“Our ship didn’t know how it disappeared.”

“Miss Du, your excuse is too bad, right? This time, you led the team, if you are not there, how can Zhao Xin and them leave? ”

Qin Mo thought for a moment and said, “This won’t be an excuse you deliberately made if you want to stay, right?” ”

“Of course not, I can’t do that kind of thing.”

Hearing Du Hua’s words, Qin Mo shook his head: “You are really not real, you said that if you admit it, I may agree to let you stay, but your refusal like this makes me feel that you are too hypocritical, you better leave, I won’t stay.” ”


Du Hua was almost not blown up.

If this was really her plan, she didn’t feel anything when Qin Mo said two words, but the point was that she didn’t know anything.

The taste of being wronged for no reason is uncomfortable.

“I really don’t know, I’ll prove it to you.”

Du Hua quickly called Zhao Xin.

Cui Min, who had been listening to the conversation between the two next to him, almost didn’t laugh crazy.

Qin Mo was afraid that Cui Min, the little girl, would sabotage his plan, so he quickly reached out and covered her.

“Stop laughing, you’ll have crow’s feet.”

Cui Min kept fluttering, but he could not break free from Qin Mo.

Cui Min glanced at it and turned sideways to wait for the phone to be connected.

After almost a minute, Zhao Xin slowly answered the phone.

“Hey, Sister Du, what’s the matter?”

Hearing Zhao Xin’s voice, Du Hua directly broke his mouth and cursed: “Where did you die?” What about ships? ”

Zhao Xin was inexplicable for a while: “Sister Du, didn’t you let us go first?” ”

“When did I tell you? Which ear did you hear? ”

“No, no, it’s President Qin, President Qin told me that you are not ready to leave today, let’s go first.”

Du Hua turned to look, but found that Qin Mo had already taken Cui Min’s hand and ran towards the villa.

Without the person who was angry, she had to take her anger out on Zhao Xin’s body.

“Does he pay you or do I pay you? Why do you listen to him like that? ”

“Haven’t you already established a relationship? You shouldn’t have to separate each other, right? Zhao Xin said carefully.

“What determines the relationship? Who am I related to? ”

Zhao Xin also felt that something was wrong at this time, and directly told the truth: “President Qin said that you and her have already confirmed the relationship, and they rested together yesterday night, and he also said…”

“What else did he say? Don’t swallow. ”

“He also said that the reason why you couldn’t get up this morning was because you were too tired yesterday night.”

Hearing Zhao Xin’s emphasis on the word fatigue, Du Hua directly exploded.

If Qin Mo was by her side at this time, she would definitely unload the other party.

“This bastard actually made mine”

After cursing a few words secretly, Du Hua said to Zhao Xin.

“I don’t care about this for the time being, and quickly drive the ship back.”

“Sister Du, we can’t go back now.”

“What’s wrong again?”

“We have enough fuel on the ship to go back and forth, and if we go back now, we won’t be able to come back, so we can only wait until next week to pick you up.”

“Okay, you guys really can.”

Du Hua hung up the phone directly.

“Sister Du, what now?” Chen Songlian asked.

“What else can I do? Of course, he went to Qin Mo, that bastard, to settle the account. ”

“Sister Du, do you want to think about it again?”

Chen Songlian reminded: “In the next week, we will have to continue to live on the island, if we have a stalemate relationship with Qin Mo…”

“So what? Big deal, we’ll swim back by ourselves when the time comes. ”

Having said that, Du Hua’s tone softened.

Although Qin Mo was not lightly angry, what Chen Songlian said was also a real problem.

She ran to quarrel with Qin Mo at this time, although she was relieved, but what should they do in the next week?

“This bastard, he had premeditated.”

Du Hua gritted his teeth and said, “How can there be such a careful man, we just smeared a little dust on him.” Is that how he wants to take revenge on us? Besides, he didn’t take advantage of us. ”

“Sister Du, let’s go back and discuss it first, and then go to find President Qin.”

Chen Songlian thought for a while and said, “President Qin doesn’t seem like a bad person, he will definitely not let us sleep on the streets.” ”

“I’m not going, I see now that he just wants to scratch his face, and doesn’t want to talk to him about anything, let alone go to the lower three and four to beg him to provide us with a place to live.”

Seeing that Du Hua did not dare to go to Qin Mo, Chen Songlian had to stand up.

“Then I’ll go with Wu Xi.”

“Okay, let’s go together.”


On cruise ships.

Zhao Xin hung up the phone, and the crew next to him asked: “Captain, there is still enough fuel on our ship to go back and forth, why do you say that there is none?” ”

“You’re stupid.”

Zhao Xin knocked on his head and said, “Don’t you see that President Qin doesn’t want Sister Du to go?” If you offend Sister Du, you will be scolded at most, but if you offend President Qin, it will not be so simple.

Besides, don’t you want Sister Du and President Qin to be together?” ”

“Of course, I want to think that a woman as good as Sister Du will be worthy of President Qin.”

“Isn’t that enough?”

Zhao Xin turned the compass and said: “You don’t have to worry about Sister Du being unhappy, I don’t know how many people I have seen in so many years, I can see at a glance who is that President Qin is definitely a person who will hurt his wife, and Sister Du following him can be regarded as a blessing.” ”

“By the way, you go and inform the others, the mobile phone will be turned on twenty-four hours a day, if Sister Du and they really want to leave, we will go back and pick it up immediately.”

Although Zhao Xin intends to match Qin Mo and Du Hua, he will definitely not go against Du Hua’s wishes.

“I see.”


After Du Hua sat on the beach for more than half an hour, Chen Songlian and Wu Xi finally returned.

“Sister Du, President Qin invited us to breakfast.”

Du Hua broke free from Chen Songlian’s outstretched hand: “I’m not going, I’m full of anger, and I’m not in the mood to eat.” ”

“Sister Du, don’t be angry, President Qin said that he would apologize to you.”

“Apologize to me, do you think it’s possible? His kind of person would never apologize to others. ”

Seeing that Du Hua did not believe it, Chen Songlian quickly signaled Wu Xi on the side to persuade.

“Sister Du, this is true, President Qin said that he would apologize to you in person.”

“Yes, President Qin is very sincere this time, and today’s breakfast is all cooked by him himself.”

Although Du Hua knew that Wu Xi and the two were lying, her hungry grumbling stomach still made her choose not to expose the two.

“Okay, I’ll go over and accept his apology.” But first of all, if I am not satisfied, I will not eat his things. ”

“Got it, Sister Du, let’s go.”

Chen Songlian greeted the other sisters and then pulled Du Hua towards the villa. _

Feilu reminds you: read three things – favorites, recommendations, and points

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