Yin.

"Yesterday, Miss learned to cook with quite a lot of effort. The lunch she brought yesterday was her homemade. Miss Soo Yin said that she wanted to have breakfast together with you," Aunt Xia said politely.

"Oh, God!" Dae Hyun patted his forehead. Remembering that he told Soo Yin to give it to Park Soo Hyun. No wonder she ignored him and looked angry. Dae Hyun felt really stupid for not realizing all of that.

"Then, I'll ask permission to go," Aunt Xia said.

"Very well, Auntie." Dae Hyun already knew that Auntie Xia would want to visit her family.

Dae Hyun immediately went up to the top by running until his breath was gasping.

Ceklek ....

The door opened from outside. Soo Yin was still buried under the blanket. Only her head remained facing sideways with her left hand as a pillow. Even though she was not sleepy, Soo Yin was still lazy to wake up.

The sound of Dae Hyun's footsteps was getting closer and closer.

'Who is that? It couldn't be Aunt Xia. If Auntie Xia, she must have knocked on the door,' Soo Yin thought, she was lying on her stomach while pretending to close her eyes when she felt someone sitting beside her.

Soo Yin recognized the fragrance of perfume that was so good in her sense of smell. It was Dae Hyun's perfume.

"Are you still sleeping?" Dae Hyun rubbed the top of Soo Yin's head very gently.

"What's he here for?" Soo Yin thought.

"Honey, I'm sorry. I'm a man who can never understand a woman's feelings." Dae Hyun's voice sounded so sad.

'Oh, he just realized it,' Soo Yin mind remained without opening her eyes. Wanted to know what that man will do.

Dae Hyun rubbed his wife's smooth cheek. Made Soo Yin uncomfortable. She couldn't stand it when Dae Hyun treated her like this.

"Honey, wake up. Don't you miss me?" Dae Hyun put Soo Yin's hair that was covering her face behind her ear. He kissed the top of his wife's head for a few moments.

Soo Yin didn't want to open her eyes which were swollen from crying last night. Somehow she suddenly became a crybaby like that.

"I'm so hungry. Don't you want to cook for me? Do you want me to starve to death?" Dae Hyun said. Knowing that actually Soo Yin was pretending to be asleep. If the girl was sleeping, how could he possibly hear her heartbeat, which seemed to jump when he kissed the top of her head earlier.

Soo Yin raised her hands. Pretend to stretch her muscles. Typical actions that people do after falling asleep. Yawned while covering her mouth with her palms. Pulled the blanket over her head.

There was no response from Soo Yin, finally Dae Hyun immediately got up and left the room. Maybe the girl was really tired and still sleepy.

After hearing the sound of the door closing. Soo Yin immediately opened the blanket covering his head. Sitting on the edge of the bed while pursing her lips.

"Is that all the effort?" Soo Yin grumbled, could not understand that her husband was like that. Immediately got up while removing the blanket from her body to reveal her body wearing only light green lingerie on his thigh. Throwing the blanket on the bed, wanting to go to the bathroom. Actually Soo Yin felt uncomfortable. After all, because she also slept alone so it didn't matter to her.

Ceklek …

The door opened again. It turned out that Dae Hyun did go out on purpose so that Soo Yin would wake up. But once he entered he was presented with a view of Soo Yin's sexy body. After last night he was almost tempted. Now Dae Hyun has to endure it again.

"What did you come back for?" Soo Yin was suddenly surprised by Dae Hyun's presence, and immediately took a blanket to cover her body. Can't stop thinking if Dae Hyun went back into the room. She thought the man had left because she heard the sound of the car earlier.

Dae Hyun walked into the room but this time he went to the dressing room to get something.

Soo Yin was surprised by her husband, she poked her head a little to see what Dae Hyun was doing.

"Could he have come back for his clothes?" Soo Yin thought but then immediately shook her head. Why he needed to take it when he has that much treasure.

Not long after, Dae Hyun brought a coat. Walk closer to Soo Yin until their faces were very close. Soo Yin shuffled backwards while continuing to hold onto the blanket.

"Arghh," Soo Yin shouted as Dae Hyun pushed the blanket away from her. Soo Yin's reflex immediately covered her exposed chest with both hands.

"Put it on." Dae Hyun put on a coat to cover her beautiful body. He was afraid he couldn't hold it any longer. Seeing her like that made his head feel throbbing. If only their relationship was fine as much as possible he would try to seduce her.

Soo Yin looked up to see Dae Hyun's face.

"What did you come here for?" Soo Yin said in a harsh tone.

"Of course to see my wife," Dae Hyun whispered in Soo Yin's ear. He wanted to eat her at this time. But he must not be careless because his wife was still angry.

"Go! Don't you have a lot of work?" Soo Yin sais as she turned her face towards the window. Didn't want to show her eyes that were swollen from crying last night.

"I'm not leaving until you forgive me." Dae Hyun grabbed Soo Yin's wrist.

"There's nothing to be forgiven for."

"Sorry, I'm really sorry." Dae Hyun grabbed Soo Yin's hand until the girl's body pressed against his chest. Hold her very tightly. Regretted his stupidity.

Soo Yin was silent, actually also wanted to hug her husband back. But her ego and resentment in her heart made her not want to do it. Leaving her hands hanging by her sides.

Dae Hyun realized that Soo Yin was not like usual. It turned out that it was very difficult to melt down a woman who sulked. But Dae Hyun understood his wife's attitude like that. The age was still too young for her to cross the household ark.

Dae Hyun slowly let go of his embrace. He held Soo Yin's shoulder so that the girl will look at him. His heart was deeply cut when he saw the swollen eyelids. It seemed that the girl must have cried last night.

Dae Hyun touched his wife's cheek with his thumb.

"Are you crying?" He said.

Soo Yin looked away without answering Dae Hyun's question. Feeling stupid for crying over a man who even has another wife. Soo Yin was not sure that she can handle this situation.

"Don't mind me!" Soo Yin said in a harsh tone.

"If you frowned like that it makes you look really cute," Dae Hyun teased with a wink.

Soo Yin just glared at him with a smile when she heard that. Her heart began to melt along with the frustration that had happened to her yesterday. Being around that man made her unable to be angry for too long.

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