“Don’t worry, they will suffer later, didn’t you see Peng Peng’s tragic situation before?”

“Yes, yes, everyone just wait a while, this effect is not so fast.”

Not only the audience is curious, but even He Luo, Huang Lei, and Peng Peng are also looking forward to it.

Especially Peng Peng, he very much hopes to have a few more brothers and brothers.

Unfortunately, until Li Cheng ate almost half of it, they didn’t find anything abnormal?

“No, this is really made by Chef Zhang.”

Peng Peng’s faces were full of incredulity.

Zhang Zifeng’s earth-shattering cooking skills had been seen by them, and they didn’t believe that they could make any food at that level.

“Don’t you know if you taste it?”

He Yu also squatted down, picked up the soup spoon and carefully drank the soup, and a refreshing feeling instantly emanated from his spleen and stomach, making him can’t help but take another sip.

“My God, why is this soup so delicious? A few of you can taste it too. ”

“Really fake?”

Peng Peng and Huang Lei were also half-convinced, and after tasting it, they immediately found that this stewed soup turned out to be very delicious, and it was not greasy at all.

“You guys eat Qin Mo’s dishes every day, and you even rob me of it, it’s too much, right?”

Li Cheng and several people saw that He Cheng and they were also coming to fight, and suddenly stopped working.

“Don’t be so stingy, wouldn’t it be good to let Qin Mo cook another meal for you when you go back?”

He Yu said, unceremoniously stretched out the chopsticks in his hand and competed with several people.

Seeing several people competing for a pot of stewed soup together, the audience in the live broadcast room was dumbfounded.

“What kind of means did Qin Mo old thief use to turn this pot into a delicious stew.”

“Could it be that Chef Zhang, who made the ‘dog ignoring the burger’, was pointed out by Qin Mo’s old thief and advanced by leaps and bounds?”

“Don’t bother looking at the soup, look at who is behind it.”

“Wow, Yang Ying, my goddess.”

“What your goddess? That’s mine. ”

“Wake up upstairs, people come to find Qin Mo’s old thief, what’s the matter with you, let’s go home and dream.”

“This god is so unfair, why did the goddess come to find Qin Mo’s old thief?”

“If you have the skills of Qin Mo’s old thief, are you afraid that you won’t find the goddess?”

When the audience in the live broadcast room wailed, Yang Ying also took off the sunglasses on her face, revealing her delicate cheeks.

Today’s Yang Ying is obviously carefully dressed and extremely beautiful, making Qin Mo, who is accustomed to seeing beautiful women, also lose his mind for a moment.

Yang Ying accurately captured the different color in Qin Mo’s eyes, a smile appeared at the corner of his lips, and he generously stretched out his hand.

“Yang Ying.”

Qin Mo was a little surprised, since his identity was exposed, it was the first time that a girl spoke to herself in such a flat tone.

Surprised and surprised, Qin Mo did not lose it

“Qin Mo.”

Yang Ying’s hands seemed to be maintained frequently, like a baby, and there was a feeling of reluctance at the moment of contact.

Suddenly, a sea of thoughts:

I go, when did I get so unbearable?

Thinking of this, Qin Mo quickly withdrew his hand.

Yang Ying didn’t care either, still with a charming smile on his face.

“President Qin, we asked for lunch for six, but I haven’t eaten yet.”

“Yes, President Qin, a few of you have to be punished.”

Li Cheng stood up with an empty clay pot.

“Who said there was no preparation.”

Saying that, Qin Mo seemed to be magical, took out a delicate small box, and as soon as he opened it, several exquisite pastries appeared in it.

“Such exquisite pastries, I can’t bear to eat them.”

Yang Ying has seen many pastries eaten, but he has never seen such exquisite pastries.

Whether it is the shape of a peacock or several other animals, it is carved vividly, and more importantly, it is steamed, and it is not easy to maintain the shape of the carving.

“Qin Mo, when did you do it?”

He Lu is very strange.

They looked at Qin Mo the whole time, and the other party should not have the opportunity to make pastries.

Peng Peng and Huang Lei also asked.

“Yes, did you already know who today’s guest would be?”

“You must have known who the guest was.”

“You have wronged me, I really don’t know who today’s guest is, but I found that you prepared more ingredients and made this pastry by hand, it’s shameful to waste food.”

Qin Mo taught a few people a serious lesson, but He Yu and a few people didn’t eat this set.

“You don’t come, but we said that we want to punish Li Cheng and a few people together, why did you ‘rebel?’

He Yu turned to the camera and said, “How do you say Qin Mo should be punished?” ”

As soon as he heard that Qin Mo was going to be punished, the entire live broadcast room suddenly became lively.

“Punish him for singing a song to everyone!”

“What kind of punishment is that, tie him up and send him to my house, I will give him a few little monkeys and torture him for the rest of his life, hee hee.”

“Upstairs, you haven’t woken up from a dream?”

While the audience was arguing, Li Cheng, who had put down his chopsticks, stood up.

“I have a suggestion here, let’s compete in swimming!”

“Competition swimming? What kind of punishment is this? ”

Peng Peng and the others were inexplicable for a while, did not understand what Li Cheng meant, and couldn’t help but look at Li Cheng.

“Of course, ordinary competitions are not considered punishments, but I have a small condition for this competition, that is, President Qin must bring Yang Ying.”

“President Qin and Yang Ying are counted as one group, and we are counted as one group, and all members of each group must pass the finish line to win.”

“I approve.”

After Li Cheng finished speaking, He Yu was the first to stand up and raise his hand in favor, while constantly signaling Peng Peng and Huang Lei on the side with his eyes.

Peng Peng and the others did not know what medicine He Lu and Li Cheng sold in the gourd, but they still raised their hands in agreement.

“I agree.”

“I agree.”

Qin Mo and He Yu also spent time together, and he didn’t need to guess what He Lu had planned.

Without waiting for him to think clearly, Yang Ying on the side had already taken his arm and agreed.

“Okay, we agreed.”

While speaking, Yang Ying’s also gave a He Yu a look that you understand.

He Yu nodded quietly and said.

“There is nothing interesting in a simple game, I propose that the group that loses for a while must agree to a condition for the group that wins, as long as this condition is not too excessive, the losing group must be completed.”

As soon as He Yu’s proposal was finished, it was approved by a large number of votes.

“Are you so sure you can win me?”

Qin Mo has swimming skills that are systematically rewarded, not to mention them, even if the world champion comes, he is absolutely sure of victory. _

Feilu reminds you: read three things – favorites, recommendations, and points

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