“Could it be that there are flying guests here today?” But you don’t need everyone to go out to greet you, right? ”

When Qin Mo walked to the entrance of the village, he found that his guess was really good, whether it was He Yu or Peng Peng, they were all here.

“Teacher He, why are you all here? Is this flying guest very unusual? ”

Qin Mo was a little strange, when Ma Yun came, He Yu and the others did not personally greet him at the entrance of the village, why was it unusual?

“Today’s guest is a gringo.”

“That doesn’t have to be the case, does it?”

“This is not an ordinary foreigner, he is still wanted by many countries.”

“You dare to let such a person come to the show?”

“Wanted is also a matter for other countries, and our country is not wanted.” And this guest is named to see you. ”

“It won’t be Soros, will it?”

“You guessed it, it’s him. He had discussed with the program team a month ago to be a flying guest, but the director team did not dare to agree easily, until yesterday, the leaders above agreed to let Soros be the guest. ”

Qin Mo finally understood why He Lu and they all came here at the entrance of the village, and their feelings were all caused by curiosity.

Soros, as a legend, is highly known all over the world.

Not to mention who they were, even he was a little curious about what kind of person this was?

Of course, this is just curiosity, and if you want to talk about worship, you can’t talk about it.

In the environment of Huaxia, as long as they are adults with sound thinking, they will not worship anyone, they only worship the shining point of a certain character, or a certain behavior.

This is the characteristic of Huaxia, and it is also what Qin Mo appreciates the most.


Between the two of them talking, a rough laugh came from the entrance of the village: “Mr. Qin, we finally meet again.” ”

“I don’t want to see you, you guy, it will cause a sensation everywhere, I just want to live a peaceful life now.”

“Don’t joke, Mr. Qin, peaceful days are reserved for the elderly, and young people like you should live a magnificent life.”

“That’s your pursuit, not mine.”

“Don’t be like this, Mr. Qin.”

Soros said: “I came with sincerity this time, as long as you agree to cooperate with me, the conditions are open to you.”

The two of us joining forces are enough to stir the economy of the whole of Asia and even the world, and I am almost ready now, except for a strong ally. ”

He came back to Huaxia to find Qin Mo this time, but for his next plan.

Before he retires, he will set off another financial storm that will be remembered for a thousand years.

And this could not be done by his own strength alone, he had to need strong allies, and Qin Mo met his requirements.

Qin Mo has enough both ability and financial resources.


When Soros appeared next to Qin Mo, the audience in the live broadcast room finally saw each other clearly.

“My god is really Soros, is this the fierce man back then?”

“It doesn’t look wrong, it’s really him.”

“I only saw him on the news before, but I didn’t expect to be able to see a real person today.”

“You said that he came here to see Qin Mo old thief, did he make any big moves?”

“It’s really possible.”

In this information age, any news will reach the world at the fastest speed, and this time is no exception.

Soros came to participate in the yearning, and the matter of being a flying guest soon appeared on the hot search list of major software.

After hearing this news, some well-informed reporters stared at the live broadcast room, holding a voice recorder to record, for fear of missing a single detail, knowing that both Soros and Qin Mo are world-class figures.

News about them is hot, and any little news is enough to feed a small media company.


Seeing that this guy Soros was not very easy to dismiss, Qin Mo immediately said: “If you can complete the task I and the program team gave you in the next week, then I will reluctantly agree to your conditions.” ”

“It’s simple, no matter what task you give me, I can complete it.”

“Then we’ll see.”

Seeing the familiar smile on Qin Mo’s face, Qin Mo’s Yang Mi and several people immediately understood that Qin Mo’s guy was going to be bad again, and poor Soros was still kept in the dark.

During the evening meal, Soros finally saw the deep malice of the program team and Qin Mo, because they did not prepare a knife and fork for him at all, only a pair of chopsticks.

He learned from others to try to add it for a while, but they didn’t catch a chopstick dish.

Faced with a table full of exquisite dishes but unable to eat them, Soros was a little anxious, but the more anxious he was, the more difficult it was to chopsticks, and the dishes he held either fell on the ground or could not be delivered to his mouth.

Exactly ten minutes passed, and he ate a shredded potato.

Soros continued to try for a while, but failed.

At most, it is to be able to clamp the dish into your own bowl and plate, and you can’t get it into your mouth at all.

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer dishes on the table, Soros was a little anxious.

Directly reach out and grab the dish in the bowl and you can eat it.

“Qin Mo’s old thief is also too bad, how can this make people’s families eat vegetables?”

“That’s right, people who have used knives and forks all their lives, how can they learn to use chopsticks all at once?”

“Poor Soros was bullied in this small village.”


“I have a complete pair of knives and forks here, do you want it?”

Qin Mo picked up an empty plate next to him with a knife and fork in it and handed it to Soros.

“But let’s say it first, if you use these knives and forks, don’t talk about what you said before.”

“Mr. Qin, I know that you are testing me, but you underestimated my determination, I came to Huaxia this time to do great things with you, but I will not give up like this.”

Soros finally refused the knife and fork that Qin Mo handed over.

The meal was just the beginning, and Soros experienced another nightmare at night.

Because several toilets were occupied, he could only use the squat pit, but he could not squat at all.

Gradually, everyone’s curiosity about Soros and some of their worship disappeared, because they found that the world’s celebrities seemed to have shallow life experience, not only could not use chopsticks, but also could not pick vegetables.

The director asked him to help pick the grapes, but he directly stepped on half of it. _

Feilu reminds you: read three things – favorites, recommendations, and points

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