“Investment funds?”

“That’s right, investment funds.”

Qin Mo said: “What you have to do is to attract rich people from all over the world to join in, and follow my instructions to invest in some industries with great potential in various countries.” ”

Soros’s eyes lit up.

Qin Mo’s talent for investment is well known.

Whether it is DJI Group or ByteDance and other enterprises, they have brought rich returns to Qin Mo.

Someone roughly estimated that every investment Qin Mo made, the return was more than a hundred times.

If I cooperated with him to establish an investment fund, I would definitely be able to develop this fund into the world’s most capitalized and influential investment fund in the shortest possible time.

And when the time comes, as one of the partners, his influence will immediately rise a few notches, and when he meets some royal nobles, he doesn’t need to feel inferior like now.

“Well, how’s it going? Interested? Compared to your grand plan, my plan is much safer. ”

In Qin Mo’s opinion, making a fortune in a muffled voice is king.

Although Soros’s plan is not a fantasy, it is too arrogant and easy to cause hostility around the world.

And his plan is much safer, and it will not cause too much disgust from others.

“Of course interested.”

Isn’t the reason why Soros wants to set off a new round of financial storms for fame and status?

It would be great if there were a more peaceful way to realize that aspiration.

“Then you will come up with some charters in the next two days, and then I will advise you on what to do next.”

“Thank you President Qin, I’ll go and prepare.”

Soros didn’t want to stop, so he went straight back to the mushroom house, entered his room and got busy.

“What did you just say to him that made her so excited?”

Lin Yuner, who came over with a plate of fruit, recalled the excited look on the other party’s face when he met Soros, and he was a little curious.

“I gave him a brand new job and of course he was happy.”

“The devil believes in you.”

Lin Yuner handed the fruit plate in his hand to Qin Mo.

“Thank you for the gift, I love it.”

“What gift?”

Qin Mo listened a little inexplicably, and it took a while to understand: “I’m sorry, I’m a little busy these days and don’t have time to accompany you to go shopping, I’ll take you and Yang Ying to Menghan Town for a stroll in a while.” ”

“You don’t know?”

Lin Yuner saw that Qin Mo was not joking, and immediately said: “Wasn’t the entertainment company I was in the beginning given to me by you?” ”

“No, I don’t know.

Qin Mo put down the watermelon in his hand and asked, “When?”

“Just today, they have sent the transfer over.”

Lin Yun saw that there was something wrong with the matter, and directly handed the transfer document hidden behind him to Qin Mo.

“I thought you bought our company to give me a punch.”

Qin Mo did not answer Lin Yuner, but carefully flipped through the documents.

In the end, he found out that the document was real and did not contain any falsehoods.

“It’s a lot of money.”

Qin Mo knew very well how much influence the M Division had in the Stick Country.

It can be said that M’s signed artists cover almost one-third of the artists in the country of sticks, and the market value of the entire company is nearly 10 billion Chinese dollars.

But such a company was sent here.

After reading it for a while, Qin Mo handed the document to Lin Yuner: “Since it is for you, then you can accept it.” ”

“Do you know who sent it?”

“No matter who sent him, it is yours in your hands, and I will help you solve something.”

Others must have asked for something else when they send things in such an unclear way, but Qin Mo doesn’t care either.

Besides, he gave Yang Mi so many gifts, but Lin Yuner and Yang Ying had nothing, so he gave this M Division a gift to Lin Yun.

“Thank you, husband.”

Lin Yuner took the document and kissed Qin Mo.


“A company with a market value of nearly 10 billion yuan was actually sent out like this, Xiao Qin, you are really proud and inhumane.”

Wang Zhengyu took He Ji and a few people to this side together, this time they rarely did not bring a camera team.

“You guys are finally back, but you’re too busy these days.”

“Then there is no way, the movie has already been released, if we don’t work hard to promote it, what if word of mouth hits the street?”

“How was the response to the movie?”

Although Qin Mo participated in the entire production of this movie, he didn’t care much after the movie was released, so he didn’t know what happened to this movie at all.

“Word of mouth is bursting.”

Wang Zhengyu said with excitement on his face: “As of today, the overseas box office has exceeded seven billion, if it weren’t for Xiao Qin, you let this movie be released for free in China, and now the box office will definitely exceed 10 billion.” ”

Qin Mo’s shooting of this movie itself did not have any profit purpose, and it was originally to be broadcast for free worldwide, but those overseas cinemas must insist on charging before they are willing to let the film go online.

So the result is that it can be watched for free in China, but it is charged overseas.

“Not only that.”

He Yu ran to Qin Mo and said with excitement on his face: “Qin Mo, you may not know, I have completely got rid of the title of box office poison, and Lao Wang and I have been nominated for this year’s best actor and best director respectively.” ”

For some famous artists, just one nomination does not mean much, but for He Yu, it is a great improvement.

You must know that over the years, as long as he has played a little more in the movie, the movie has either hit the street at the box office or has a bad reputation, but this time the movie is a double harvest of box office and word of mouth, which completely freed him from the title of box office poison.

“We regret it now, we actually helped you star in this movie with zero pay.”

“What did you call helping me star in this movie?”

Qin Mo was speechless, “Didn’t you get the fame you wanted?” ”

“It’s not okay, you have to pay us a little.”

“Then I’ll give half of the box office revenue to your head office, right?”

Hearing Qin Mo’s conditions, He Yu refused without thinking.

“We don’t want money.”

“So what do you want?”

“You’re going to join us in filming the next show.”

He Yu’s proposal was supported by Wang Zhengyu and several people.

“Yes, yes, you must participate in the filming of the next show with us.”

After such a long time, Wang Zhengyu has become very clear that Qin Mo is the soul of their show, and if the show wants to continue to develop and grow, it must have Qin Mo.

Feilu reminds you: read three things – favorites, recommendations, and points

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